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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 07 - Mardin.
//Version 1.3
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Barnaky's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

General Barnaky[]


Welcome, warrior .\n\n

We now know that the Beastlords' lair lies within an underground labyrinth in the region of Mardin. The cannibals have delayed our expansion long enough. Your primary objective is to crush these abominations so the Brotherhood can move on.\n\n
Our scribes believe that they have found something that might help your mission. They think that the Beastlords are somehow controlling the monsters in the raiding parties. It is believed that control over the creatures is achieved through some form of symbiosis, or possibly even telepathic suggestion. What doesn't add up is how they can control intelligent Deathclaws, since the scribes' studies insist that only creatures of base intelligence would succumb to the controlling force.\n\n
This leads up to your secondary objective. If we can learn to control these Deathclaws and use them to further the cause of the Brotherhood, we could very well expand our region of influence all the way to the west coast. It is a chance, but not such a great chance that you should jeopardize your first objective.\n\n
Depart as soon as you assemble your squad.\n\n


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: Start of debrief that will be present in all situations
// Tone/Mood: First paragraph proud. Second paragraph is normal
Excellent work, warrior.\n\n

The Beastlords have been eliminated and the monsters are no longer under their control. News of our victory has already reached the surrounding towns. The Brotherhood's reputation alone will now have new recruits flocking to our front door.\n\n
Our scribes were correct on the Beastlords' relationship with their animal lackeys. The Beastlords inherent telepathic suggestion is a unique ability. It is acquired through prolonged exposure to an unknown radiation present within Mardin's underground caves.\n\n
Unfortunately, we will not be able to duplicate this feat. The scribes explained that this unique mutation only manifests in humans that have been exposed for at least twenty years. But, it is of little matter, since science and discipline will always be victorious over ungodly mutation.

// Situation B01: Mission complete with Deathclaw Mother alive and spoken to. ed, check this if it's going to work if the mom is kept in the cage or something like that.
// Tone/Mood: Bewildered, disgruntled

These are strange times, warrior. The Deathclaw Matriarch spoke to our Elders today. It seems that her gratitude is genuine and that she is allowing some of her spawn to remain behind when her brood moves on.\n\n
These Deathclaw young are to be treated as honorary initiates to the Order. Plans are already underway to create a special unit to help assimilate these unusual recruits into our ranks.\n\n
Personally, I have my misgivings towards these dangerous creatures. I do not believe they should be allowed to fight beside our Paladins. However, the Elders insist on this.\n\n

Between you and me, Brother, sometimes I wonder if the old Elders were right.\n\n

// Situation B02: Beastlord Leader is dead. Deathclaw Mother was not released/spoken to //or was killed.
// Tone/Mood: Proud and impressed.

You've done well to neutralize the DeathClaw Matriarch. Its intelligence and its ferocity make it a fearsome foe that even our weapons would be hard pressed to stop in a confrontation. You cannot believe what such a creature promises, for its interest and loyalties go only as far as propagating its own filthy, mutated race.\n\n

In my heart, I feel that you made the right decision. You have done well, Brother.\n\n

You are dismissed.

// Mini-map Information

M07_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point. As soon as the insertion begins, you are to find cover and avoid any roving patrols.

M07_MiniMap_02 = {
EchoBoy surveillance confirms that this is the main entrance to the underground complex.

M07_MiniMap_03 = {
Our scouts warn that this area has been heavily patrolled. Expect to find resistance.

M07_MiniMap_04 = {
There is a breach in the underground structure here. Our scouts have noted very little enemy activity in this area.

M07_MiniMap_05 = {
The remains of a pre-war cemetery. There is the possibility of underground access.

M07_Minimap_06 = {
This will be your insertion point. Once the Beastlord leader is dead, return here for extraction.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M07_OBJ_01 = { Eliminate the Beastlord Emperor. }
M07_OBJ_02 = { Identify the source of Deathclaw control. }

M07_FAILUREA = {You have perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. The Brotherhood must prevail without you.}

M07_SUCCESSA = {With the death of the Beastlord leader, all that remains is to find the source of his control over the Deathclaws.}
M07_SUCCESSB = {With the death of the Beastlord leader and the discovery of the Beastlords' control of the Deathclaws, your squad has finished its objectives. Return to your dropoff point for evac.}
M07_SUCCESSC = {You have discovered the hold the Beastlords have on the Deathclaws. Now, eliminate the Beastlord leader.}



// Name: Dar.
// Role: Beastlord Emperor.
// Background: Dar is the oldest and strongest surviving member of the original
// mutated strain of humans. He has the greatest influence on the ability of
// his fellow Beastlords to control their creatures.
// Dar is large, sweaty man in his early forties. He speaks with a hissing
// lisp that seems to follow those of his clan. Generations of in-breeding have
// made this man almost completely insane.
// Dar gibbers to himself, talks to imaginary advisors, and leaves tooth-marks
// on the furniture. His tactics seem to be 'divinely' inspired with an equal
// chance to hit or miss.

name_CORE_m07_Dar = { Dar }

// Situation A00: When Dar sees the player, he will jump up and say his opening
// line.
M07_Dar_A00_W = {

Hsss! Ssso, the Brotherhood of Sssteel comesss to destroy usss. We are the
animal ssspiritsss of thisss land. You will feed my petsss, yesss?\n\n

Kill them my beasssstsssss. Kill them, so I can bathe in their blood. This is how I ssssteal your power. Ssssteal your thoughtsssss.


// Situation A01: If Dar sees the Matriarch approach. He will start to panic.
// He only says this if the players are close enough to hear it.
M07_Dar_A01_W = {
Hsst! What trickery is thisss? No! It cannot be! You foolsss! She cannot be trusssted! You have doomed usss all!

// Situation B: During the battle, Dar distinguishes himself with his custom
// taunts.
// Note: Not sure how the script editor can handle this without manually having
// triggers for Dar.
M07_Dar_B00 = { Thisss ssshould be fun, yesss? }
M07_Dar_B01 = { We will feassst tonight. }
M07_Dar_B02 = { Iss thisss the bessst you can do? }
M07_Dar_B03 = { Ssssuffer! }
M07_Dar_B04 = { I'll ssswallow your sssouls! }

// Situation C: During the battle, if the Deathclaw Matriarch is in the battle,
// Dar expresses some serious doubts on the outcome.
// Note: Not sure how the script editor can handle this without manually having
// triggers for Dar.
M07_Dar_C00 = { Pleassse ssstop! I'm ssso sssorry! }
M07_Dar_C01 = { We are all dead. }
M07_Dar_C02 = { Ssshe will kill usss all! }
M07_Dar_C03 = { We are lossst! }
M07_Dar_C04 = { Ssstop, I sssurender! }




// Name: Mother.
// Role: Matriarch of the intelligent Deathclaws
// Background: Her real name is difficult to pronounce, so we'll call her
// Mother instead. Mother looks like an extra large Deathclaw. She is much
// stronger, tougher, and deadlier than the average adult Deathclaw. She has
// a deep, booming voice.
// Mother's motivation is her broodlings. She is forced to render control of
// her brood to that of Dar. She resents this, but she has no choice in the
// matter. Dar would kill her and her broodlings if she disobeyed him. As long
// as she is trapped in the cage, Dar is safe. If she were allowed out though,
// Dar would be deader than an iguanna on a stick.

name_CORE_m07_mother = { Matriarch }

// Situation A00: Initial meeting with Mother. If any of the squad members
// get close enough to the cage, she will initiate a conversation. She will
// explain her situation and ask to be freed.
M07_Mother_A00_W = {

Have you come to kill me? Sssurly you wissssh to kill the ssssource of the DeathClaw infesssstation? Kill me and allow my young a chancsse at freedom. I cannot live another day knowing I am the very collar that holdsss my children in bondage.\n\n

You hesitate. Maybe there is another anssswer.\n\n

Maybe you can ssset me free and allow a mother's vengeancsse. Free me and I will bathe in their leader's blood and feast on his hot, quivering flesh.\n\n


// Situation A01: If the player frees Mother, she speaks to them again.
// After she says these lines, all the Deathclaws in the mission turn friendly
// towards the player's squad and hostile towards the Beastlords.
M07_Mother_A01_W = {
Hsst! At lassst, I am free!\n\n

At lassst!\n\n

My children! You are ssslaves no more!\n\n

Dar! I will sssuck the marrow from your bonesss.

// Situation B: Mother has some random lines that she says before she is freed.
M07_Mother_B00 = { You are not one of my captorsss. }
M07_Mother_B01 = { Do not fear me human. }
M07_Mother_B02 = { My pupsss sssuffer. }
M07_Mother_B03 = { I mussst be free! }
M07_Mother_B04 = { Ssss ... who are you? }
M07_Mother_B05 = { Come clossser. Clossser. }
// Situation C01: After the Dar is killed, if Mother is nearby, she will
// say the following lines to the player. This can also be activated by initiating speech with her. She says her thanks in her own
// special way.
M07_Mother_C01_W = {
You fight as if you were from my own brood, warrior. Hsst!\n\n

My children are now free due to your ssselflessss act.

Thank you for your trussst. I have much to think about. I would ssspeak with your leadersss, after I have gathered my brood around me.\n\n

// Situation D: After Dar is killed, Mother changes her random lines.
M07_Mother_D00 = { Nothing iss asss ssstrong ass a mothersss love for her childern. }
M07_Mother_D01 = { Who wantss to sssuck a nipple firsst? }
M07_Mother_D02 = { I want nothing more but to hug my pupss!}
M07_Mother_D03 = { Yesss my pupss. I love you too. }
M07_Mother_D04 = { You sssee? Sssome humansss are friendss. }
M07_Mother_D05 = { We owe the Brotherhood now, my pupss. }



// Beastlords:
// The Beastlords are encountered in different situations or places. They are
// sorted by placement, each with separate situations.

name_CORE_m07_Beastlord = { Beastlord }

// Situation A: Before seeing player's forces.
// Wasp Patrols:
M07_Beastlord01_A00 = { We ssseek intrudersss.}
M07_Beastlord01_A01 = { Ghoulsss taste like assss!}
M07_Beastlord01_A02 = { Sssentry duty sssuckss.}

M07_Beastlord02_A00 = { Do you sssmell sssomething?}
M07_Beastlord02_A01 = { We must expect trouble from Brotherhood of Sssteel.}
M07_Beastlord02_A02 = { We losst our hold over Quincssy.}

// Sleeping Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord03_A00 = { *whine*}
M07_Beastlord03_A01 = { *murmur*}
M07_Beastlord03_A02 = { Zzz ... Zzz ... }

M07_Beastlord04_A00 = { Zzzzz ... }
M07_Beastlord04_A01 = { *cough* }
M07_Beastlord04_A02 = { Zzz ... *snort*}
//Dan - I think we need some more alternatives here
// Deathclaw Watchers:
M07_Beastlord05_A00 = { Thiss one will make a fine pet. }
M07_Beastlord05_A01 = { Look at the sssize of thiss oness pawss! }
M07_Beastlord05_A02 = {Bah! Thisss one'sss covered in pisss! }

M07_Beastlord06_A00 = { Thiss one hungerss for more flesh. }
M07_Beastlord06_A01 = { I'll call thiss one...Fenriss. }
M07_Beastlord06_A02 = {My baby'sss hungry!}

// Cemetery Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord07_A00 = { Sssmellss like death! }
M07_Beastlord07_A01 = { Do you sssee sssomething? }
M07_Beastlord07_A02 = { Ahh.. the dead walk still.}

M07_Beastlord08_A00 = { Can I smell your assss? }
M07_Beastlord08_A01 = { Who'sss there? }
M07_Beastlord08_A02 = { Hmm. dead place good.}

// Outer Patrols:
M07_Beastlord09_A00 = { Grrr!}
M07_Beastlord09_A01 = { Ssee sssomething?}
M07_Beastlord09_A02 = { Hmm, are you in heat?}

M07_Beastlord10_A00 = { Let'ss get sssome food.}
M07_Beastlord10_A01 = { Can I sssmell your asss?}
M07_Beastlord10_A02 = { You can smell my asss.}

// Miscellaneous Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord11_A00 = { We lossst in Quincssy.}
M07_Beastlord11_A01 = { Dar fearss the Deathclaw Matriarch.}
M07_Beastlord11_A02 = { Matriarch very big.}

M07_Beastlord12_A00 = { We must ssstrike! }
M07_Beastlord12_A01 = { We need more prisssonerss!}
M07_Beastlord12_A02 = { Pets need more food.}


// Situation B: Random text upon sighting the player's forces.

Wasp patrols[]


// Wasp Patrols:
//Dan - these are numbed incorrectly and I've added an extra alternative line
M07_Beastlord01_B00 = { Intrudersss! }
M07_Beastlord01_B01 = { I sssee them! }
M07_Beastlord01_B02 = { Kill}

// Sleeping Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord02_B00 = { Huh? }
M07_Beastlord02_B01 = { Intruderss? }
M07_Beastlord02_B02 = { Where they come?}

// Deathclaw Watchers:
M07_Beastlord03_B00 = { Get them, my sslavess!}
M07_Beastlord03B01 = { Kill them, my petsss! }
M07_Beastlord03_B02 = { Here'sss Sssupper!}

// Cemetery Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord04_B00 = { Hsst! Intrudersss! }
M07_Beastlord04_B01 = { Ssstop them. }
M07_Beastlord04_B02 = { Break them!}

// Outer Patrols:
M07_Beastlord05_B00 = { There'sss one! }
M07_Beastlord05_B01 = { Grrrr! }
M07_Beastlord05_B02 = { Over there!}

// Miscellaneous Beastlords:
M07_Beastlord06_B00 = { Enemies! }
M07_Beastlord06_B01 = { Hsss! }
M07_Beastlord06_B02 = { Attack!}

name_CORE_m07_Prisoner = { Prisoner }


Prisoners of the Beastlords[]


// Prisoners of the Beastlords:
// These are very desperate prisoners as the fate of all such prisoners is to
// be eaten alive. Talking about eating prisoners, they come in six different
// flavors, all in floating text.

// Situation A: Before they have been rescued, they have pleaded randomly for
// help. That is, before the player talks to them.
M07_Prisoner01_A00 = { Oh my god, oh my god. }
M07_Prisoner01_A01 = { Set us free! Please! }
M07_Prisoner01_A02 = { They'll eat us!}

M07_Prisoner02_A00 = { Please, help me. }
M07_Prisoner02_A01 = { Can anyone help me? }
M07_Prisoner02_A02 = {Oh god, help us!}

M07_Prisoner03_A00 = { I want to go home! *sob* }
M07_Prisoner03_A01 = { You!! Please help us! }
M07_Prisoner03_A02 = { Please don't go!}

M07_Prisoner04_A00 = { I don't want to end out as Deathclaw crap!}
M07_Prisoner04_A01 = { Free us!}
M07_Prisoner04_A02 = {These Bastards use us as food!}

M07_Prisoner05_A00 = { Help! }
M07_Prisoner05_A01 = { Please help! }
M07_Prisoner05_A02 = {I beg you!}

M07_Prisoner06_A00 = { Oh my god! I'm so scared!}
M07_Prisoner06_A01 = { They fed my wife to a Deathclaw!}
M07_Prisoner06_A02 = { My wife! Gone!}


// Situation B: Once the player talks to them, consider them rescued. They will
// say a random line each time the player speaks with them. Alternately, this
// could be triggered upon opening the doors to their cells.
M07_Prisoner01_B00 = { Oh, thank the gods. }
M07_Prisoner01_B01 = { Thank you so much. }
M07_Prisoner01_B02 = { You won't regret this.}

M07_Prisoner02_B00 = { We're saved! }
M07_Prisoner02_B01 = { That was so fucked up! }
M07_Prisoner02_B02 = { I need a drink!}

M07_Prisoner03_B00 = { There is a Deathclaw queen down there. }
M07_Prisoner03_B01 = { From now on...I'm a vegetarian. }
M07_Prisoner03_B02 = { The Matriarch is one HUGE Deathclaw! }

M07_Prisoner04_B00 = { I heard the Emperor mention some queen mother. }
M07_Prisoner04_B01 = { The Emperor is afraid of her. }
M07_Prisoner04_B02 = { The Emperor is one twisted bastard.}

M07_Prisoner05_B00 = { Get me the fuck out of here! }
M07_Prisoner05_B01 = { What a nightmare! }
M07_Prisoner05_B02 = { I need a shower.}

M07_Prisoner06_B00 = { I'm not going to be eaten? }
M07_Prisoner06_B01 = { You're not here to eat me? }
M07_Prisoner06_B02 = { Are you our friends?}

// Situation c: Once the player talks to them, consider them rescued. The
// following are their new random lines.
//Use the lines from situation B. There is no reason to be so repetitive with minor dialogue. DL

