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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 03 - Rock Falls.
//Version 1.7
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Barnaky's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

General Barnaky[]


At ease, warrior.\n\n

It's time to test your abilities, Initiate. We have reports of a large gathering of bandits in one of their main camps. This gives us an opportunity to cripple future activities without having to hunt them down. We will no longer tolerate their presence in our region.\n\n

We have received further intelligence that the camp possesses some kind of device acquired from the new menace. Our scribes would very much like the opportunity to study this device and see what they can piece together.\n\n

Your objective is two fold on this mission. Your first objective is to retrieve the device. Your second objective is to eliminate all trace of bandits in the region.\n\n

It is time the inhabitants of the wasteland learn that there is only one power in this region. The taking of raider prisoners is not authorized. Do you understand Initiate? I want their bones bleaching in the Wasteland sun.\n\n

Failure is not an option.\n\n

// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A: Raiders are all eliminated. Bulk of debrief that will be present in every debrief scenario.
// Tone/Mood: Jubilant, triumphant.

Congratulations, warrior.\n\n

You have made history today. The raider leaders have been eliminated and their forces smashed. You will be interested to know that all the raider bodies will be displayed in proper crucifixion, throughout the region to discourage those that would follow the same path.\n\n

Their base will make an ideal outpost for the Brotherhood since most of their resources are intact. A great victory...but keep a level head. There is a saying in the Brotherhood, "There is always another enemy."


// Situation B: Raiders are all eliminated. Device has been retrieved.
// Tone/Mood: Jubilant.


The mechanical device you retrieved is a curious one. Our scribes believe it to be a replacement for a human who has lost his natural arm. What stands out the most is that it seems to be recently manufactured and not even the Brotherhood can craft technology in that advanced fashion.\n\n

But, in time, we will learn its secrets and use that knowledge to further the cause of the Brotherhood.

// Situation C: Dyson the scribe is rescued and makes it off the map alive.
// Tone/Mood: Jubilant.


Freeing the captured scribe was a wise decision. His knowledge of the device will be useful. He seems in good health and is recovering from captivity quickly. He will go through initiate training immediately. Keep this up and, one day, you may be assigned to Dagger Squad.

// Situation C: Dyson the scribe is NOT rescued.
// Tone/Mood: Jubilant.


A pity the captured scribe could not be returned with the device. Who knows what knowledge he uncovered during his indentured service? I want you to consider all the results of your actions.

// Situation D: If Dyson was never spoken to. Also, this will end the debrief regardless.



// Mini-map Information

M03_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point. Take cover positions upon reaching the rendezvous point. The remains of the old city should provide you with some initial cover.

M03_MiniMap_02 = {
This makeshift building houses the captain of the Raiders. Expect plenty of well-armed resistance.

M03_MiniMap_03 = {
The main gates to the compound are located here. They are heavily guarded; a frontal assault is not recommended.

M03_MiniMap_04 = {
An old fuel depot still stands here.

M03_MiniMap_05 = {
A recent assault left the fence here in poor condition. It may provide another entry point provided you can find a way through.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M03_OBJ_01 = { Eliminate all Raider Leaders. }
M03_OBJ_02 = { Retrieve the device. }
M03_OBJ_03 = { Escort the scientist to safety. }


M01_FAILUREA = { Blood gushes from every orifice as you realize you are going to die a virgin.}


M03_SUCCESSA = {The four raider leaders are dead, but you require the artifact to complete your objectives.}
M03_SUCCESSB = {This mechanical arm must surely be the artifact that the Elders spoke of. You must now destroy the Raiders to complete your objectives.}
M03_SUCCESSC = {With the mechanical arm in your possession and the Raiders dead, your objectives are complete.\n\nProceed to the exit grid to leave this mission.}




// Name: Dyson Miles.
// Role: Prisoner.
// Background: Dyson is a scientist who was captured by the Raiders. They
// planned to use him to study the robot device.

// Situation A00: Dyson will talk to the player if spoken to. He will explain
// his situation and thank the player for freeing him. He explains that he
// will patiently wait the signal to run for safety.
M03_Dyson_A00_W = {

Are you from the Brotherhood of Steel? Thank goodness you're here! My name's Diesoon. I was on the way to your base to offer my services when I was apprehended. Once I told them I was a scribe, I was separated from the others and brought here to study this device. I have no idea where they stole it from, but its construction is like nothing I have ever seen.\n\n

Listen, you can have the artifact if you like. Just get me out of this awful place.\n\n

So, it's a deal? Excellent. Talk to me again to signal when it's safe for me to make a run for it. I'll meet you back at your base.\n\n

// Situation A01: Talking to Dyson again will trigger his run to safety.
M03_Dyson_A01 = { Right. I'm going. We'll meet back at the base. Wish me luck! }

// Situation B: These are the random lines Dyson says before he speaks with
// the player. He is being held in a makeshift office, and he is making notes
// on the robotic arm.
M03_Dyson_B00 = { Hmmm ... how fascinating. }
M03_Dyson_B01 = { Flux Capacitor? Hmmm. That would require a large power source.}
M03_Dyson_B02 = { I'm sure it's got a neural network processor somewhere. }
M03_Dyson_B03 = { Ah. I understand how this bit works now. }
M03_Dyson_B04 = { It must be some sort of advanced prosthetic arm. }
M03_Dyson_B05 = { Hmmm ... }

// Situation C: These are the random lines Dyson says after he speaks with
// the player. He will be awaiting the signal.
M03_Dyson_C00 = { Hmmm ... }
M03_Dyson_C01 = { Don't forget, say the word, and I'm off. }
M03_Dyson_C02 = { Let me know when the coast is clear. }
M03_Dyson_C03 = { Thank goodness for the Brotherhood. }
M03_Dyson_C04 = { I think I've contracted dysentery. }
M03_Dyson_C05 = { I hope the Brotherhood will let me join. }

Jesse Gomer[]


// Name: Jesse Gomer.
// Role: Captain of the Raiders.
// Background: Jesse is a tall, blond man in his late forties. His men call
// him 'Uncle Jesse' although not to his face. Jesse is the chief
// coordinator of the Raider army.
// Jesse's major concern isn't the Brotherhood. He is making plans for the
// Raider army against the robots from the west. He knows they will be heading
// this way soon. His dying speech voices his frustration - to be killed by
// the Brotherhood while distracted by the greater threat.

// Situation A: Before sighting the player, Jesse walks around inside his
// 'command centre' making plans.
M03_Jesse_A00 = { Are those shitheads we call scouts back yet? }
M03_Jesse_A01 = { I need to know what the Brotherhood is up to. }
M03_Jesse_A02 = { Good. Damn good work. }
M03_Jesse_A03 = { Send word from them to fall back. }
M03_Jesse_A04 = { Move your squads here, here and here. }
M03_Jesse_A05 = { We need more medical supplies, damn it! }

// Situation B: If the fuel dump is destroyed, Jesse's random lines before he
// sights the player will change.
M03_Jesse_B00 = { By my father's hairy balls, what the fuck was that? }
M03_Jesse_B01 = { Double the security. NOW! }
M03_Jesse_B02 = { Move more men to the front wall. }
M03_Jesse_B03 = { Sweep the base for intruders. }
M03_Jesse_B04 = { This smells of Brotherhood nazis. }
M03_Jesse_B05 = { I want everyone on the alert! }

// Situation C00: If Jesse sees the player, he will switch to combat taunts,
// but not before he acknowledges their presence. This line of text is
// spoken as soon as Jesse is aware of the player.
M03_Jesse_C00_W = {
You're either real smart or real stupid for coming into my neck of the woods, cocksucker. Nobody, not even the Brotherhood, raids my camp! Get 'em boys and try to save one buck for my sweet little Daisy.\n\n

Kill em quick! We gots bigger problems than this out west.

// Situation C01: If Jesse is injured horribly and near death, he will curse
// the player before he dies. Jesse is bleeding and short of breath. He is
// angry and frustrated that he has been defeated while concerned about the
// war with the robots to the west.
M03_Jesse_C01_W = {
You might have beaten old Jesse but YOU got bigger problems than me.\n\n

*Cough cough*\n\n

We'll see how your pretty little soldiers fare against those monsters. *sigh*\n\n

Daisy-May Gomer[]


// Name: Daisy-May Gomer.
// Role: Inquistor of the Camp.
// Background: Daisy-May is the niece of Jesse Gomer, and that link provides
// her with all sorts of benefits. She is a dominatrix with a penchant for
// torture.

// Situation A: Before sighting the player, Daisy-May walks around her room
// indulging in a spot of wet-work.
M03_Daisy_A00 = { My Uncle Jesse says I'm the best kisser in the whole camp.}
M03_Daisy_A01 = { I don't care if you scream my name just as long as you scream! }
M03_Daisy_A02 = { Damn! Are you pissing blood already? I'm just getting started. }
M03_Daisy_A03 = { A kick to the balls will seem like an angel's kiss after I'm done.}
M03_Daisy_A04 = { Take your pants off real slow...I said SLOW!!}


// Situation B: After sighting the player, Daisy-May is special, as she will
// have her own special set of taunts.
M03_Daisy_B00 = { I'm going to tie your sack in a knot! }
M03_Daisy_B01 = { I'll have you screaming soon enough. }
M03_Daisy_B02 = { My Uncle Jesse says I'm the best kisser in the whole camp.}
M03_Daisy_B03 = { You'll look real nice wearing a leather hood.}
M03_Daisy_B04 = { Have you Brotherhood boys been naughty? }
M03_Daisy_B05 = { Bad children must be punished. }

// Situation C: Upon sighting the player, Daisy will say.
M03_Daisy_C01_W = {
Hmmm. Some fine looking bucks in your group stranger. I might have to keep one or two of you as personal slaves. We'll see how well you ride!

Bo Duffy[]


// Name: Bo Duffy.
// Role: An exceptionally stupid Raider.
// Background: Bo was dropped on his head a few too many times when he was a
// baby. He isn't the brightest kid on the block, but he's beefy and he likes
// to kill stuff; that pretty much makes him good Raider material.

// Situation A: Before sighting the player, Bo has various random lines of
// speech that indicate that he is ... special.
M03_Bo_A00 = { Bo no like shiny monsters. }
M03_Bo_A01 = { Uh-oh. Bo filled pants with smelly mud again. }
M03_Bo_A02 = { Bo like bashing. }
M03_Bo_A03 = { Why did Uncle Jesse drop Bo on head when baby? }
M03_Bo_A04 = { *Slobber* }
M03_Bo_A05 = { Bo gud at bashing. }

// Situation B: After sighting the player, Bo has some nice choice lines as
// he attempts to bash the squad.
M03_Bo_B00 = { You can't hurt Bo! }
M03_Bo_B01 = { Bo bash you! }
M03_Bo_B02 = { You no free slaves! }
M03_Bo_B03 = { Bo want sex slave like one Daisy has. How about you? }
M03_Bo_B04 = { Bo smash Brudda-hoo gud. }
M03_Bo_B05 = { Uh-oh. Bo filled pants with smelly mud again. }

// Situation C: Upon sighting the player, Bo will say one of a few taunts to
// show that he cares.
M03_Bo_C01_W = { RRrrrrrr! You no allowed to be here. Bo stuff you down pants!}

Luke Daniels[]


// Name: Luke Daniels.
// Role: Another Raider with some smart comments of his own.
// Background: Luke is a character out of a western movie. He wants to be the
// fastest gun-slinger in the waste.

// Situation A: Before sighting the player, Luke saunters around acting like
// he's a real hero.
M03_Luke_A00 = { I'm the fastest darn gunslinger in the Waste. }
M03_Luke_A01 = { Careful Tex, don't make me teach ya a lesson. }
M03_Luke_A02 = { Ain't no law man gonna me bring me in. }
M03_Luke_A03 = { Yer talking to me? Yer talking to me? }
M03_Luke_A04 = { Haw! Sons of bitches! }
M03_Luke_A05 = { Ya think yer tough? Well, do ya? }

// Situation B: Once he sights the player, Luke will taunt and chew gum like
// the best of them.
M03_Luke_B00 = { Yoohoo! I'll make ya famous. }
M03_Luke_B01 = { You're dead law man! }
M03_Luke_B02 = { Hell, you guys are just a bunch of tribal monkeys! }
M03_Luke_B03 = { Sister or not, Daisy is one fine filly!}
M03_Luke_B04 = { You want to fight? I'll be your huckleberry! }
M03_Luke_B05 = { Bo! Help me out stupid bastard! }

// Situation C: Upon sighting the player, Luke warms to them with one of these
// lines.
M03_Luke_C00 = { Well, well, well. If it isn't the sheriff's boys ... }
M03_Luke_C01 = { Hell, looks like it's shootin time! }
M03_Luke_C02 = { This camp ain't big enough for the two of us. }



// Name: Nanuk.
// Role: A good-looking prisoner.
// Background: An unfortunate tribal prisoner who is kept as an unwilling sex
// slave for Daisy-May. Nanuk has developed a nasty rash and a burning
// sensation while he urinates. He longs for release.
// Note: I'm not sure if Nanuk should have a voice-over for his B00 speech.
// Situation A: Before being freed, Nanuk will bemoan his fate. He alludes to
// a variety of unpleasant things that Daisy-May has done to him.
M03_Nanuk_A00 = { So sore. Need rest. }
M03_Nanuk_A01 = { Nanuk cannot wear white to wedding. }
M03_Nanuk_A02 = { She do very bad things to me. }
M03_Nanuk_A03 = { I been ... *sob* I no dare say. }
M03_Nanuk_A04 = { Daisy strap on be "beu-coup." }
M03_Nanuk_A05 = { Nanuk be good now. Please, no more. Please! }

// Situation B00: If Nanuk talks to the player, it means that he is probably
// freed. He will rush out and run off once the player talks to him, paying no
// regard to his personal safety.
M03_Nanuk_B00_W = {
Ohhhh! You please free Nanuk? Daisy not nice to Nanuk's "little tribal." She do bad things. Things that hurt. Nanuk now have bad rash that smell. Please free Nanuk. I need to see medicine man soon.\n\n

I run now. Must find shaman, quick.\n\n




// Raiders:
// The Raiders are divided into their main roles in the mission. These are
// the various situations that the Raiders may be encountered in. Typically
// they have one state: Before seeing the player. After seeing the player, the
// combat AI takes over and combat taunts are used.
// All Raider lines are floating text.

// Raider Situation A: These Raiders are on patrol with their dogs. All their
// lines are floating text. These are alert Raiders.
M03_Raider_A00 = { Ssshh! What was that? }
M03_Raider_A01 = { Halt! Who's out there? }
M03_Raider_A02 = { Damn, all this dog does is shit! }
M03_Raider_A03 = { Wait, I think my bitch smells something.}
M03_Raider_A04 = { Where are they? }
M03_Raider_A05 = { We'll find them. }

// Raider Situation B: These Raiders are on guard duty. That is, they guard
// any prisoners.
M03_Raider_B00 = { I ain't never getting with Daisy, that sick bitch! }
M03_Raider_B01 = { You change out the slaves shit bucket. I did it last time!}
M03_Raider_B02 = { Ahhh ... nothing like a spot of guard duty. }
M03_Raider_B03 = { Is that slave causing trouble again? }
M03_Raider_B04 = { I used to feel bad about raiding, but not any more. }
M03_Raider_B05 = { If they double shift me on guard duty again... }

// Raider Situation C: These are comment made by general Raiders, or those on
// sentry duty.
M03_Raider_C00 = { You hear the one about the tribal slave and the rabbi? }
M03_Raider_C01 = { You hear that? }
M03_Raider_C02 = { There was the story about this milkmaid and a whip ... }
M03_Raider_C03 = { Hah. Let's hear that again. }
M03_Raider_C04 = { Slaves are like dogs. You gotta start em young and break their spirit. }
M03_Raider_C05 = { Okay, a Priest, a Hooker and a Brahmin walk into a vault ... }

// Raider Situation D: These Raiders have just discovered that the fuel tank
// has exploded.
M03_Raider_D00 = { Holy shit! What the hell??! }
M03_Raider_D01 = { What the fuck!? }
M03_Raider_D02 = { Jesse ain't gonna like this. }
M03_Raider_D03 = { We're under attack!}
M03_Raider_D04 = { If someone died in that explosion... I get their stuff! }
M03_Raider_D05 = { Shit! Who the fuck is watching the fuel dump? }

// Raider Situation E: Sleeping Raiders.
M03_Raider_E00 = { Hic. }
M03_Raider_E01 = { *Snork* Zzzz ... }
M03_Raider_E02 = { Zzzz ... }
M03_Raider_E03 = { Burp. Zzzz ... }
M03_Raider_E04 = { Zzzz ... Zzzz ... }
M03_Raider_E05 = { *sniffle* }

// Raider Situation F: Raiders see the front gate being attacked.
M03_Raider_F00 = { Oh shit! We're under attack! }
M03_Raider_F01 = { It's the fucking law! }
M03_Raider_F02 = { Intruders!! Send backup!}
M03_Raider_F03 = { They're going for the gate! }
M03_Raider_F04 = { Defend the gate! }
M03_Raider_F05 = { Cut 'em down boys! }

// Raider Situation G: Raider reinforcement to the front gate.
M03_Raider_G00 = { We're coming! }
M03_Raider_G01 = { I hope it ain't mutants again! }
M03_Raider_G02 = { How many? }
M03_Raider_G03 = { Just show me where they are. }
M03_Raider_G04 = { Let's get 'em }
M03_Raider_G05 = { They'll be trapped. }

// Raider Situation H: Raiders see the players in the compound. They'll shout
// out the alarm. These are lines that they might say.
M03_Raider_H00 = { Alarm! Alarm! Intruders! }
M03_Raider_H01 = { Raise the alarm! Intruders! }
M03_Raider_H02 = { Everyone! Attack! }
M03_Raider_H03 = { Attack! Call the guards! }
M03_Raider_H04 = { Oh shit! We got company! }
M03_Raider_H05 = { Damn, how'd they get in past the guards? }

// Raider Situation I: Raiders see the gate to the 'command center' opened.
M03_Raider_I00 = { Shit! Someone's messing with the boss. }
M03_Raider_I01 = { Uncle Jesse's gonna whoop our butts for this mess up. }
M03_Raider_I02 = { Oh fuck, Uncle Jesse's gonna hand me to Daisy-May for sure. }
M03_Raider_I03 = { Guards! Alarm! Uncle Jesse's in trouble. }
M03_Raider_I04 = { Guards! Inner gate's been breached. }
M03_Raider_I05 = { What the hell? Guards! Alarm! }




// Prisoners:
//These are prisoners in one place in the camp
// All Prisoner lines are floating text.

// Prisoner Situation A: Prisoners not free Note: Please add dead body with prisoners.

M03_Prisoner_A00 = { Don't leave us. I don't want to die like this.}
M03_Prisoner_A01 = { I want to go home.}
M03_Prisoner_A02 = { *Sob*}
M03_Prisoner_A03 = { I think they beat Doug to death. He stopped moving.}
M03_Prisoner_A04 = { I don't want to be a slave!}
M03_Prisoner_A05 = { Where did they take my children?}


// Prisoner Situation B: Prisoners free

M03_Prisoner_B00 = { I'm getting the fuck out of here!}
M03_Prisoner_B01 = { Thank you sir!}
M03_Prisoner_B02 = { Let's go home.}
M03_Prisoner_B03 = { If we see any raiders....}
M03_Prisoner_B04 = { Did you see my wife anywhere? }
M03_Prisoner_B05 = { I'd rather die than stay here!}

// ADDED 30.12.00 by Ed

// Mission Specific Tags

name_m03_Cell01Key = { A Key }
desc_m03_Cell01Key = { The key to the prisoner's cell }

name_m03_Cell02Key = { Prison Key }
desc_m03_Cell02Key = { The key to the Scientist's cell }

name_m03_LeaderKey = { Gate Key }
desc_m03_LeaderKey = { The key to the Gate Switch room }

name_mis03RobotArm = { Mechanical Arm }

desc_mis03RobotArm = { Some kind of mechanical artifact }
