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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for the ghoul manager in the Necropolis motel.


{100}{}{You see the ghoul manager.}
{101}{}{Whatta you doing here?}
{102}{}{Searching for the remains of the future past.}
{103}{}{I'm an explorer.}
{104}{}{What's it to you, wormface?.}
{106}{}{Whad you say?}
{108}{}{I'm looking for lost technology.}
{109}{}{That's what I thought you say. Getta outta my house.}
{110}{}{Oh nonna dat around here. Maybe uppa da temple or atta water place. Getta going.}
{111}{}{Ack! Donna you be exploring any my stuff. Getta out! I mean it.}
{112}{}{Donna be in my face, likka dat. I runna dis show.}
{113}{}{Oh, yeah.}
{114}{}{I'm gonna takea thata face of yours and shove it upa yer . . .}
{115}{}{Ack! OK, I concede. I leave.}
{116}{}{You no biggie to order me like dat. Take some of dis and shove it!}
{117}{}{I don wanna talk to you.}
{118}{}{What are you?}
{119}{}{I'm a ghoul. Haven't you ever seen a ghoul before?}
{122}{}{Musta been a pansie undergrounder. They letta you live so's you could pester me. Now getta outta my house.}
{123}{}{Well now you have. Getta outta here!}
