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This is a transcript for dialogue with MAIA.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 002A9497 002F0507 Yes! a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
3 002AD94A 002F0506 Allow me to play the outgoing mayor's final message... chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
4 002B2A88 002F0503 Congratulations citizen! a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
5 By Mayoral executive order, all individuals entering this room shall have the office of Mayor bestowed upon them. a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
6 I am your Mayoral Artificially Intelligent Assistant. You may call me MAIA.
7 I'll be your guide through the transition period and your faithful assistant once you get settled
8 003E6283 003E62B7 Being Mayor can be a little over whelming at first, but that's why I'm here. To help you! cheerful, chipper AI mayoral assistant. wants to be helpful
9 I've pulled up pertinent files on the mayoral terminal, where you should find any urgent or outstanding business.
10 003E62B8 The city is in a state of emergency and an evacuation order has been issued for human residents. cheerful, chipper AI mayoral assistant. wants to be helpful
11 You are of course the mayor, so you can do whatever you like.
12 003E62B9 I'm sure there's much to do. And I want to help you do it. cheerful, chipper AI mayoral assistant. wants to be helpful
13 Unfortunately, I can't actually conduct city business, but I can offer sound well-researched advice.
14 Oh and poetry. I have an extensive database of poetry. Some previous mayors had me recite poetry to them constantly.
15 Would you like to hear a poem?
16 003E62BA Haunted Houses, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow... reciting a poem [recommend reading all this together and then breaking into individual files after, so its easier for the actor to read coherently.]
17 All houses wherein men have lived and died reciting a poem...
18 Are haunted houses. Through the open doors
19 The harmless phantoms on their errands glide,
20 With feet that make no sound upon the floors.
21 We meet them at the door-way, on the stair,
22 Along the passages they come and go,
23 Impalpable impressions on the air,
24 A sense of something moving to and fro.
25 There are more guests at table than the hosts
26 Invited; the illuminated hall
27 Is thronged with quiet, inoffensive ghosts,
28 As silent as the pictures on the wall.
29 The stranger at my fireside cannot see
30 The forms I see, nor hear the sounds I hear;
31 He but perceives what is; while unto me
32 All that has been is visible and clear.
33 We have no title-deeds to house or lands;
34 Owners and occupants of earlier dates
35 From graves forgotten stretch their dusty hands,
36 And hold in mortmain still their old estates.
37 The spirit-world around this world of sense
38 Floats like an atmosphere, and everywhere
39 Wafts through these earthly mists and vapours dense
40 A vital breath of more ethereal air.
41 Our little lives are kept in equipoise
42 By opposite attractions and desires;
43 The struggle of the instinct that enjoys,
44 And the more noble instinct that aspires.
45 These perturbations, this perpetual jar
46 Of earthly wants and aspirations high,
47 Come from the influence of an unseen star
48 An undiscovered planet in our sky.
49 And as the moon from some dark gate of cloud
50 Throws o'er the sea a floating bridge of light,
51 Across whose trembling planks our fancies crowd
52 Into the realm of mystery and night,--
53 So from the world of spirits there descends
54 A bridge of light, connecting it with this,
55 O'er whose unsteady floor, that sways and bends,
56 Wander our thoughts above the dark abyss.
57 003E62BB While I am enjoying getting to know you and helping you get acclimated, there seems to be urgent business left unfinished by the previous administration. cheerful, chipper AI mayoral assistant. wants to be helpful
58 Shall I play you the out going mayor's last recorded message?
59 004ECEF9 Ah, what have we here? receiving a data disk and about to start investigating its contents (cheerful, chipper AI mayoral assistant. wants to be helpful)
60 003E6284 003E62B2 End of recorded message. matter of fact. programmed for cheerfulness.
61 003E6294 003E62B3 Well... I certainly tried... ughn. last dying breaths
62 003E6295 003E62B4 Goodbye, ma'am. It was a pleasure to serve you. You were an excellent mayor. sad but unable to fully show it, programmed for cheerfulness... convey sadness with pacing not tone of voice.
63 003E6296 003E62AD It's alright. I hope you don't get too lonely here all by yourself. Goodbye, MAIA. at peace with imminent death, saying goodbye - slowly,tiredly, but not laboriously
64 003E6297 003E62B1 My sincerest apologies I can't be of more assistance. a catch phrase, sincere but programmed to be cheerful
65 003E6298 003E62B0 I think... this... is it. about to die, saying goodbye
66 003E6299 003E62AC Ma'am, are you alright? (worried but not alarmed) programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
71 003E62A4 003E62AE Of course. (slightly chastised) a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
72 003E62A5 003E62AF NO! What's wrong with you? No more robots! MAIA <coughing up blood> make sure the next mayor hears this... (slightly woozy/out of breath, dying shortly from blood loss) urgently making a final recording in case anyone finds you. talking to a trusted AI
73 003E62A6 003E62AB Certainly. a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff)
74 Ma'am, sensors indicate you are losing large quantities of blood. Shall I summon a paramedic to assist you? concerned but not alarmed, programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
78 004ECEE9 004ECEF3 Congratulations! You have been cleared for the highest security level. The municipal robots should no longer attack you. chipper, but matter of fact
79 It appears you have solved the problem... at least for yourself.
80 You are now authorized to have the combination for the supply cache. Ready? Seven. Four. Seventy-Six. chipper, helpful AI
81 004ECEEA 004ECEF8 There appears to be a glitch in the update software which has misinterpreted the monitoring software as a virus. concerned but not alarmed, programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
82 This has triggered a full building lockdown and a security force has been dispatched to your area. concerned but not alarmed, programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
83 Again, my sincerest apologies I can't be of more assistance. since, but plucky catch-phrase
84 004ECEEB 004ECEF5 Sir... concerned but not alarmed, programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
85 004ECEF6 Ma'am... concerned but not alarmed, programmed to be cheerful. Convey concern with pacing not tone of voice.
86 004ECEEC 004ECEF4 You should see the uplink tower from where you are now. guiding player over intercom, chipper, helpful AI
87 You'll need to upload the software update into the terminal at it's base, then wait for the broadcast and city wide reboot.
88 004ECEED 004ECEF7 I would call a maintenance crew to do this for you, but as I understand it, they would just murder you. chipper, completely glossing over how insane that sounds... said like "We could go outside, but unfortunately it's raining outside"
89 And I, to my never ending chagrin, was constructed lacking hands. So, I'm afraid you'll need to do it yourself. cheerful self pity
90 You can conveniently reach the roof from this office. cheerfully helpful
91 My sincerest apologies I can't be of more assistance. cheerful self pity - this is a common catch phrase for you
92 004ECEEE 004ECEF0 This needs to be uploaded and broadcast from the uplink tower on the roof.
93 Once you arrive there, I'll guide you through the process over the intercom system.
94 004ECEEF 004ECEF1 Sir, this is a citywide software update for all municipal robots. a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff) wants to be helpful
95 004ECEF2 Ma'am, this is a citywide software update for all municipal robots. a chipper pre-recorded algorithm driven artificial intelligence (mayor's chief of staff) wants to be helpful