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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lucy Abernathy.


1DialogueAbernathyFarmLucyIntroPlayer Default: Sure, I got time to help out.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Confident} Great. Doesn't have to be now, but whenever you get the time.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.A1a
2Player Default: No time right now.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} That's all right. If you ever do feel like earning some extra caps, the offers always there.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.B1a
3Player Default: You look like you have a pretty successful farm here.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} We'd like to think so. Having Clarabell helps. "Free fertilizer" as daddy would say. Whatever saves caps.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.X1a
4Player Default: You look like you have a pretty successful farm here.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} We'd like to think so. Although, we lost Clarabell. No more "free fertilizer" as daddy would say.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.X2a
5Player Default: Did you say caps? Why would I want those?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Grateful} Deal. But let's keep it between the two of us. The last thing I want is another lecture from my mom.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y1a
6Player Default: Did you say caps? Why would I want those?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} Five caps. You probably got yourself the best deal in the Commonwealth.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y2a
7Player Default: Did you say caps? Why would I want those?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} That old stuff? Not too useful these days, unless you're lookin' to stock up your outhouse.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y3a
8Player Default: Did you say caps? Why would I want those?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} Yeah, like bottle caps? And because it's money? At least it is here in the Commonwealth.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y4a
9Player Default: Did you say caps? Why would I want those?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Confident} Three caps per melon. Not a bad deal if you ask me.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y5a
10Player Default: And... what's a Brahmin?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} Did my daddy put you up to this?Y1a
11{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} That big, two-headed animal in the pen with patchy fur? That's a Brahmin. That's our Clara.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y1b
12Player Default: And... what's a Brahmin?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} Wow, anyone who doesn't know what a Brahmin is sure isn't from around here.Y2a
13{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Thinking} I don't really know how to describe it. It's probably the only friendly animal in the Commonwealth, besides the occasional cat and dog.Y2b
14{Re-Record: light and bubbly"she was a good girl" - Sadly trailing off. / Neutral} Clara gave us fertilizer, milk. My parents would argue if she'd make a better stew or pair of boots... she was a good girl.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y2c
15Player Default: And... what's a Brahmin?{Re-Record: light and bubbly"part of the family" - sadly reminiscing. / Somber} Clara was our Brahmin. We'd had her longer than I can remember. She was like... part of the family.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y3a
16Player Default: And... what's a Brahmin?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} Clara's our Brahmin. I like to consider her just as much a part of the this family as Maisie.Y4a
17{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} She's our cat... in case you were going to ask about her, too.Player Default: Sure, I got time to help out.Y4b
18DialogueAbernathyFarmLucySellMelonsPlayer Default: Yeah, here you go.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Grateful} Great. Thanks for your help.A1a
19Player Default: Not just yet.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Friendly} Okay, just let me know when you're ready to collect your pay.B1a
20Player Default: What's the pay?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Confident} It's three caps for each melon you turn in.Y1a
21{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Question} Do you want to collect your pay now?Player Default: Yeah, here you go.Y1b
22Player Default: What's the pay?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Neutral} It's five caps per melon, just as we agreed.Y2a
23{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Question} You ready to collect?Player Default: Yeah, here you go.Y2b


24DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeLucyScene{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Question} Daddy, when are we going back to Diamond City?A1a
25{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Neutral} I need some things. My hairbrush is falling apart, for one.Blake: You just want to go make eyes at Hawthorne, you mean.A1b
26Blake: You just want to go make eyes at Hawthorne, you mean.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} Daddy! I do not!Blake: Don't you worry, little darling, we'll be heading there soon.A1a
27DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeLucy2SceneBlake: It's funny, just for a moment there, I thought you were your sister.{Re-Record: light and bubblyReassuring / Apologetic} Aw, daddy. Don't think about things like that.Blake: I suppose I can't help it. It hasn't been that long since... since she...A1a
28Blake: I suppose I can't help it. It hasn't been that long since... since she...{Re-Record: light and bubblyReassuring / Concerned} Stop that. Just put it out of your mind.Blake: You're right, sweetheart. You're right.A1a
29DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeLucy3Scene{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Concerned} I've been thinking about what happened to Mary.A1a
30{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Concerned} Maybe I should be doing something to help so other families don't have to suffer like we did.Blake: What do you mean?A1b
31Blake: What do you mean?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Nervous} I could join the Minutemen and help defend the Commonwealth.Blake: Oh, honey, listen... it's brave of you to say so and it's good to want to help people, but we need you here.A1a
32Blake: Besides, your mother would never forgive you.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Concerned} I know, it's just... well, I'm almost a grown woman and I just don't know if this is the life I want.A1a
33{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Nervous} You understand, don't you daddy?Blake: Yes darling, I do, but after what happened with Mary, well... let's just give things time to settle down, okay?A1b
34Blake: Yes darling, I do, but after what happened with Mary, well... let's just give things time to settle down, okay?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Neutral} Okay.A1a


35DialogueAbernathyFarmCatLucySceneCat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} You just ate, you bottomless pit. You're not getting more food!Cat: MeowA1a
36Cat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} I can't play with you right now, Maisie. Why don't you ask someone else for a change?Cat: MeowA2a
37Cat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} I know that sound. That's the sound of a little girl who wants to be brushed... again.A3a
38{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} Well I just brushed you yesterday, so you're going to have to wait.Cat: MeowA3b
39Cat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} I gave you my answer, little miss. Now go hunt for mice or something.A1a
40Cat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} Yes, well, I don't care how cute you are, it's not happening. Go on now, shoo.A2a
41Cat: Meow{Re-Record: light and bubblyPlayful scolding, affectionate (talking to your pet cat) / Amused} Oh really? That's very interesting, but I'm still not changing my mind. Off you go, now.A3a


42DialogueAbernathyFarmConnieLucySceneConnie: Lucy, ain't you done today's wash yet?{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Irritated} No mom, I haven't got around to it yet.A1a
43{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Irritated} I'm too busy doing the other fifty things you keep telling me to do.Connie: You watch your mouth, or you're staying home the next time your father goes to Diamond City.A1b
44Connie: You watch your mouth, or you're staying home the next time your father goes to Diamond City.{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Irritated} Well, I'm trying to get everything done, but the wash takes forever.Connie: Enough griping. Just get on with your work.A1a