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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lucy.


I think I might be addicted to something.
I think I might be addicted to something. Can you help? Disgust 10 I swear, you and Zip, just full of your own little chemical problems, aren't you? 1
Happy 15 Here, hold on. I've got you covered. 2
I think I might be addicted to something. Can you help? Disgust 10 And here I thought Zip's soda problem was bad. 3
Neutral 50 For 50 caps, I can help you get over that. Otherwise, you can find your own solution. 4
DoctorAddictionNO I think I'll tough it out. Neutral 50 Your call, mungo. 5
DoctorAddictionYES I don't have 50 caps. Disgust 25 I suppose if you can't afford treatment, maybe you can't afford your next fix. So that works out, doesn't it? 6
Yes, cure me. Disgust 10 Okay, this should flush you out pretty quick. Now open your mouth and say "Ah." 7
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.
Can I get some medical treatment? Disgust 50 That takes a lot of nerve, threatening to bury us all alive and then crawling to me for help. As RJ would say, "Fuck off, mungo." 8
Can I get some medical treatment? Happy 25 Sure thing. Run into a bit of trouble out there? 9
Happy 50 You're lucky you're one of us. I'd be charging you through the nose, otherwise. 10
Can I get some medical treatment? Happy 25 Got scraped up a bit out there, huh? 11
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Yeah, but only because you saved three of ours. 12
Neutral 50 Looks like it's just a scrape. I can take care of it for 50 caps. 13
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Okay, but it'll cost you. Every spare cap I get from you is more medicine for these germ-magnets. 14
Neutral 50 Looks like it's just a scrape. I can take care of it for 50 caps. 15
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Yeah, but only because you saved three of ours. 16
Neutral 50 That looks pretty bad. For 75 caps, I can take care of that. 17
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Okay, but it'll cost you. Every spare cap I get from you is more medicine for these germ-magnets. 18
Neutral 50 That looks pretty bad. For 75 caps, I can take care of that. 19
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Yeah, but only because you saved three of ours. 20
Disgust 25 This is going to be tricky. And not at all pleasant. And it'll cost you 100 caps. 21
Can I get some medical treatment? Neutral 50 Okay, but it'll cost you. Every spare cap I get from you is more medicine for these germ-magnets. 22
Disgust 25 This is going to be tricky. And not at all pleasant. And it'll cost you 100 caps. 23
Can I get some medical treatment? Disgust 50 Maybe you should have been more careful down here, mungo. You're on your own. 24
All right, here's your money.
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 Okay, now hold still. 25
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 Stop squirming, you big mungo. 26
Actually, I don't have 100 caps. Anger 50 Hey! If you don't have the caps, you don't get the fix. 27
All right, here's your money.
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 Hold on, this is going to ouch a bit. 28
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 Okay, get ready. This'll sting. A lot. 29
Sure, fine. Anger 50 Hey! If you don't have the caps, you don't get the fix. 30
All right, here's your money.
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 This is going to hurt, so you'd better not start crying. 31
Sure, fine. Neutral 50 You may want to look away. I don't want you throwing up, on top of all this. 32
Actually, I don't have 50 caps. Anger 50 Hey! If you don't have the caps, you don't get the fix. 33
On second thought, I'll be fine.
At those prices, I'll take care of myself. Anger 10 Fine. Less of my supplies you're using up. 34
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Okay, you should be fine, and ready to run off and play. {Just woken up.} 35
GREETING Neutral 50 I'll say this; it's easier to work on a mungo, since you're a lot bigger. Easier to find a vein, at least. {Just woken up.} 36
GREETING Neutral 50 Good as new. Now, watch yourself out there, all right? {Just woken up.} 37
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, ma'am. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 38
GREETING Neutral 50 You're new. And you're too big to be a resident. Who are you? 39
GREETING Anger 50 Who are you? What are you doing in here? 40
GREETING Neutral 50 Got yourself a boo-boo? {A little sarcastic} 41
GREETING Neutral 50 What sort of scrape did you get yourself into, this time? 42
GREETING Anger 15 Got yourself another few scrapes? 43
GREETING Neutral 50 Yes? 44
LLAboutLamplight How do you keep healthy here? Neutral 50 There's always one big sister or another who knows her way around a compress and a sewing needle, so we take care of most of the little scrapes. 45
Neutral 50 And way back when, someone figured out that some of the plants and fungus around here absorb radiation. 46
Neutral 50 The little ones don't like to eat their veggies, but they don't like to be sick, either. So we get by. 47
LLAboutLamplight2A So, you're the only doctor in this whole place? Happy 10 Well, we all know the basics. Combat first aid, you know? But I've got the most experience at the tough stuff. 48
Happy 50 Bumble's been learning the most about the more complex parts of cutting and sewing. People tease her, but she's got a steady hand. 49
Neutral 50 Of course, now she just needs to learn what you do and don't cut. {Emphasis on "do" and "don't", suggesting there have been problems before...} 50
LLAboutLamplight2B That sounds like it's pretty useful fungus. Neutral 50 It is, especially for dealing with the low-level radiation we all get from the water. The fungus just soaks it right up. 51
Neutral 50 But it doesn't help the rickets that keeps hitting younger Lamplighters. Believe it or not, I can make a treatment for that from extract of Buffout. 52
Neutral 50 Actually, if you can talk MacCready into it, I'd be glad to trade some fungus for Buffout. But he'd have to say it was okay. 53
LLAboutLamplight2C That's all I need to know for now. Neutral 50 Well, until you come asking for a bandage, at least. 54
LLDirHospital Where can I find a doctor? Disgust 10 Yeah, that's me. I'm only on duties when I'm in the office. {A little irritated} 55
LLDirections Can you give me directions? Neutral 50 Well, where to? 56
Friendly First Response
I'm a guest in town. Mayor MacCready let me in for rescuing your friends. Surprise 50 You saved Penny and Sammy and Squirrel? I can see why RJ let you in! Thanks, for all of us! 57
Happy 25 I'm Lucy, and I pretty much spend my days playing mommy around here. I spend a lot of time kissing boo-boos and making things better. 58
Neutral 50 If you get a scraped knee or stubbed toe, come see me. Same if you get shot in the face or burns all over, but I can only promise so much. 59
Mayor MacCready let me in. I don't want to cause any problems. Happy 50 Well, it's good that you're safe in here, now. The Wastes can be dangerous, although you look like you've done alright out there. 60
Happy 25 I'm Lucy, and I'm the closest thing we've got to a doctor around here. If you get yourself into trouble, see if you can drag yourself back here. 61
Mayor MacCready let me in. I don't want to cause any problems. Anger 25 If you convinced RJ that you're safe, I guess I'll go along. But if you do start trouble, you'll regret it. 62
Anger 50 I'm Lucy, the doctor here. That means I handle the funerals, too. So much as look at a kid the wrong way, and I'll be seeing you again. 63
Rude First Response
I rescued those captured kids. I'm a big hero. Surprise 50 You brought back Penny and Sammy and Squirrel? Well, I guess that does make you a pretty big hero. Thanks! {Emphasis on "You"} 64
Happy 25 I'm Lucy, and I'm pretty much the mom around here. And that means I spend a lot of time kissing boo-boos and making things all better. 65
Happy 50 So, if you ever get any scrapes or bruises - or if you get shot, stabbed, or radiated - stop by and I'll do what I can, big hero. {"big hero" is said a little teasingly} 66
I rescued those captured kids. I'm a big hero. Neutral 50 Well, if you brought them back, then I guess that explains why RJ let you in. So, I guess that does make you a big hero. {Last line is said a little grudgingly.} 67
Neutral 50 I'm Lucy, and I'm pretty much mommy to the folks here. I try to keep them safe, and when that's not enough I patch up their cuts and bruises. 68
Neutral 50 And when that's not enough, I make sure they get a funeral. Thanks for making sure I didn't have to do that for three more of mine. 69
I'm new in town, and that's all you need to know. Anger 50 Oh, is it? Well, I'm Lucy, and I'm the doctor in town. From the sound of it, I'll be seeing a lot of you. Or your work. 70
LLFungusTrade1 I've got Buffout to trade for fungus. Happy 25 Excellent. I should be able to synthesize the proteins from this into something that'll fight rickets. Here's your fungus in return. 71
I've got Buffout to trade for fungus. Happy 25 Excellent. I should be able to synthesize the proteins from this into something that'll fight rickets. Here's your fungus in return. 72
I've got Buffout to trade for fungus. Happy 25 Excellent. I should be able to synthesize the proteins from this into something that'll fight rickets. Here's your fungus in return. 73
LLLMQ06TellMeAboutVault87 What do you know about Vault 87? Neutral 50 That's where the monsters come from. We don't go back there. It's called Murder Pass for a reason, you know? {condescending} 74
Neutral 50 If you go that way, you're probably gonna get hurt. I can patch you up as long as it's not real bad. {condescending} 75
LLMungo Why does everyone call me a mungo? Anger 25 It means an adult. We don't really see many of you around, and we're glad of it. 76
Happy 25 I mean, you brought back the little ones, so you're okay. But mostly, we only ever see raiders and people who want to take our caves. 77
Sad 50 If you didn't have MacCready's permission, you'd probably be shot just for being in here. We don't take any more chances. 78
MS08MedicalClue1 Do you know anything about some android who needed a surgeon? Neutral 50 Oh yeah! That crazy old story about an escaped robot, right? He was looking for a surgeon and a computer expert. Yeah, that sounds right. 79
MS08MedicalClue2 What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth? Surprise 50 Oh you mean that old "android recording?" Have you heard it? It's great. Here's a spare copy of that old holotape. It's either real or a great joke. {excited} 80
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Surprise 50 Yeah! It's really great isn't it? I mean, if it's real it's amazing, if it's fake, it's really funny. They sent tapes like that to doctors all over. {excited} 81
MS08MedicalClue3 Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Oh if I got my hands on the right gear I might try it. It's dangerous though. Prone to infection. Reminds me of an old hoax. Listen to this holotape. 82
Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Oh if I got my hands on the right gear I might try it. It's dangerous though. Prone to infection. 83
I found some info about an android. What do you know about his facial surgery? Neutral 50 That's an old hoax. Though if I got my hands on the right gear I might try it. It's dangerous though. Prone to infection. 84
MS08MedicalClue3Bribe You ever do a face job on an android from the North? <Jingle purse of 100 caps.> Neutral 50 Oh if I got my hands on the right gear I might try it. It's dangerous though. Prone to infection. Reminds me an old hoax. Listen to this holotape. 85
MS08MedicalClue3Stat A patient of mine needs a facial epidermal augmentation. You ever perform one? Neutral 50 Oh if I got my hands on the right gear I might try it. It's dangerous though. Prone to infection. Reminds me an old hoax. Listen to this holotape. 86
MS08MedicalClue4 You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Guess old Pinkerton at Rivet City has some shiny prewar tech. He might have what you're looking for. 87
You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Guess old Pinkerton at Rivet City has some shiny prewar tech. He might have what you're looking for. 88
I found this holotape. What do you know about facial reconstruction? Neutral 50 Guess old Pinkerton at Rivet City has some shiny prewar tech and knows how to use it. He could probably rearrange your face for you if you wanted. 89
MS08MedicalClue4Bribe Here's 100 caps for the locale of a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Neutral 50 Guess old Pinkerton at Rivet City has some shiny prewar tech. He might have what you're looking for. 90
MS08MedicalClue4Stat I need to find a Micro Dermal Graftilizer for epidermal augmentation surgery. Neutral 50 Guess old Pinkerton at Rivet City has some shiny prewar tech. He might have what you're looking for. 91
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Mmm. Let's talk about something else. {considering, then brushing off the question pretending she was never asked a question.} 92


GOODBYE I'll let you get back to work. Neutral 50 Thanks. Hopefully, it'll just be skinned knees and bloody noses, today. 93
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't get too hurt out there. 94
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 I don't know why RJ's letting you back in, but if you touch any of my kids, I'll make sure you never have any of your own. 95
HELLO Anger 5 Excuse me. {A little harried} 96
HELLO Sad 10 Got a minute? 97
HELLO Happy 25 If it isn't MacCready himself... {Good natured joking} 98
HELLO Disgust 25 Are you talking to me? {obnoxious mean girl} 99
HELLO Disgust 50 Um. Yeah. Please go away. {obnoxious mean girl} 100
LLFoodConv1 LLFoodConv1 Neutral 50 You know it, Eclair. Keeping the masses fed? 101
LLKnockTales1 LLKnockTales1 Anger 5 Make it quick, Knock Knock. {A little harried} 102
LLKnockTales5 LLKnockTales5 Anger 5 Yeah, yeah, great story. {A little harried} 103
LLLucyMedical1 LLLucyMedical1 Sad 10 Joseph, can I ask you a question? 104
LLLucyMedical1 Sad 10 Joseph, can I get your help with something? 105
LLLucyMedical3 LLLucyMedical3 Fear 10 I've been seeing a few cases of bent bones and weak teeth in some of the younger ones. Any clue in those books about what it could be? 106
LLLucyMedical3 Fear 10 Some of the younger kids have been having muscle weakness and are a little soft in the head. Is there anything in the old records about that? 107
LLLucyMedical5 LLLucyMedical5 Anger 50 Great, so they just need to eat more? I'm sure Eclair will be thrilled to hear that. {Very sarcastic} 108
LLLucyMedical5 Sad 50 Where are we going to get more food to feed them? We're practically starving as it is! 109
LLLucyMedical7 LLLucyMedical7 Sad 10 Thanks, Joseph. I think that's all I need. 110
LLLucyMedical7 Sad 10 I guess you're right, Joseph. Thanks. 111
LLLucyMedicalChatter LLLucyMedicalChatter Disgust 10 Hold still, you big baby. 112
LLLucyMedicalChatter Anger 10 The more you fidget, the more this is going to hurt, you know. 113
LLLucyMedicalChatter Surprise 50 How did you even get injuries like these? {A little incredulous, as if discovering a series of gunshot wounds that spell out a word.} 114
LLLucyMedicalChatter Surprise 50 Oh, you're barely even scratched! {A little incredulous, as if discovering a series of gunshot wounds that spell out a word.} 115
LLLucyMedicalChatter Anger 10 Oh, what happened to you, dear? 116
LLLucyMedicalChatter Anger 10 Poor kid, just be careful from now on, okay? 117
LLLucyMedicalChatter Happy 25 Come here, I'll make it all better. {Doting and sincere} 118
LLLunchConv1 LLLunchConv1 Happy 50 So, how's everything going, big, scary, mayor-man? {Teasing} 119
LLLunchConv1 Happy 50 So, been having a good time yelling at everyone, RJ? Standard life of a mayor? {Teasing} 120
LLLunchConv3 LLLunchConv3 Sad 25 I'm still seeing the same sorts of cases. Stubbed toes, bloody noses, a few stabbings. We could really use more medicine, though. {Teasing} 121
LLLunchConv3 Sad 25 Things are okay on my end, but I'm still worried about some of the younger ones. We really need more medicine for some of them. {Teasing} 122
LLLunchConv5 LLLunchConv5 Anger 25 Sure, fine. {Curt, and a little angry} 123
LLLunchConv5 Sad 25 Well, if you say so. {A little sad.} 124
LLMayorDailyCheck1 LLMayorDailyCheck1 Anger 25 Nothing much, RJ. One nearly lost an eye - said they thought it would look cool. I patched him up and smacked him on the head for being an idiot. 125
LLPrincessBullyResponse LLPrincessBullyResponse Anger 5 Oh, probably because MacCready likes me more than he likes you. That seems like a good reason to me! {Mocking and mean} 126
LLRandomConv1 LLConversation1 Fear 15 Heya. Are you feeling alright? You look a little stiff. 127
LLRandomConv2 LLConversation2 Disgust 5 Busy, like always. Somebody's always got a tummy ache or a runny nose or a knife wound. You know how it is. 128
LLConversation2 Neutral 50 I'm okay. 129
LLRandomConvEnding LLRandomConvEnding Fear 15 Hee hee! Okay, later then! {giggling laughter, like at a dirty joke} 130
LLRandomConvEnding Anger 5 Okay. See you later, and don't get too bashed up. 131
LLWhatsUp1 LLWhatsUp1 Neutral 15 Hello, there. What're you up to? Not getting into too much trouble? 132
LLWhatsUp2 LLWhatsUp2 Anger 5 Keeping everyone from killing themselves. Same as ever. 133