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This is a transcript for dialogue with Longing refugee.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0064BAD1 0064BAEB 'Scuse me - would you mind getting a photo for me? I am writing a letter to someone in The Pitt and I wanted to attach a photo of myself.
2 0064BAEC So, how'd it come out.
3 0064BAED Hello again. If you have a second I still need a photo of myself for my letter.
4 0064E8E4 Thanks again for taking that photo. They're going to love it.
5 0064E8E5 This is the perfect spot. I'm ready when you are.
6 0064EDFF I'll meet you at the photo spot.
7 See for yourself! 0064BAF3 This turned out really nice. They're going to love it. Thanks for the help. Here's a little something to show my appreciation. Good luck out there!
8 0064BAF4 Aw. This turned out so nice. They're going to love it. Here's a little something to say thanks. Good luck out there!
9 Not right now. 0064BAEA Alright. If you change your mind I'll be here.
10 You're from The Pitt? What's that like? 0064BAE6 Not as nice as here that's for sure. It's dark, dusty, and irradiated.
11 I'll put it this way - I think sleeping in The Whitespring was the first time I ever slept a full night.
12 0064BADA 0064BAEE
13 How is this letter getting delivered to The Pitt? 0064BAE7 I cut a deal with Lennox - she's gonna deliver it to someone in The Penn next time she flies out.
14 I'm trustin' that whoever she gives it to will help it find its way to my loved one.
15 Sure. But I don't have a camera. 0064BAF5 I have this broken one I found. It came with a note. You can have it. But I'd read the note if I were you. It seems important.
16 Sure. I can take a photo of you. 0064BAE9 I have a bit of an odd request on top of that - People used to stage photos all the time before the war. Could we try doing the same?
17 0064BAE2 0064BAF0 Cheese! character is posing for a photo!
18 0064BAF1 Make sure to get my good side. character is posing for a photo!
19 0064BAF2 Do I say cheese if I am keeping my face neutral? character is posing for a photo!
20 0064BAE3 0064BAE8 Does anyone have a minute to spare? I need someone to take my photo
21 Is there anyone around who could take a photo of me?
22 0064BAE4 0064BAF6 My wife is still a captive in The Pitt. I wrote her a letter and I wanted to attach a photo of myself so she knows I'm alive and well.
23 I know there's a slim chance that she'll ever see it. But I can't stop thinking about her. I need her to know that...
24 0064BAF7 My father is still part of the resistance against The Fanatics back in The Pitt. I'm writing him a letter so he can see how I'm doing.
25 He was the one who encouraged me to come here. I worry about him out there by himself...
26 0064BAF8 My sister is still in The Pitt. She actually is part of The Fanatics... I don't agree with her choices but she's still my sister.
27 I know the odds of her actually seeing my letter are low, but stranger things have happened. defeated - would literally take a miracle for this person to get the letter
28 If by some miracle she does see it, and she sees how much better my life is now, she might run away and help The Union instead.
29 0064BAF9 My good friend is still in The Pitt fighting to keep The Union safe from Fanatics. I left to come here and help from Appalachia.
30 I promised I'd write once I was settled in. I figured it would be nice to attach a photo too. They'd love it here.
31 0064E8BC 0064E8E8
32 0064E8BE 0064E8DF Thank you for your input. I think this will turn out great. I'll meet you over there and let you know when I'm ready to take the photo.
33 Flag - it's the centerpiece of the Refuge. 0064E8D9 I like that idea. It will be nice for them to see what the first steps into the Refuge look like.
34 Bar - it's the nicest thing in the Refuge. 0064E8E2 You have a point there. The bar is so opulent - I never saw anything like it in The Pitt.
35 Stage - it's the best part of the Refuge! 0064E8DB Why didn't I think of that? I actually play piano. A photo of me next to the one here seems appropriate!
36 0064E8C2 0064E8E7 Outfit is settled... pose is settled... what else did I need.. oh yeah! I am not sure where we should take this. Any ideas for a background?
37 I like to make dumb faces in photos. 0064E8DE One time I saw a pre-war photo where someone put two fingers behind someone else's head... I can do something along the lines of that!
38 Just do something relaxed. 0064E8D8 Ok I can do that. Come to think of it, all of the portraits I see on the walls in here seem pretty serious.
39 Smile! 0064E8E1 Sure! Maybe I'll even give a thumbs up to the camera. I am pretty happy here!
40 0064E8C6 0064E8E6 I always feel so awkward in photographs since I never know how to pose.. any ideas?
41 What if you wore something silly? 0064E8DD I found this Skeleton Outfit at North Mountain Lookout. Just give me a sec to put it on... I feel ridiculous... but it's going to make a great photo!
42 How about something formal? 0064E8D7 I have this outfit I got from Tweed in the Resort Shops. I just need a second to put it on... wow. I love it. I wish I had more chances to wear this.
43 Maybe something casual? 0064E8E0 I have this coat I wear when I go out exploring. Just give me a second to change into it... gotta brush a little dirt off the cuff here... and done. I want it to sound like the character is kind of keeping conversation with you as they change!
44 I don't have time for this right now. 0064E8E3 I understand. Perhaps another time then?
45 Sure. I'm happy to help. 0064E8DA I really appreciate it! To start, I think I should wear something special for the photo but I am not sure what...
46 I'll meet you at the photo spot. 0064EDFE Alright. I will let you know when I am ready to be photographed.
47 0064EDFC 0064EDFD This is the perfect spot. I'm ready for that photo whenever you are.
48 Actually, give me a minute. 00651095 Oh you don't want to show me? It's fine. I can wait.