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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lombardi Family mobster.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male GMale Script Notes
1 006BAA3F 006BAAA9 Pay day's become a myth 'round here since they put the gavone with the belts in charge of the books. Irritated that he hasn’t been paid in a while. Referring to the new accountant for the mafia, Billy Beltbuckles.
2 006BAAAA Wonder how long it'll be before the don shows his mug again. Speculating as to when the don of the mafia will make a public appearance, as he hasn’t done so in a while.
3 006BAAAB Buttercup...That name will be the death of me. Mutters “Buttercup” angrily. Referring to the Terminator-esque head of the local IRS.
4 006BAAAC I gotta tell Joey to plug up the basement in the Neapolitan. The Overgrown're getting in again. Absentmindedly reminding himself. There are sewer entrances in the basement of the Neapolitan Casino that allow the Overgrown to get in occasionally.
5 006BAAAD Mayor Tim fancies himself the leader of AC. Ha! Like some old farmer's gonna whack anybody! Mean-spiritedly amused by Mayor Tim attempting to bring order to Atlantic City. Irony here is that Mayor Tim killed his predecessor.
6 006BAAAE I caught Sal tampering with the slots again. That grifter's gonna ruin our reputation around here! Annoyed. Referring to Sal Sticky Fingers, the most incompetent mafioso who always tries to scam people out of their money.
7 006BAAAF My pa was a made man, and his pa before him, and his pa before him! Wait, what did the pa before that pa do? Puts an emphasis on “before him” for the last one. Wondering what his great-great-grandfather did for a living.
8 006BAAB0 One day, I'll be high rolling in the VIP section on a pile of caps with an IV of Devil's Blood hooked up to my arm! Has high aspirations and dreams for himself.
9 006BAAB1 This is the most happening place in AC! Why those Munis wanna stay in their gross little hovel is beyond me! Excited by all the glitz and glamour of the Entertainment District.
10 006BAAB2 Don't like being here too long. This place is gonna be the first to go to the Overgrown. Uneasy, commenting on how he feels unsafe in the City Center due to the presence of the Pine Barrens.
11 006BAAB3 I've gotta admit, there's a certain charm to the Showboys pitting circus clowns against each other in a battle to the death. Amused admiration for the brutality and showmanship of the Showmen.
12 006BAAB4 Fabio's the don now, huh? A big talker, not much of a doer if you ask me. Commenting to himself. Doesn’t think much of Fabio as he’s more of a politician.
13 006BAAB5 Losing Antonio was a big hit to the Family. Can't believe that rat ran out on us! Angry that Antonio abandoned them. Was fed a false narrative by Concerta that he wanted to leave.
14 006BAAB6 How come the Munis need so much money? What, you gotta pay the electricity a cut or something? Doesn’t understand that you need to pay workers to maintain utilities.
15 006BAA40 006BAAC1 Personal space mean anything to you? Tell you what, this whole neighba'hood's my personal space. Confrontational but not super aggressive.
16 006BAAC2 What's that cologne you're wearing? Eau de freeloader? Making a joking insult towards the player, but not necessarily laughing.
17 006BAAC3 You gotta respect those Showboys for going all-in. It's a constant brush with the big guy in the sky for 'em! Genuinely impressed by the Showmen and their death-defying stunts.
18 006BAAC4 You been eating that slop the Munis're feeding you? Quentino's has actual edible food. Judging the free rations the civilian government distributes. Talking up the mafia’s local night club.
19 006BAAC5 A word of advice. Any wise guy who starts trouble 'round here ain't really wise. Let us know if you run into one. A veiled threat against anyone who might cheat the mafia.
20 006BAAC6 Keep your nose clean, kid. What, there's a cold going around! Using the old proverbial saying to tell the player to stay out of trouble. But then says it’s actually because people are getting sick.
21 006BAAC7 You've got all the Vegas you need right here in AC, capiche? Don't need to be going nowhere else. Hyping up Atlantic City to drive business there. Subtle reference towards New Vegas.
22 006BAAC8 Stay clear of the Barrens. Ain't nothing there but demons that haven't showered since before the bombs. Warning the player not to go into the Pine Barrens, as they are filled with the Overgrown (humanoid plant monsters).
23 006BAAC9 Never have a kid. Mine keeps asking, "oh, pa, can I whack someone like you?" Heh, pint-sized little mobster! Making a joke about how his kid wants to be like him and whack people.
24 006BAACA You gonna make a necklace out of those caps, or are you gonna invest wisely at the Neapolitan? Trying to entice the player to go gamble their money at the Neapolitan Casino.
25 006BAACB Word around the club is that Concerta's been overstepping. Dunno how Quentino is letting that slide. Gossiping with the player.
26 006BAACC Got a lint roller on you? This suit's filthy! Bemoaning the state of his clothing.
27 006BAACD Don't shake hands with Sal. Man's constantly sweating through his palms. It's gross. Advising the player. Disgusted by Sal’s palm sweat.
28 006BAACE Everyone's in a twist over Concerta giving orders. How do I feel? I don't care so long as I get my cut. Remarking on how other Wise Guys don’t like a woman giving them orders.
29 006BAACF What, do I look like a butler to you? Go bother someone else. Doesn’t want to be trifled with the players petty problems.
30 006BAA41 006BAAD9 The hell was that? Heard something suspicious.
31 006BAADA I smell a rat. Suspects an enemy is around.
32 006BAADB Better not be another Overgrown. Someone get the weed killer! Suspects an enemy is around.
33 006BAADC Huh? Vinny, that you? Suspects an enemy is around.
34 006BAADD Someone's there. I can feel it. Suspects an enemy is around.
35 006BAA42 006BAA81 Dammit, slipped through my fingers again! Enemy got away.
36 006BAA82 That's that then. I ain't broken up over it. Enemy got away.
37 006BAA83 They were probably too scared to fight me. Can't blame 'em. Enemy got away.
38 006BAA43 006BAA91 Let's not waste anymore time! Found the enemy.
39 006BAA92 Haha! Knew we'd find you! Found the enemy.
40 006BAA93 For the love of-! Just die already! Found the enemy.
41 006BAA94 A constant pain in my side is what you are! Found the enemy.
42 006BAA95 Here we go! Found the enemy.
43 006BAA44 006BAAB8 Hiding, eh? No one truly disappears in Acee. Searching for the enemy.
44 006BAAB9 Keep looking! But take your time, we're paid by the hour! Searching for the enemy.
45 006BAABA Hide all you want! I know every crevice in this city! Searching for the enemy.
46 006BAABB They've gotta come out eventually. There's nowhere to run. Searching for the enemy.
47 006BAABC Find 'em yet? Use your eyes, you've got them for a reason! Searching for the enemy.
48 006BAABD Come out already! This nonsense is about to make me late! Searching for the enemy.
49 006BAABE This ain't funny anymore! Come on out! Searching for the enemy.
50 006BAABF I'm gettin' bored here! Searching for the enemy.
51 006BAA45 006BAADF Wrong place, wrong time, unfortunately for him. Saw that his ally died.
52 006BAAE0 Bastards! He was a family man, through and through! Saw that his ally died.
53 006BAAE1 The don's not gonna like this... Saw that his ally died.
54 006BAAE2 This business is gonna put us all in an early grave. Saw that his ally died.
55 006BAAE3 Guess his luck ran out. Shame. Saw that his ally died.
56 006BAA46 006BAAA0 They ain't coming back from that. Combat was defused.
57 006BAAA1 Gave 'em hell there. They'll remember that. Combat was defused.
58 006BAAA2 Well, that was a waste of my lunch break. Combat was defused.
59 006BAAA3 Give me a challenge next time! Combat was defused.
60 006BAAA4 Too easy! Combat was defused.
61 006BAA47 006BAAE5 I can't let you go! I've got a job to do! Lost the enemy.
62 006BAAE6 I'll find you if it's the last thing I do! Lost the enemy.
63 006BAAE7 The don's gonna be so pissed if I screw this up... Lost the enemy.
64 006BAAE8 Dammit, I wasn't gonna do nothin'! Come out! Lost the enemy.
65 006BAAE9 Couldn't have gone far. I'll find you. Lost the enemy.
66 006BAA48 006BAA97 Knew I shouldn't have dipped into that Blood...making me see shit. Thought he saw something, but lets his guard down.
67 006BAA98 I'm just tired. Yeah, tired. Didn't see anything. Thought he saw something, but lets his guard down.
68 006BAA99 I could've sworn on my mother's grave I heard something. Well, the old bat's still alive, but still. Thought he saw something, but lets his guard down.
69 006BAA9A Must be losing my mind. Too many years in the Family. Thought he saw something, but lets his guard down.
70 006BAA9B I don't get paid enough for this much stress. There's no one here! Thought he saw something, but lets his guard down.
71 006BAA49 006BAAD1 Can't hide from the best can you?! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
72 006BAAD2 You and I are about to get real friendly! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
73 006BAAD3 Let's make this quick, capiche? I've got places to be! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
74 006BAAD4 Looks like hide 'n seek's over! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
75 006BAAD5 You're gonna regret pissin' off the Family! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
76 006BAAD6 Couldn't stay away forever, could you? Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
77 006BAAD7 If you want a fight, let's make it good! Discovered an enemy who was hiding.
78 006BAA4A 006BAAEB Looks like we've got another genius tryna' mess with us...somewhere. Searching for an enemy he suspects is in the area.
79 006BAAEC Come on out! I just wanna talk, that's it! Searching for an enemy he suspects is in the area, trying to lie to coax them out.
80 006BAAED There's no use in hiding! I'll find you eventually...probably. Searching for an enemy he suspects is in the area.
81 006BB06A 006BB0DA Let's see 'em dodge this! Said confidently while throwing a grenade.
82 006BB0DB I've been told I have an explosive personality! Said confidently while throwing a grenade.
83 006BB0DC Just wait for the boom! Said confidently while throwing a grenade.
84 006BB0DD Good luck getting rid of that! Said confidently while throwing a grenade.
85 006BB0DE You won't be messing with the Family any time soon! Said confidently while throwing a grenade.
86 006BB06B 006BB0CA It's about time someone taught you some respect! Said while taunting the player.
87 006BB0CB You gonna hit me or are you just gonna stand there twiddling your thumbs? Taunting the player, egging them on.
88 006BB0CC How about it, tough guy? Why don't you give us some entertainment? Taunting the player, patronizing them.
89 006BB0CD You're going to regret messin' with the Family! Said while taunting the player, threatening them.
90 006BB0CE Can't believe they've got me fightin' someone so soft! Said while taunting the player.
91 006BB0CF An eyebot could swing better than you! Taunting the player. Eyebots don’t have any arms.
92 006BB0D0 Mannaggia, how long does it take you to die?! Taunting the player. “Mannaggia” is Italian for “damn”.
93 006BB0D1 What a waste of bullets this is! Said while taunting the player.
94 006BB0D2 I'm going to have to redo my hair after this, thanks for that! Said while taunting the player. This is said sarcastically because the player is inconveniencing him.
95 006BB0D3 A molerat's face has got nothin' on your ugly mug! Taunting the player. Insulting their appearance.
96 006BB0D4 C'mon, I've got a family. Just go home! Trying to bargain with the player so he doesn’t fight.
97 006BB0D5 How many of my brothers have you wasted already?! I won't stand for it! Taunting the player, threatening them.
98 006BB0D6 My patience is running thin, and it was already like paper! Taunting the player.
99 006BB0D7 Gimme a good reason not to whack you right here, right now! Taunting the player.
100 006BB0D8 Killin' you will be easier than breathing! Taunting the player.
101 006BB06C 006BB0C6 Haha! They're bathing in bullets right now! Go ahead! Telling his ally to move up while he takes out the enemy.
102 006BB0C7 I'm about to whack these suckers, what are you waiting for?! Telling his ally to move up while he takes out the enemy.
103 006BB0C8 They won't last much longer like this! Take 'em out! Telling his ally to move up while he takes out the enemy.
104 006BB06D 006BB0BC You got wax in your ears?! Get back!! Telling his ally to take cover.
105 006BB0BD Get back!! Get back! They're gaining on us! Telling his ally to take cover.
106 006BB0BE Don't let 'em hit you! Fall back! Telling his ally to take cover.
107 006BB06E 006BB081 Want a promotion? Then get on in there and take 'em out! Issuing an order to his ally to move up.
108 006BB082 I've met mice with more bravery than you! Move up! Issuing an order to his ally to move up.
109 006BB083 Move forward and give 'em a beating they never forget! Issuing an order to his ally to move up.
110 006BB06F 006BB089 What, you scared?! Go get 'em from the side! Issuing an order to his ally to flank the enemy.
111 006BB08A I'll cover you, go around the side! C'mon, hurry! Issuing an order to his ally to flank the enemy.
112 006BB08B Are your legs made of led? Go around the side! Issuing an order to his ally to flank the enemy.
113 006BB070 006BB0B4 You don't fuck with the Family! Angry, shouting, reacting to being hit.
114 006BB0B5 That all you got, tough guy? Angry, chiding the player on, reacting to being hit.
115 006BB0B6 Whatever you give, I'll throw it back harder! Angry, shouting, reacting to being hit.
116 006BB0B7 Didn't hurt at all! Angry, shouting, reacting to being hit.
117 006BB0B8 I've known Pomeranians who pack more of a punch! Telling the player off.
118 006BB0B9 I got more blood to spill than you've got fight left in you! Telling the player off.
119 006BB0BA All the people in the world and they send a weakling like you! Telling the player off.
120 006BB071 006BB07B There's no light...pray for me. Muttered while dying.
121 006BB07C The end of the line... Coughs and sputters at the beginning. Muttered while dying.
122 006BB07D I've still got...fight left... Muttered while dying.
123 006BB07E I thought I'd have more time... Mutted while dying.
124 006BB07F My-my family... Muttered while dying.
125 006BB072 006BB0AC Gah! Fuck! Exclaiming in pain at having a limb broken.
126 006BB0AD Ah! You'll pay for that! Exclaiming in pain at having a limb broken.
127 006BB0AE Agh! I'm not done...not yet! Exclaiming in pain at having a limb broken.
128 006BB0AF I won't let them put a price on my head! Cringing in pain at having a limb broken.
129 006BB0B0 Agh! Now you're going to get it! Exclaiming in pain at having a limb broken.
130 006BB0B1 Gah! I won't go down easy! Exclaiming in pain at having a limb broken.
131 006BB0B2 It's-It's nothing! It's just a scratch! Cringing in pain at having a limb broken.
132 006BB073 006BB085 Don't let him get the jump on me, all right?! Trying to get an ally to cover him.
133 006BB086 I'm gonna whack this fool, cover me! Trying to get an ally to cover him.
134 006BB087 Do I need to spell out the obvious?! Don't let them hit me! Trying to get an ally to cover him.
135 006BB074 006BB0A6 Keep back! It ain't safe! Warning allies of something dangerous.
136 006BB0A7 Whoa, whoa! Take it easy with that thing! Warning allies of something dangerous.
137 006BB0A8 Eh, gavones! Stay back! Warning allies of something dangerous.
138 006BB0A9 Get it outta here! Trying to get rid of something dangerous.
139 006BB0AA I don't care what you do with it, just get rid of it! Trying to get rid of something dangerous.
140 006BB075 006BB09E Ready to meet the big guy in the sky, punk? Angry, is attacking the player while saying this.
141 006BB09F Hragh! Angry, is attacking the player while saying this. More of a vocalization struggling in a fight.
142 006BB0A0 You ain't getting away without a bit of blood! Angry, is attacking the player while saying this.
143 006BB0A1 I'm falling asleep here! Angry, is attacking the player while saying this. Taunting the player.
144 006BB0A2 Don't want to get your guts all over my suit! Taunting the player, attacking them while saying this.
145 006BB0A3 Don't worry, we'll burn you up right when you die! Taunting the player, attacking them while saying this.
146 006BB0A4 What're you, stunod?! Why aren't you hitting? Taunting the player, attacking them while saying this. “Stunod” is Italian slang for out of touch and stupid.
147 006BB076 006BB096 You've killed the wrong man today! Angry, shouting, reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
148 006BB097 A life for a life! Reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
149 006BB098 Oh, you're going to get it now! Angry, shouting, reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
150 006BB099 You just whacked a family man! Angry, shouting, reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
151 006BB09A You have no idea what you just did! Angry, shouting, reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
152 006BB09B No! Angry, shouting, reacting to another mafioso having been killed.
153 006BB09C Not possible. No way. How could you do this?! Despair over another mafioso having been killed.
154 006BB077 006BB08D Huh. Wonder who they pissed off. Surprised, but not devastated. This is a normal occurrence for him.
155 006BB08E Gross, these shoes are brand new! Can't go getting blood on 'em. Doesn’t want to be near the corpse because he might get dirty.
156 006BB08F Looks like their number came up quick. Making a generic observation about a dead body.
157 006BB090 Where there's one, there's more. Suspicious upon seeing a dead body.
158 006BB091 What a mess. Disapproving, doesn’t want to have to clean up the body.
159 006BB092 Nasty business. But it ain't none of mine. Disgusted by the corpse, but doesn’t want to get involved.
160 006BB093 Going to need to get this one in the ol'acid bucket. Referring to the fact that the corpse will need to be disposed of.
161 006BB078 006BB0C0 It's your funeral! There's worse things than me out there! Trying to coerce the player to come back and fight him. Just lost his enemy.
162 006BB0C1 So you wanna play the long game, eh? I'll sniff you out! Angrily taunting the player after losing them.
163 006BB0C2 I'll give you five minutes to show your mug. No, three! Threatening and taunting the player to get them to come out.
164 006BB0C3 Cut it with the dramatics and come out already! Yelling, taunting the player to come out.
165 006BB0C4 Eugh, I'm getting too old for these games. Frustrated, waiting for the player to come out and fight.
166 006BB079 006BB0E0 All up in my personal space, huh? This'll teach ya! Going into combat while in close quarters.
167 006BB0E1 Stay back! Going into combat while in close quarters.
168 006BB0E2 You want a fight? You'll get a fight! Going into combat while in close quarters.
169 006BB0E4 Haha! This better be good! Laughing, excited to go into combat.
170 006BB0E5 I can take you out in ten seconds flat! Boasting, bravado, going into combat.
171 006BB0E6 This day just got a lot more interestin'! Boasting, showboating, going into combat.
172 006BB0E7 Don't hold back! I like a challenge! Showing bravado, going into combat.
173 006BB0E8 You're so dead! Double dead! Threatening, going into combat.
174 006BB0E9 I'll turn your spine into a jump rope! Threatening, going into combat.
175 006BB0EA You won't come out of this alive! Threatening, going into combat.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
12 006BAA4B 006BDC5E You ready to get started? I'm growing old here. Casual and bored.
173 006D5139 006D51A0 Could you try being ready then? Annoyed and impatient.
174 006D513B 006D5170 Stand there and look pretty. What do you think? Annoyed by an obvious question.
175 Just watch my back while I get the goods out of the safes. Blunt.
176 006D513D 006D5168 We don't have time to waste. Let's go. Matter of fact, curt.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male GMale Script Notes
2 006C2CFC 006C2D50 It was simple. Wait for all the Russos to be in the room together. Shoot on my signal. Couldn't follow either one! Dying, but so busy complaining that he hardly feels it
3 Almost makes me happy to be put out of my freakin' misery! Dying, but so busy complaining that he hardly feels it
5 006C2D00 006C2D4E *pained laugh* Guess every one of you nutsos has a reason to be afraid of payback from Atlantic City. Dying, but amused
6 Sleep tight, Russos. I may not be the last to come for you. Dying, but amused/threatening
15 006C2D07 006C2D16 God damn it! Did you see me give the goddamned signal?!
16 006C2D08 006C2D1B Aw, I can't listen to this baloney no more. Let's light this place up!

19 006C2D0B 006C2D54 I mean, really! *pained cough* What does "on my signal" mean to you? Does it mean "whenever the hell you want"? Dying, but so busy complaining that he hardly feels it
27 006F88E4 You looking at something?
28 006F88E5 Can I do something for you?
29 006F88E6 Can't you see I'm trying to enjoy a drink?
30 006F88E7 Mind your business, pal.
31 006F88E8 Go get your own table.
126 006C4C2D 006C4C54 They were simple instructions! How hard is it *pained cough* to follow simple instructions? Dying, but so frustrated by the stupidity, he hardly feels the pain
151 006EB108 006EB135 Gee, thanks for the comforting words. Just like being at home with ma.
152 006EB109 006EB128 Hey, I told them the same thing, lady. Starting to think they wanted to get rid of me, too.
153 006EB10F 006EB12B Wouldn't you like to know?
183 006EC21F 006EC226 Well, screw you! But, thank you! Shouldn't be so goddamned difficult to execute a basic plan.
184 006EC220 006EC225 Didn't turn out well for them? *pained laugh* And what about me, huh? Condemned to death by the stupidity of others.
185 006EC221 006EC227 Then you're just as bad as the rest of these harebrained knuckleheads bleeding out all over the floor!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male GMale Script Notes
1 006F28D4 006F2900 Don't get any funny ideas. Threatening
2 006F28D8 006F28FF I could double and triple check and your name wouldn't magically appear. Get lost.
4 006F28DB 006F2903 Sure you are. We ain't afraid to clean more bloodstains from the carpet. Getting ready to attack
5 006F28DC 006F2902 The High Rollers Lounge has an exclusive entry policy. You're not on the list.
6 006FB7C8 006FB834 No entry.
7 006FB835 You're not a high roller, so scram.
8 006FB837 Sorry for the confusion earlier.
9 006FB838 Go on through, and keep an eye on Stan.
10 006FD049 006FD06A You mean to tell me that other guy wasn't Stan's chaperon? You'd better get in there quick. I think there's a game going already.
11 006FD06B Oh... Right, apologies. Wouldn't want to mess up anyone's game. Questioning himself for a moment, but acting like he knew all along


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male GMale Script Notes
120 006F3E57 006F3E61 You mean you don't see it, Stan? He's playing you! Ain't nobody got that kind of luck.
121 006F3E58 006F3E6A Oh, come on! You know I'd never play you, Stan! You're the man!
122 You know what I love most about you, Stan? How much faith you put in your friends.
123 006F3E59 006F3E62 This is ludicrous. Fed up, pulling gun out to shoot the cheater'
125 006F3E5B 006F3E5C Come on, Stan. Three royal flushes in a row?

126 Now you grab that cash and take care of your family. I'm headed out.