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This is a transcript for dialogue with Liberty Prime during Take it Back!.


CitadelPrimeVoiceTest CitadelPrimeVoiceTest Neutral 50 Voice module online. Audio functionality test... initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the Liberation of Anchorage, Alaska. 1
MQ11LDPrimeLines MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Revised stratagem: Initiate photonic resonance overcharge. 2
MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Established stratagem: Inadequate. 3
MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Significant obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by enhanced photonic resonance barrier. 4
MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Chinese blockade attempt: futile. 5
MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: 0% 6
MQ11LDPrimeLines Neutral 50 Warning: Forcible impact alert. Scanning for Chinese artillery. 7
MQ11PrimeActivationLine MQ11PrimeActivationLine Neutral 50 Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists. 8


Attack Attack Neutral 50 America will never fall to Communist invasion. 9
Attack Neutral 50 Commencing tactical assessment. Red Chinese threat detected. 10
Attack Neutral 50 Democracy is non-negotiable. 11
Attack Neutral 50 Engaging Red Chinese aggressors. 12
Attack Neutral 50 Freedom is the sovereign right of every American. 13
Attack Neutral 50 Death is a preferable alternative to Communism. 14
Attack Neutral 50 Chairman Cheng will fail. China will fall. 15
Attack Neutral 50 Communist engaged. 16
Attack Neutral 50 Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged. 17
Attack Neutral 50 Democracy will never be defeated. 18
Attack Neutral 50 Alaska's liberation is imminent. 19
Attack Neutral 50 Engaging Chinese invader. 20
Attack Neutral 50 Communism is a lie. 21
Attack Neutral 50 Initiating directive 7395 destroy all Communists. 22
Attack Neutral 50 Tactical assessment: Red Chinese victory... impossible. 23
Attack Neutral 50 Communist target acquired. 24
Attack Neutral 50 Anchorage will be liberated. 25
Attack Neutral 50 Communism is the very definition of failure. 26
Attack Neutral 50 The last domino falls here. 27
Attack Neutral 50 We will not fear the Red Menace. 28
Attack Neutral 50 Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom. 29
Attack Neutral 50 Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated. 30
Attack Neutral 50 Democracy is truth. Communism is death. 31