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This is a transcript for dialogue with Liam Binet aka Patriot.


1DialogueInstituteLiamFirstGreeting{Casual, friendly} Maybe you could help me with something.LiamBinet: I'm not allowed to leave the Institute, but I'm really curious about the Commonwealth.A
2NPCMLiamBinet: Maybe you could help me with something.I'm not allowed to leave the Institute, but I'm really curious about the Commonwealth.A1a
3Maybe you could tell me about it. What's it like, you know, up on the surface?Player Default: It's great to see people rebuilding civilization. There's a real sense of hope.A1b
4Player Default: It's great to see people rebuilding civilization. There's a real sense of hope.I'm glad to hear that.LiamBinet: I know what you're thinking. Why should I care? I'm safe down here, right?A1a
5Player Default: It's a wasteland. People are barely surviving up there.Yeah, I had a feeling it was pretty bad.LiamBinet: I know what you're thinking. Why should I care? I'm safe down here, right?B1a
6Player Default: Well, let me put it this way. You're much better off down here.I know, and I feel pretty lucky that I am.X1a
7People up there have it so much worse.LiamBinet: I know what you're thinking. Why should I care? I'm safe down here, right?X1b
8Player Default: What makes you so curious about the surface?Because it's the only place I'm not allowed to go.LiamBinet: I know what you're thinking. Why should I care? I'm safe down here, right?Y1a
9Player Default: I'm glad to hear that.I know what you're thinking. Why should I care? I'm safe down here, right?A1a
10I guess it's because of something my dad once told me.A1b
11He said, contrary to others might say, science should never be dispassionate.A1c
12In fact, compassion should be one of our most important values.Player Default: If more scientists had thought that way, the bomb might never have been invented.A1d
13Player Default: If more scientists had thought that way, the bomb might never have been invented.Wow, I never thought of it that way, but you're right.A1a
14I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there when the bombs fell.A1b
15I think I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life.LiamBinet: Well, it was nice to meet you.A1c
16Player Default: Real science should deal in facts, not feelings.Most people down here would agree with you. My dad's kind of independent in that way.B1a
17He's got some different ideas and he's not afraid to say so. I admire him for it.LiamBinet: Well, it was nice to meet you.B1b
18Player Default: I can see both sides, really.I can understand that.LiamBinet: Well, it was nice to meet you.X1a
19Player Default: What do you think?I think he's right. If we're going to make a better future, it should be a future where people care about each other.LiamBinet: Well, it was nice to meet you.Y1a
20Player Default: I think I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life.Well, it was nice to meet you.A1a
21-{Disappointed.} It's alright, I'm used to being ignored.
22{Compassion} Why can't a synth be a person too? I don't really see the difference.
23{Proud} Dad says I'm as good as he is with computers.
24{Sheepish admission, but with a smile} I'm trying to learn chess, but the computer always beats me.
25{Confiding in a friend} The Coursers give me the creeps, you know? They seem, I don't know, cold.


26DialogueInstituteBinetHomeScene1Alan: You're too smart Liam, but I assure you, it has nothing to do with anything that would concern you.{Slightly worried, paranoid / Worried} I think that's even more concerning.A1a
27Alan: What did you do with your day, Liam?{Hiding nervousness / Nervous} You know, kept busy.A1a
28{Hiding nervousness} Hey, what's with the sudden security increase? I noticed a few more Coursers than usual walking around. Is everything okay?Alan: Oh it's nothing to worry about.A1b
29Alan: Oh it's nothing to worry about.{Jokingly, suspicious / Suspicious} In other words, it's definitely something to worry about and you can't talk about it. How bad is it?Alan: You're too smart Liam, but I assure you, it has nothing to do with anything that would concern you.A1a
30DialogueInstituteBinetHomeScene2{Curious / Question} Hey Eve, have you seen my notebook book laying around?Eve: No. Did you leave it somewhere else?A1a
31Eve: No. Did you leave it somewhere else?{Puzzled / Puzzled} I can't remember. Oh well, I don't need it right now.Eve: For such a smart kid, you're a bit unorganized.A1a
32Eve: For such a smart kid, you're a bit unorganized.{Friendly / Friendly} I prefer to call it organized chaos.A1a
33DialogueInstituteBinetHomeScene3Eve: Liam, I forgot to tell you, your friend Brendan came by looking for you.{Curious / Puzzled} Thanks. Did he say why?Eve: He mentioned something about studying and then said a lot of scientific words...but I don't think he knew what they meant.A1a
34Eve: He mentioned something about studying and then said a lot of scientific words...but I don't think he knew what they meant.{Open with a laugh. Friendly, appreciative. / Friendly} Yeah, that sounds about right. I'll go find him later. Thanks Eve.A1a
35DialogueInstituteBinetHomeScene4Eve: Well, you're home now, and you should relax. I got a little sidetracked helping Liam with his work, but things are under control.{faking annoyance / Friendly} Hey, wait a minute. I had that completely under control, thank you very much.Eve: If you say so...A1a


36InstM02Scene3LiamInvestigateOh, it's you again. What are you doing here?Player Default: I'm investigating synth escapes.A
37Hey, you're that new guy, the one from the vault. What are you doing here?Player Default: I'm investigating synth escapes.A
38Player Default: I'm investigating synth escapes.{Irritated} I already told Justin Ayo that my dad has nothing to do with that.A1a
39{Angry} I guess he didn't believe me so he sent you instead. That guy's a real jerk.Liam: Listen, I know what Justin Ayo believes, but he's wrong. My dad's not helping synths get away.A1b
40Player Default: I'm here to prove that your father is helping synths escape.{Angry} No he's not! First that Ayo guy tries to accuse him and now you.B1a
41{Worried} Everyone's trying to blame my dad, but he didn't do it.Liam: Listen, I know what Justin Ayo believes, but he's wrong. My dad's not helping synths get away.B1b
42Player Default: Oh, just looking around.Aw, come on, you're not going to fool me that easily.X1a
43{Suspicious} You're here for a reason, I can tell. So what is it?Player Default: I'm investigating synth escapes.X1b
44Player Default: Know anything about a remote computer access?{Concerned} Um... no, I don't know anything about that.Y1a
45{Puzzled} Why would you ask... oh, I know what this is about.Liam: Listen, I know what Justin Ayo believes, but he's wrong. My dad's not helping synths get away.Y1b
46Player Default: I guess he didn't believe me so he sent you instead. That guy's a real jerk.{Pleading} Listen, I know what Justin Ayo believes, but he's wrong. My dad's not helping synths get away.A1a
47{Worried} I guess he could get into real trouble if they decide he's guilty anyway.Player Default: If your father is innocent, then there's nothing to worry about.A1b
48Player Default: Maybe. Your father is important, but so are the synths.{Concerned} Yeah, that's what everyone keeps saying. It's like the synths are more important than people.Liam: I wish everyone would just leave my dad alone.X1a
49Player Default: Do you know anything that might help me prove his innocence?{Conflicted, worried / Worried} I don't know anything that would help. I wish I did.Liam: I wish everyone would just leave my dad alone.Y1a
50Player Default: Yeah, that's what everyone keeps saying. It's like the synths are more important than people.{Angry} I wish everyone would just leave my dad alone.A1a
51{Angry} I mean, why is it such a big deal if a few synths escape? We have more than enough here.Player Default: Liam, I can only help if you're honest with me.A1b
52Player Default: Liam, I can only help if you're honest with me.{Defiant / Irritated} I already told you., I don't know anything about it.Liam: I guess I'll get out of your way, then.A1a
53Player Default: That's not the point. It's a matter of trust and loyalty.{Angry} My father's been loyal to the Institute every day of his life. Anyone who questions that is a fool.Liam: I guess I'll get out of your way, then.X1a
54Player Default: Is there anyone else who might want to help the synth?{Angry / Angry} I don't know. You figure it out. Just leave my dad out of it, okay?Liam: I guess I'll get out of your way, then.Y1a
55Player Default: I already told you., I don't know anything about it.{Irritated} I guess I'll get out of your way, then.A1a
56{Resentful / Irritated} I wouldn't want to interfere with your stupid investigation.A1b
57InstM02Scene4LiamConfessionLiam: I want to frame Justin Ayo.Ever since Doctor Zimmer left, he's been out of control.A1a
58He and his Coursers have been pushing people around and threatening them to get what he wants.A1b
59When he came after my dad, that was the last straw.Player Default: If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.A1c
60PlayerVoiceFemale01: You're the one helping synths escape. Why?{Impressed, a little cocky / Impressed} So, you figured it out. Nice work. Nobody else down here could. I'm not surprised it took someone from outside.A1a
61At first I just wanted to see if I could get away with it. It was a challenge, you know?A1b
62{Concerned} But then I realized the synths are really just like us, except without any freedom.A1c
63I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.Player Default: Down here, they're no better than servants. At least on the surface, they'll be free.A1d
64Player Default: Down here, they're no better than servants. At least on the surface, they'll be free.That's all I've ever wanted for them.Liam: Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.A1a
65Player Default: A better life? It's a living hell up there.I'm not forcing them to leave, I'm just, you know, giving them an opportunity.B1a
66If they take it, they have to face the same risks as everyone else on the surface, but at least they'll be free.Liam: Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.B1b
67Player Default: You should know that Eve is dead. She died trying to protect you.{Sadness, shock / Surprised} Oh no... no. I'm so sorry. I had no idea she's grown that attached, or cared that much.X1a
68{Sad} I swear, I didn't mean for that to happen. She was a good person, I promise. She really seemed to love us.Liam: Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.X1b
69Player Default: You should know that Eve is dead. She died trying to protect you.{Shocked / Surprised} What?! I didn't think she cared that much about us, not enough to hurt someone.X2a
70{Contrite / Apologetic} I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I've made a terrible mistake. I didn't mean for that to happen, I swear.Liam: Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.X2b
71Player Default: What happens to the synths you free?{Sad} I like to think they go on to live better lives. I hope so, anyway.Liam: Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.Y1a
72Player Default: That's all I've ever wanted for them.Look, now that you know, you have a choice to make. You could tell Justin, but I have a proposal for you.A1a
73I want to frame Justin Ayo.A1b
74Player Default: If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.I know just what to do.A1a
75{Conspiratorial} Go to Justin's quarters and disable the security safeguards on his private terminal.A1b
76{Conspiratorial} I'll remotely plant evidence on it that'll make it look like he's the one helping the synths.A1c
77{SinisterSmile} Then it's bye-bye Justin Ayo.A1d
78Player Default: Nice try kid, but that's not happening.{Sad} Well, I guess that's it for me, then. At least now I can prove my dad is innocent.B1a
79{Sad} And don't worry, I won't try to run. I wouldn't know where to go anyway.B1b
80Player Default: Maybe if you offered me the right incentive...{Mulling it over / Thinking} Well, I guess I could part with my spare glasses. My dad always says they make me look smarter.X1a
81{Confident} Help me frame Justin, and they're yours.Player Default: If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.X1b
82Player Default: Maybe if you offered me the right incentive...{Worried} I don't have anything to give you, honest. I wish I did.X2a
83{Grateful} But think of all the synths you'll be helping! You'd do it for them, right?Player Default: If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.X2b
84Player Default: Would that really solve anything? Who would take Justin's place if he were gone.Alana Secord. She's honest, fair and good at what she does.Y1a
85She'll make a great acting director for the SRB.Player Default: If he's as bad as you say, then he needs to go.Y1b
86InstM02Scene4LiamFinishPlayer Default: Think of all the synths I could help then!{Conspiratorial} I guess there's only one thing left to do. I'll tell my dad about how I think Justin Ayo's been secretly freeing the synths.A1a
87{SinisterSmile} I've got a motive for him, too. The way I see it, it's a play to make sure everyone depends on the SRB.Liam: I said I'd give you my spare glasses, and here they are. Thanks again for your help!A1b
88PlayerVoiceFemale01: I disabled the safeguards.{Confident} Way ahead of you. I've already accessed the terminal and planted the evidence. Pretty good, huh?Player Default: You're a natural, kid.A1a
89Player Default: You're a natural, kid.{NO RE-RECORD NEEDED - Just fixed a capitalization error / Amused} Yep. Maybe one day I'll even be head of the Robotics division.A1a
90{Happy} Think of all the synths I could help then!Liam: I guess there's only one thing left to do. I'll tell my dad about how I think Justin Ayo's been secretly freeing the synths.A1b
91Player Default: It's nothing special.{Defiant} Well, maybe every kid was a computer genius back in your time, but it's pretty rare now.Liam: I guess there's only one thing left to do. I'll tell my dad about how I think Justin Ayo's been secretly freeing the synths.B1a
92Liam: I've got a motive for him, too. The way I see it, it's a play to make sure everyone depends on the SRB.{Friendly} I said I'd give you my spare glasses, and here they are. Thanks again for your help!A1a
93Liam: I've got a motive for him, too. The way I see it, it's a play to make sure everyone depends on the SRB.{Friendly} Thanks again for your help. a lot of people will be happier with Justin Ayo out of the way, especially my dad.A2a
94-I didn't think I'd get my dad into so much trouble. I should have thought of that.
95Everyone thinks of the synths as machines, but they sure seem like people to me.
96I bet the free synths are happier than the ones down here.
97Ayo should never have gone after my father.
98I wish I could be there to see the look on Justin Ayo's face when he's the one who gets blamed for the escaped synths.
99{Morose} Don't know if we'll see each other again.
100{Morose} Can't believe you sided with Justin.
101{Morose} Guess the idea of synths being free isn't for everyone.
102{Morose} So Justin wins, all thanks to you. Unbelievable.
103{A reluctant confession. Draw this out a bit. / Apologetic} I... I do know something. I did it. I'm the one who's helping the synths.


104-{Smug satisfaction, gloating / SinisterSmile} Justin Ayo was banished to the surface. Now my dad's safe and the Institute's biggest bully is gone.
105{Impressed / Friendly} We make a pretty good team.
106{Impressed / Impressed} I have to admit, you're pretty sharp. Nobody else down here could figure out how the synths were getting out.
107{Confident, bit of a boast / Confident} Thanks to us, there's a lot of synths who can live their own lives now.


108RR201_0300_LiamMeeting{Excited, nervous / Nervous} Hey. It's me. So you're the one who sent the encrypted message.Patriot: How did you even do that? I wasn't sure anyone on the surface would have a chance to crack Trinity. You know, the encryption algorithm.A
109Player Default: So much to take in. But, wait.{Excited / Friendly} With you in the picture, I have this idea. To rescue a lot of synths at once.Patriot: But we'll need help. Where's he working now? Right, let's go to the West Atrium.A1a
110Patriot: With you in the picture, I have this idea. To rescue a lot of synths at once.{Thinking aloud, then springing into action / Friendly} But we'll need help. Where's he working now? Right, let's go to the West Atrium.A1a
111Player Default: The Railroad sent me to look for someone they call Patriot. That's you.{Shocked / Surprised} What? The Railroad? As in the Railroad?Patriot: And they gave me a code name, too?A1a
112Patriot: What? The Railroad? As in the Railroad?{Blown away, sooo cool / Surprised} And they gave me a code name, too?Patriot: I kept sending synths to the surface hoping someone would help them.A1a
113NPCMLiamBinet: Hey. It's me. So you're the one who sent the encrypted message.{Nervous, but really curious} How did you even do that? I wasn't sure anyone on the surface would have a chance to crack Trinity. You know, the encryption algorithm.Player Default: A friend named Tinker Tom cracked your encryption.A1a
114Player Default: A friend named Tinker Tom cracked your encryption.{Impressed / Impressed} He must've had some serious hardware to pull that off. Wow.Patriot: Your message was only one word: "Friend". What did you mean by that?A1a
115Player Default: I'm not sure I should trust you.{Taken aback, then nervous / Nervous} You're worried about me? If the SRB cracked Trinity, man...Patriot: Your message was only one word: "Friend". What did you mean by that?B1a
116Player Default: Who are you?{Confiding, still nervous} I'm Liam Binet. My father runs Synth Development.X1a
117{Impressed} And everyone knows who you are.Player Default: A friend named Tinker Tom cracked your encryption.X1b
118Player Default: Trinity? What's that?{Nerd geeking out about something} Trinity is an encryption system, with a cipher or key cut up into many pieces.Y1a
119{Nerd geeking out about something} You need several pieces, in the correct order, to unlock it.Y1b
120{Impressed} I put a Trinity piece with every synth I helped escape. It was long shot, but I was hoping some good Samaritan would connect it all together.Player Default: A friend named Tinker Tom cracked your encryption.Y1c
121Player Default: He must've had some serious hardware to pull that off. Wow.{Cagey / Nervous} Your message was only one word: "Friend". What did you mean by that?Player Default: The Railroad sent me to look for someone they call Patriot. That's you.A1a
122Player Default: What do you think?{Nervous joke} At the very least, I'm hoping it means you won't turn me in.Y1a
123{Hopeful, but has faith} But you really are a friend, aren't you?Player Default: The Railroad sent me to look for someone they call Patriot. That's you.Y1b
124Patriot: And they gave me a code name, too?{Explaining} I kept sending synths to the surface hoping someone would help them.A1a
125{Still blown away} I hoped the Railroad got to some of them, but I never knew for certain.Player Default: You've saved a lot of synths.A1b
126Player Default: You've saved a lot of synths.{Has a great idea} So much to take in. But, wait.Patriot: With you in the picture, I have this idea. To rescue a lot of synths at once.A1a
127Player Default: If you met them, trust me, you wouldn't be that impressed.{Undeterred, blown away} They've eluded the SRB for decades. They've got to be incredible.Patriot: With you in the picture, I have this idea. To rescue a lot of synths at once.B1a
128Player Default: Why are you helping synths?{Hacking challenge junky} At first I just wanted to see if I could get away with it. It was a challenge, you know?X1a
129{Sheepishly idealistic} But then I realized the synths are really just like us, except without any freedom.X1b
130{Sheepishly idealistic} I decided to help the ones that wanted to escape, so they can have a better life.Player Default: You've saved a lot of synths.X1c
131Player Default: How did you help synths escape?{Having a laugh at the stupid authorities} Through hacking. The departments focus their best talent on the hard science. Why waste time on terminal security, right?Y1a
132{Not laughing now, they worry him} The SRB is the exception. And, unfortunately, they control which synths go to the surface.Y1b
133{Proud of his cleverness} But a forged work order from, let's say, BioScience can get a hand-picked synth on surface detail.Y1c
134{Still blown away} And it turns out the Railroad was waiting for them. Wow.Player Default: You've saved a lot of synths.Y1d
135RR201_0350_MeetZ1{Sees Z1-14, who he's looking for} Good, he's here.Patriot: Z1-14. It's me.A
136{Whispered / Conspiratorial} Z1-14. It's me.Z1-14: Sir. Do you require something?A1a
137Z1-14: Sir. Do you require something?{Whispered, vouching for PC / Friendly} It's OK, Z1. He's a friend. He's with the Railroad.Z1-14: Meeting here is dangerous. And you bring a stranger.A1a
138Z1-14: Sir. Do you require something?{Friendly} It's OK, Z1. She's a friend. She's with the Railroad.Z1-14: Meeting here is dangerous. And you bring a stranger.A2a
139Z1-14: I've never met another human willing to help... But, sir, we must make this quick.{Whispered, urgent} Right now, how many synths want to escape, Z1?Z1-14: The ones I know for certain. Thirteen.A1a
140Z1-14: The ones I know for certain. Thirteen.{Whispered, impatient, then reckless} That'll take forever. Let's free those thirteen all in one go.Z1-14: I would do anything for my people. But how do we get them to the teleporter?A1a
141Z1-14: The old maintenance tunnels that lead there are always sealed. By the SRB.{Whispered, intense / Conspiratorial} If I can find a way to open those doors, could you get your synths to the teleporter room?Z1-14: Yes. We'll talk later. Someplace more secure.A1a
142Player Default: I... I thought only Mr. Binet cared. But your friends actually fight for us?{Whispered, vouching for the PC / Pleading} That's what the Railroad does, Z1. He's from the surface.Z1-14: I've never met another human willing to help... But, sir, we must make this quick.A1a
143Player Default: I... I thought only Mr. Binet cared. But your friends actually fight for us?{Pleading} That's what the Railroad does, Z1. She's from the surface.Z1-14: I've never met another human willing to help... But, sir, we must make this quick.A2a
144Player Default: Excuse me, I must focus on my duties.{Whispering, emphatically vouching for the PC} He's not from here. He's been helping our synths escape on the surface. It's safe.Z1-14: I've never met another human willing to help... But, sir, we must make this quick.B1a
145Player Default: Excuse me, I must focus on my duties.She's not from here. She's been helping our synths escape on the surface. It's safe.Z1-14: I've never met another human willing to help... But, sir, we must make this quick.B2a
146RR201_0375_GetCodeDefender{Getting excited} You ready to help the synths escape? All thirteen of them?Player Default: Of course I'll help you.A
147{Ironic, nervous} Just a few high security doors, right?Patriot: Controlled by cutting-edge SRB security tech. Yeah. A head on hack is the sucker play. So we go at them sideways.A
148NPCMLiamBinet: Just a few high security doors, right?{Nervous at the beginning, then reveals he's clever / Nervous} Controlled by cutting-edge SRB security tech. Yeah. A head on hack is the sucker play. So we go at them sideways. Patriot: You're willing to help, right? I can't do this alone.A1a
149Patriot: Controlled by cutting-edge SRB security tech. Yeah. A head on hack is the sucker play. So we go at them sideways.{Assumes the player will help, excited / Nervous} You're willing to help, right? I can't do this alone.Player Default: Of course I'll help you.A1a
150Player Default: I won't help you.{A little disappointed} If you want to free synths, a lot of them, come back here and we'll talk.Patriot: Our core security architecture hasn't fundamentally changed from the old CIT days.B1a
151Player Default: If you want to free synths, a lot of them, come back here and we'll talk.{Geeking out} Our core security architecture hasn't fundamentally changed from the old CIT days.Patriot: The original security program was called Code Defender. Revolutionary stuff. We still have terminals running version 1 mothballed in storage.A1a
152Patriot: Our core security architecture hasn't fundamentally changed from the old CIT days.{Geeking out, Code Defender is really incredible} The original security program was called Code Defender. Revolutionary stuff. We still have terminals running version 1 mothballed in storage.Patriot: With some persuasion, I can get an old terminal to interface with the new security terminals. Enough to open doors, at least.A1a
153Patriot: The original security program was called Code Defender. Revolutionary stuff. We still have terminals running version 1 mothballed in storage.{Impressed with himself, has to make an asterisk at the last bit / Amused} With some persuasion, I can get an old terminal to interface with the new security terminals. Enough to open doors, at least.Patriot: Problem is I can't even crack version 1. So I need a good old fashion username and password, and that's nowhere to be found in the Institute.A1a
154Patriot: With some persuasion, I can get an old terminal to interface with the new security terminals. Enough to open doors, at least.{Hesitant, humorous admission - then excited at outsmarting everyone / Nervous} Problem is I can't even crack version 1. So I need a good old fashion username and password, and that's nowhere to be found in the Institute.A1a
155{Nervous} But if you could get me a pre-war admin password from the surface, I could log right in.Player Default: I'll find it for you.A1b
156Player Default: I'll find it for you.{Excited, then deflates a little / Nervous} That's great. Unfortunately, the obvious place to look won't work.Patriot: The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.A1a
157Player Default: Sounds like a hare-brained scheme.{Defensive, confident - then deflates / Nervous} I've been probing SRB security for years. It'll work. But finding a password won't be easy.Patriot: The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.B1a
158Player Default: Your "plan" makes me nervous.{Defensive} Z1 and I have been working on elements of this for years. The doors are the only thing stopping us.X1a
159{Deflates a little} But finding the password is going to be tricky. The obvious place won't work.Patriot: The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.X1b
160Player Default: Where would I find that?{A little nervous} Unfortunately, I don't know. The obvious place won't work.Patriot: The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.Y1a
161Player Default: That's great. Unfortunately, the obvious place to look won't work.{Builds up optimism} The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.Patriot: Ask your friends in the Railroad. I need those login credentials.A1a
162Patriot: The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus.{A little urgent} Ask your friends in the Railroad. I need those login credentials.A1a
163RR201_0600_TurnInCodeDefender{Eager} You ready to hand over the login credentials now?Player Default: Here you go.A
164PlayerVoiceFemale01: Liam. I got you your username and password.{Impressed / Impressed} You Railroad guys really deliver, you know?A1a
165{Excited for the challenge / Happy} Hooking that ancient tech up to the modern terminals is going to be seriously time-consuming. Even with that password.Patriot: So hand it over and I'll get started.A1b
166Patriot: Hooking that ancient tech up to the modern terminals is going to be seriously time-consuming. Even with that password.{Eager / Happy} So hand it over and I'll get started.Player Default: Here you go.A1a
167Player Default: Here you go.{Excited / Happy} I'll get right to work.Patriot: Z1-14 is working the Atrium again. Can you give him an update? It's safer if you do it.A1a
168Player Default: Here you go.{Excited} Great. Listen, I need a favor.Patriot: Z1-14 is working the Atrium again. Can you give him an update? It's safer if you do it.A2a
169Player Default: I'll hold onto it for now.{Antsy} If you think that's best. But I can't start work without it.Patriot: Z1-14 is working the Atrium again. Can you give him an update? It's safer if you do it.B1a
170Player Default: Would it be possible to rescue more synths?{Wish he had better news} Those thirteen synths are the only one we're sure we can trust.X1a
171{Nervous at the thought} If we push our luck and get the wrong synth involved, the whole thing could unravel.Player Default: Here you go.X1b
172Player Default: This is a delicate operation. Are you OK if we have to use violence?{Buys the player's lie, says so without suspicion. / Thinking} Good question. If we find ourselves in that position we pull the plug and wait for another opportunity.Y1a
173{Assumes the player agrees, emphatic} We can't risk anyone's life over this.Player Default: Here you go.Y1b
174Player Default: This is a delicate operation. Are you OK if we have to use violence?{Suspicious / Suspicious} Why do you ask? There are stories about the Railroad. That you're extremists.Y2a
175{Still suspicious, but assumes the player is on the up and up / Defiant} If I get even a hint that you're planning on hurting people, I'll pull the plug myself.Player Default: Here you go.Y2b
176Player Default: I'll get right to work.{Distracted} Z1-14 is working the Atrium again. Can you give him an update? It's safer if you do it.A1a
177RR201_Ambient_LiamWalkProbably best to talk about something else right now.Patriot: You know my Father thinks it's a living hell on the surface.A1a
178Patriot: Probably best to talk about something else right now.You know my Father thinks it's a living hell on the surface.Patriot: But that can't be right. Heck, you look positively normal to me.A1a
179Patriot: You know my Father thinks it's a living hell on the surface.But that can't be right. Heck, you look positively normal to me.Patriot: Uh, no offense.A1a
180Patriot: But that can't be right. Heck, you look positively normal to me.Uh, no offense.Patriot: I'm not sure if we could ever make the surface actually a decent place to live.A1a
181Patriot: Uh, no offense.I'm not sure if we could ever make the surface actually a decent place to live.Patriot: But that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least try to help, you know?A1a
182Patriot: I'm not sure if we could ever make the surface actually a decent place to live.But that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least try to help, you know?A1a
183-{Double speak} That project you helped with. It's coming along. You understand, right?
184{Distracted} Give me some time, OK? This next step is really tricky.
185{Double speak} You get me what we talked about and I'm in business.
186{Clandestine} When we get to the Atrium, follow my lead.
187We need to be careful talking to the synth. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.
188{Wanted to "The Railroad" thought better of it (could be overheard)} I can't believe... your friends have been helping me all along.


190RRKickOut_PatriotReaction{Nervous} Any word on our plans? You know... for the thirteen.Player Default: We have to cancel our plans.A
191Player Default: We have to cancel our plans.{Surprised} Aw, man. Well, you know more about this than I. I'll shut everything down.A1a
192{Nervous} We shouldn't meet any more, just to be safe. And if we do, act natural, right?A1b
193Player Default: The Railroad's gone.{Surprised} What...? Shit. All right, I'm shutting down everything. Hopefully we haven't left any clues for the SRB.B1a
194{Afraid} We shouldn't meet any more. And if we do, act natural, right?B1b
195Player Default: I'm busy. Let's talk later.{Nervous} Sure. But we can't wait forever.X1a
196Player Default: Have any news?{Nervous} Nothing right now. But maybe check back soon.Y1a