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This is a transcript for dialogue with Leroy Walker.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I'm Leroy Walker, and you're probably wondering about what we're doing here. 1
GREETING Disgust 50 Yeah, I killed them all after telling you not to. {Has a "so what" attitude.} 2
Anger 50 I just couldn't trust anyone else to do it. I needed to see them dead with my own eyes. 3
Neutral 50 Anyway, the problem has been taken care of. I can go back to Paradise Falls now. 4
Happy 50 I'll make sure they know you're our kind of people. You'll be welcome there any time. 5
GREETING Disgust 100 You just couldn't wait for us, could you? Well, at least they're all dead. Guess I'll go back to Paradise Falls. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 We are just about to wipe out this Temple of the Union. You can join us or not. It makes no difference to me. {say "Temple of the Union" sarcastically with a sneer.} 7
GREETING Anger 50 We're preparing for a slave attack. Just stay out of the way. 8
GREETING Surprise 50 So did you find any Lincoln artifacts in the Museum? 9
GREETING Surprise 50 Is there something else? 10
GREETING Happy 50 The slaves know their place now, thanks to you. 11
I solemnly swear to protect the Temple of the Union.
Okay. Where is this ruin? Happy 50 It's a museum, just past the Washington Monument. I'm only interested in stuff related to Abraham Lincoln. Bring me back whatever you find. 12
Neutral 50 Oh, and don't try and go into the Memorial. The guards have orders to shoot on sight. 13
MS06AlreadyKnowHannibal Actually, I already know he's up north, near Old Olney. Surprise 50 Very clever. Well, I guess I owe you some caps. 14
MS06BetrayTemple They're up north, near Old Olney. Surprise 50 Not willing to trade your life for a bunch of runaway slaves, eh? 15
Happy 50 Well, you've told me what I need to know. 16
Neutral 50 If you're looking for some spare caps, I'm willing to pay for anything you might find having to do with Abraham Lincoln. 17
Happy 50 I was going to clean out the ruins of the Museum of History looking for them, but now I've got more important business. 18
MS06BuyActionFigure What will you give me for this toy of Lincoln? Disgust 50 I suppose I could give you 10 caps. It's not very inspiring, is it? 19
MS06BuyDraftPoster How much for this war poster? Disgust 50 Those damn abolitionists would use this against us. I'll give you 50 caps. You won't get a better price anywhere else. 20
MS06BuyEmancipation I have a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation to sell. Fear 50 Holy shit! I'll give you 150 caps for it. Nobody else will pay that much. 21
MS06BuyFight I ought to kill you for treating people like this. In fact, I think I will. Anger 50 Abolitionist! 22
MS06BuyGettysburgAddress Are you interested in buying the Gettysburg Address? Disgust 50 Conceived in liberty? I can't let those abolitionists get this. I'll give you 50 caps for it. 23
MS06BuyHat Are you interested in Lincoln's hat? Surprise 50 Such strange clothing. We may never truly understand Lincoln and his times. 24
Neutral 50 It's worth 25 caps to me. 25
MS06BuyLincolnDiary I found Lincoln's diary. Fear 50 This is truly a dangerous book. I'll pay 75 caps for it. 26
MS06BuyNo I'd rather keep it. Anger 50 Don't you dare let any slaves get wind of it. 27
Disgust 50 It'll give them ideas about running. 28
MS06BuyOffNo Um... I seem to be a bit short. But I promise I'll have it by next week. Disgust 50 Yeah. What a surprise. Don't ask again. That was a one time offer. 29
Anger 50 Now get lost before I put you out of my misery. 30
That's too much. I think I'll pass. Disgust 50 Yeah. What a surprise. Don't ask again. That was a one time offer. 31
Anger 50 Now get lost before I put you out of my misery. 32
MS06BuyOffSlavers How about I buy all the Temple of the Union slaves from you? Disgust 50 I bet you just want to set them all free 33
Neutral 50 Still, business is business. You'd have to reimburse me for my efforts to recapture them 34
Disgust 50 You can have them all for 2500 caps. 35
MS06BuyOffYes Here. Take your blood money, all 2500 caps of it. Happy 50 You've got a deal. 36
Anger 50 We'll clear out of here. Those slaves can have this goddamn place. 37
MS06BuyPennies I have a collection of pennies with Lincoln's face on them. Disgust 50 Not exactly something that will rally slaves, eh? I'll give you 15 caps for it. 38
MS06BuyPoster How much will you pay for this poster of the Lincoln Memorial? Fear 50 I wouldn't want abolishionists to find this. How about 100 caps? You know nobody else will buy it. 39
MS06BuyRecording Are you interested in buying a recording of Lincoln's voice? Surprise 50 Yeah, I might be interested. 40
Neutral 50 How does 50 caps sound? 41
MS06BuyRifle Would you like to make an offer on Lincoln's Rifle? Surprise 50 His rifle you say? Yes, I am interested. 42
Disgust 50 Damn! This thing looks like crap. I'll give you 100 caps for it 43
MS06BuyWantedPoster I've got a wanted poster for Lincoln's assassin. Surprise 50 Nice! I'll give you 75 caps for it. 44
MS06BuyYes It's a deal. Disgust 50 I'll get someone to burn this. 45
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 46
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 47
It's a deal. Disgust 50 I'll get this burned right away. 48
MS06Combat So I'm a prisoner? I don't think so! Anger 50 Then I'm just going to have to kill you. 49
Protect escaped slaves? You've got to be kidding. You're worth money to me!
I've got a lot going on right now. Maybe later. Neutral 50 I'll keep the offer open. If you don't do it, someone else will. Hell, I'll do it if I have to. 50
Neutral 50 One more thing. Stay out of the Memorial. My men will shoot anyone that gets too close. 51
MS06FindSlaves Maybe. How much is it worth to find these slaves for you? Neutral 50 I'm only interested in the leader, Hannibal Hamlin. You find him, and I'll pay you 100 caps. 52
Disgust 50 His trail leads east from Paradise Falls. He's going to try and claim this memorial, so this is the one place I know I can find him. 53
Happy 50 Don't kill him yourself. Just find out where he's holed up, and I won't have to wait for him. 54
MS06FoundHannibal I've found Hannibal Hamlin. Happy 50 Bravo! I guess I owe you some caps. 55
Neutral 50 I'll gather up the boys and we'll go collect him. You can meet us there if you want. 56
MS06GuardingMemorial Looks to me like you're getting ready for war. What are you really doing here? Surprise 50 You're a sharp one. We're from Paradise Falls. We're hunting runaway slaves. Have you seen any? 57
MS06HamlinDead Hannibal Hamlin is dead. Happy 50 This must be my lucky day. That runaway slave of mine is dead, and I didn't even have to pay for it! 58
Happy 50 You've done me a great favor. Now we can go home. 59
Hannibal Hamlin is dead. Anger 50 I had hoped to do it myself, so I'm only paying half because you didn't follow orders. 60
Happy 50 At least those slaves have been stopped. Paradise Falls still owes you a debt of gratitude. Come by and see us sometime. 61
MS06KillSlaves How about I just kill them all? Surprise 50 That's tempting, but no. 62
Neutral 50 Hannibal is a runaway. His owner wants him back. Just let me know if you find him, and I'll take care of the rest. 63
MS06KnowNothing Never heard of it. Is it a ruin around here? Disgust 50 Not exactly. That means you aren't much of a threat to us, so let me tell you a bit more. 64
Neutral 50 We're setting up a base to excavate these ruins. We're looking for anything related to Abraham Lincoln. 65
MS06LetYouKnow If I find them, you'll be the first to know. Happy 50 Perfect. Don't go trying to kill them or capture them yourself. I'll take care of that. 66
Neutral 50 Oh, and stay out of the Memorial. My men have standing orders to shoot anyone that gets too close. 67
So this is the Lincoln Memorial?
What is this place? Neutral 50 It's the Lincoln Memorial. This Lincoln guy supposedly freed all the slaves before the bombs dropped. 68
Disgust 50 So the pussies built a Memorial to him. 69
Anger 50 It's got our slaves thinking that they can be free too. 70
MS06NeverHeardOfHim Never heard of him. If I find anything, though, I'll be sure to show it to you. Happy 50 I'm glad to see we understand each other. 71
Neutral 50 My sources say the old Museum of History might have some, but I can't spare anyone to go look. 72
Anger 50 Just make sure I get first crack at anything you find. 73
MS06NewOffer So if I find anything like that, you might buy it from me? Surprise 50 I like the way your mind works. 74
Surprise 50 Tell you what. I can't spare anyone to go poking in the old Museum. If you find anything in there, I'll buy it off you. 75
MS06NoSlaves I haven't seen any slaves recently. Neutral 50 That's too bad. 76
Happy 50 You know, you seem like the type of wastelander that might be for hire. 77
Surprise 50 I need someone to get some loot out of a nearby ruin. Are you interested? 78
MS06NotGetInvolved I don't hunt runaway slaves. Anger 50 I don't like your tone much. 79
Neutral 50 I'll overlook it for now since you brought me that item. If you find any more Lincoln artifacts, bring 'em to me. 80
Disgust 50 If you know what's good for you, you'll tell me if you run into a runaway slave named Hannibal. 81
Yeah... that's a problem. Well, I'd better get going.
Nope. Not really. I think I'll just be on my way. Anger 50 Not until I say so. I've got a few questions you're going to have to answer first. 82
Surprise 50 What do you know about the Temple of the Union? 83
MS06PersuadeLeave I've got no beef with you. Let me go and I won't say a word. Disgust 50 I really shouldn't, but I'll take you at your word. 84
Anger 50 If I ever see you around here again, I'll shoot first and loot your body afterward. Now git. 85
MS06RevealTemple Not around here, but there is a group of them up north near Old Olney. Surprise 50 They are? 86
Disgust 50 Now, that's just wrong, isn't it? We're from Paradise Falls, and we've been looking for those runaways. 87
Neutral 50 We'll have to go and take care of that little group of rebels. You can come watch if you want. 88
Neutral 50 Whether you do or don't, I'm looking to hire a wastelander for a small job. 89
Surprise 50 I need someone to bring me some items from a nearby ruin. Are you interested? 90
MS06TooBusy I'm not going to go out of my way to find these slaves for you. Disgust 50 Then some other wastelander will get the bounty for them. 91
I'm not going to go out of my way to find these slaves for you. Anger 50 It doesn't matter to me, just so long as I get them. 92
MS06WhoAreYou Who are you guys? Neutral 50 We're from Paradise Falls. We're looking for escaped slaves. 93
Surprise 50 Have you seen any? 94
MS06WhyLincoln Why are you so interested in Lincoln artifacts? Fear 50 Slaves all over the Wasteland have started talking about Lincoln and his great war to free the slaves. 95
Neutral 50 We can't have them thinking they deserve to be free. 96
Anger 50 So I'm burning everything I can find related to this Abe Lincoln. 97
Why are you so interested in Lincoln artifacts? Anger 50 Don't want slaves using them to start a revolt or anything. So we burn them. 98
MS06WhyNotYouFind Go get them yourself, then. Disgust 50 I'd love to. Can't spare the men. 99
Anger 50 You, on the other hand, are expendable. Especially with an attitude like that. 100
Neutral 50 Let's just leave this as an open offer. If I never see you again, I haven't lost anything. 101
MS06WouldntTellYou If I had, I wouldn't tell you. Anger 50 You are really starting to piss me off. 102
Anger 50 Lucky for you I don't have time to give you an attitude adjustment. Just answer one question and you can go. 103
Neutral 50 What do you know about the Temple of the Union? 104
MS06YesActionFigure Not for that price. I want more. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 105
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 106
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 107
Not for that price. I want more. Disgust 50 I suppose I can afford it. I'll get this burned right away. 108
MS06YesDraftPoster This poster is worth more than that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 109
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 110
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 111
This poster is worth more than that. Disgust 50 Sure, why not. We'll burn it tonight. 112
MS06YesEmancipation That price is an insult. You'll have to do better than that. Anger 50 You have me over a barrel. I'll pay your price and have this burned immediately. 113
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 114
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 115
That price is an insult. You'll have to do better than that. Disgust 50 It's an outrageous price, but I'll pay it. Then we'll burn it right away. 116
MS06YesGettysburgAddress You can do better than that. This is the Gettysburg Address we're talking about. Fear 50 I suppose you're right. You've got a deal. I'll get someone to burn this. 117
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 118
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 119
You can do better than that. This is the Gettysburg Address we're talking about. Disgust 50 You're right, damn it. I'll pay you a bonus this time. 120
Fear 50 I'll make sure this is destroyed right away. 121
MS06YesHat For Lincoln's own hat? Come on. You can do better than that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 122
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 123
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 124
For Lincoln's own hat? Come on. You can do better than that. Disgust 50 Alright, you god damn merc. You know I can't afford to let this fall into the wrong hands. I'll toss this one in the fire myself. 125
MS06YesLincolnDiary Not enough. Make me a better offer. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 126
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 127
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 128
Not enough. Make me a better offer. Disgust 50 Hmph. You're going to bleed me dry at this rate. You've got a deal. I'm going to burn it one page at a time. 129
MS06YesPennies You'll have to do better than that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 130
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 131
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 132
You'll have to do better than that. Neutral 50 Sure, why not. 133
Disgust 50 Hmm. Can't burn pennies. I'll have to toss them into the Potomac. 134
MS06YesPoster In your dreams. It's worth twice that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 135
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 136
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 137
In your dreams. It's worth twice that. Disgust 50 You're a greedy one. Okay, you have a deal. I'll enjoy burning this. 138
MS06YesRecording That price is an insult. You can do better. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 139
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 140
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 141
That price is an insult. You can do better. Disgust 50 Okay, okay! I'll meet your terms. Just give me the recording. I'm going to smash it to pieces, and then burn it. 142
MS06YesRifle You're kidding, right? It's worth twice that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 143
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 144
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 145
You're kidding, right? It's worth twice that. Anger 50 Alright, alright! I'll pay it. 146
Sad 50 It's a shame I have to destroy this. It's a fine weapon. 147
MS06YesWantedPoster No way. I need a lot more than that. Disgust 50 Alright you greedy bastard. I'll get someone to burn this. 148
Neutral 50 You seem like a right thinking person. I've got a proposition for you. 149
Surprise 50 I'm looking for some escaped slaves. I'll pay 100 caps for information about their leader, Hannibal Hamlin. Interested? 150
No way. I need a lot more than that. Disgust 50 Its always about the extra caps with you, isn't it? Here, take your pay. 151
Happy 50 This will burn nicely tonight. 152
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 You've got to be kidding. 153
SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 Nah. Too rich for me. 154


I have to go now.
I'd better get going. Neutral 50 Good luck in the Museum. Bring me back something and I'll let you get a closer look at the Memorial. 155
So... Can I take a peek at the Memorial now? Happy 50 Sure. Silas will tell them you're allowed up there. 156
I should go. Anger 50 I have big plans for Hannibal when I get my hands on him. 157
I should go. Neutral 50 Don't be a stranger. 158
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 Well, who do we have here? 159
HELLO Happy 50 You'd like Paradise Falls. Help me out and I'll take you there. 160