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This is a transcript for dialogue with Goalie Ledoux.


DialogLedoux01 I've got the formula for Nuka-Cola Clear. Disgust 80 Mercier didn't make it? Damn! How do they expect us to play when we don't even have enough people on our team? 1
Disgust 50 Well, as long as you brought the formula, I guess we're still in the game. 2
DialogLedoux02 I'm here to tell you Mercier is dead. Disgust 80 Mercier didn't make it? Damn! How do they expect us to play when we don't even have enough people on our team? 3
Disgust 50 Well, as long as you brought the formula, I guess we're still in the game. 4
DialogLedoux03 None of your damn business! Disgust 90 Penalty! That's gonna be 2 minutes in the box for you. 5
Anger 100 Ice 'em guys! 6
DialogLedoux04 Hey, take it easy, I was just passing through. Disgust 90 Don't take slapshots at me like that! We saw you come out of the Nuka-Cola Plant and we know you've got the formula. 7
Disgust 50 Now you gotta make a decision. Go for the powerplay or sit in the penalty box? 8
DialogLedoux05 Who are you and why are you talking like that? Disgust 50 The name's Goalie Ledoux and I'm captain of Sudden-Death Overtime, the last of the icegangs. 9
Disgust 50 There was a time where every city had their own icegangs and thousands would show up to watch them all duke it out in giant arenas. 10
Disgust 70 We aim to bring those days back! 11
DialogLedoux06 What's with the masks, anyway? Disgust 50 This is the mask of my icegang, Sudden-Death Overtime. I'm the team captain, Goalie Ledoux. 12
Disgust 50 There was a time where every city had their own icegangs and thousands would show up to watch them all duke it out in giant arenas. 13
Disgust 70 We aim to bring those days back! 14
DialogLedoux07 I think you've taken a few too many blows to the head, weirdo! Disgust 90 Penalty! No one tries to put one passed Goalie Ledoux! 15
Anger 100 Ice 'em guys! 16
DialogLedoux08 Okay, if you say so. Disgust 70 Now look, you gonna sell us that formula or do we have to faceoff? 17
Neutral 50 I'm puttin' 250 caps up on the scoreboard. What do you say? 18
DialogLedoux09 Well, "captain", are we gonna fight or try and make a deal? Disgust 50 That's up to you. We can make a deal or we can faceoff. 19
Neutral 50 I'm puttin' 250 caps up on the scoreboard. What do you say? 20
DialogLedoux10 I think you're all crazy, and I'm getting out of here. Disgust 90 Penalty! No one tries to put one past Goalie Ledoux! 21
Anger 100 Ice 'em guys! 22
DialogLedouxFaceoff Screw it, I'm going for the faceoff! Disgust 70 Well, you're a little shorthanded, but you showed up for the game. The least I can do is make sure it's a short period. {sarcastic} 23
Anger 100 Ice 'em guys! 24
DialogLedouxSell Fine, I'll take it. Happy 50 Now that's teamwork! Good choice. 25
Disgust 50 Okay team, let's get out of here. 26
DialogLedouxSellSC Make it 400 caps and it's all yours. Happy 50 Nicely played; and I know talent when I see it. Here you go. 27
Neutral 50 Okay team, let's get out of here. 28
DialogLedouxWait Can I think about it? Disgust 50 No, no, no. When you're in the game, you have to make split-second decisions; think on your feet. Now come on... 29
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry, we've got practice. Maybe we'll cross sticks again one day. 30
GREETING Anger 100 Hold it right there! What are you doing here? 31
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 80 [Makes buzzer noise]. Nice try, but that's a miss. 250 is the score... you in? 32
SuperDuperMartTOPIC FFsuperDuperMartTOPIC Neutral 50 We're back. Somebody open up the... Hang on, something' ain't right here. {Raider captain over intercom, returning from a raid. NOTE: add radio/intercom filter.} 33


FFEU18RaiderTaunt FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 Just say the word and it's all over. Course then we'd have to skin you alive and eat your liver. 34
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 Pain! Pain is your only friend! 35
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 Don't flinch, you coward! 36
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 Are you gonna cry? Come on, cry for me! 37
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Disgust 50 You think you're good enough to run with us? 38
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 That's right. Love the pain! Embrace the pain! 39
FFEU18RaiderTaunt Happy 50 Pain is your friend. 40
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Thanks for the disk. Maybe we'll cross sticks again some day. 41
HELLO HELLO Disgust 70 No one messes with Sudden-Death Overtime. No one. 42


Attack Attack Anger 70 I'm gonna mount you on my fucking wall! {angry, screaming} 43
Attack Anger 50 Aggghhh! {Angry battle cry} 44
Attack Anger 50 Yeeeaaahhh! {Angry battle cry} 45
Attack Neutral 50 Oooh! Got a feisty one! 46
Attack Neutral 50 You want a little, huh? You want a little somethin'? 47
Attack Neutral 50 Should have stayed in bed today, hero! 48
Attack Neutral 50 Look at the little boy playin' tough guy! Ha ha ha ha ha! 49
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Graaaahhhhh! No! 50
Flee Neutral 50 Fuck this! I'm out of here! 51
Flee Fear 70 Shit, you're crazy! 52
Flee Neutral 50 Please, I'm sorry! I was just playin', I swear! 53