Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

They probably forced you to do this. You know, I've caught Lara looking at me during Training. I bet it was her, right?Michael

Lara is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2161.


Lara is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel who Michael has a crush on and believes may like him. Having known her since she was young, Michael says she used to be a "darling" but now treats him terribly.[1]


Lara is mentioned only in Fallout.


  1. MICHAEL.MSG, Line 127: They probably forced you to do this. You know, I've caught Lara looking at me during Training. I bet it was her, right?
    MICHAEL.MSG, Line 137: Oh, those girls are always giving me a hard time. I don't know why they keep doing it. That Lara sure is cute though. I've liked her for quite some time. I knew her when she was younger. She was such a darling. Now she's older, and she treats me so terribly. I've never done anything to deserve this.