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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lady G the Fortune Teller.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0066933D 0066D0C2 Greetings, stranger. I see you have traveled far to visit my humble stall. Are you interested in seeing what the future holds for you?
2 0066D0C3 Hello again traveler, welcome back. Ready to see what the future holds for you?
3 00669343 Nah, I'm good. It was foretold to me that you would say this, and I see you coming back in the near future.
4 0066D09F 0066D119 Greetings, weary traveler. Come rest your feet and find your future.
5 0066D11A Welcome to Lady G's house of mystery.
6 0066D11B I foresee a delicious snack in your future. Perhaps your answer awaits you at our delicious food stands.
7 0066D124 Don't like surprises? Allow me to help with that.
8 0066D0A0 0066D10F Why wait until tomorrow? Find your future today!
9 0066D110 Yesterday is a mystery. Today is history... but, tomorrow is a gift... Wait. That is not right. ERROR. Pete, it happened again!
10 0066D111 Your future is becoming clear... a visit to the Wild West Showdown is in the cards.
11 0066D112 What's this? A prediction comes to me... You would enjoy a trip to... the Tunnel of Love.
12 0066D113 Have you met Chloe the Clownbot yet? Her jests can make even Del smile.
13 0066D114 I foresee many ups and downs in your future... riding the Nuka Launcher, that is.
14 0066E5E9 A vision of your future appears before me. Gasp! You are destined to... Spin the Wheel, over at the big tent!
15 0066E5EA I predict you will enjoy a visit to the Nuka-Cade.
16 0066E5EB Have you met Bruno the Strongbot? Few can Rival his might.
17 [50 Caps] Alright. Tell me my fortune. 0066D0EC The cards tell all, let's see what fate they have in store for you.
18 0066D0ED The cards tell me many things... Today could be your lucky day.
19 0066D0EE Your future appears before me.
20 0066D0EF To me you are a mystery... But to the fates? Well... we shall see.
21 0066D0F0 I see darkness in your future... Wait, that is ash in my optical sensors... A moment, please.
22 0066D0F1 Your fate is a tapestry laid out before me... Give me a moment to wrap myself in it, and return to you with truths to come.
23 0066D0F2 If only I hadn't lost my crystal ball during that storm... Though, if it were a good crystal ball, I suppose I would have seen that coming.
24 No matter, there are many ways for me to see your future... Behold!
25 0066D0F3 There are worse fates than being a brain in a jar... Let's see if yours is one of them.
26 0066D0F4 The spirits are always fair, but they have been known to make exceptions...
27 0066D0F5 I'm sorry... The stars are not in position for this fortune. Come back later to see what the fates have in store for you.
28 0066D0F6 I am afraid you don't have enough for a fortune reading at the moment, the spirits are fickle that way.
29 Everyone knows Fortune Telling is fake. 0066D0B6 Impossible! I am not programmed to be a fraud. My circuits were designed to predict the future with (distorted noise) percent accuracy.
30 Now, would you like your fortune read?
31 What's going on here? 0066D0B1 I am Lady G, Nuka-World on Tour's resident fortune teller, seer of stars, and gazer into the unknown.
32 For a small fee, I can venture into the unknown and return to you knowledge of the yet-to-pass.
33 I am but one of many mechanic marvels here on tour, though. I'm joined by Chloe the balloon artist, and Bruno the Strongbot.
34 A free prediction to start you off: I envision you having a great time here... Now, how can I be of service?
35 Tell me about the Strongbot. 0066D0BC Bruno the Strongbot shows off feats of incredible strength. If you wish to challenge him, he can be found by the Nuka-Cade.
36 How else can I help you?
37 Who is the balloon artist? 0066D109 Chloe shapes balloons into visions of life. Her skill in elastomancy should not be taken lightly.
38 How else can I help you?
39 No thanks. 0066D0B8 Have a Nuka-riffic day! Be sure to stop by whenever you feel fate calling.