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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kovac-Muldoon Platform.


# Editor ID Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000293C0 0027DACA Protocol 118j. Connection to ... Whitespring ... restored. New operative signal ... synchronized. Robotic.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 ENs02_OrientationDetected 0009CD8B Processing... complete! Array component reactivated. Robotic. Wait a moment at the ellipsis.
3 0009CD8E Array component reconnection... successful. Robotic. Wait a moment between "reconnection" and "successful."
4 0009CD95 Signal... detected! Connection reestablished! Robotic. Wait a moment at the ellipsis.
5 000AC666 Component reconnection successful. Robotic.
6 000AC66A Array component reconnection detected. Thank you. Robotic.
7 ENs02_HostileDetected 0008CD27 Orbital strike complete. Elimination of remaining hostile targets authorized. Robotic.
8 ENs02_AreaSecure 00096B19 Specified hostiles eliminated. Infestation cleared. Thank you for your participation.
9 ENs02_OrientationRequired 00098E30 Warning! Warning! Array component alignment disturbed! Please initiate reorientation protocol immediately! Robotic, but with some urgency.
10 0009A028 Attention! Reorientation necessary for array component 11j! Robotic, but with some urgency.
11 0009CD56 Error! New array component requires orientation! Robotic, but with some urgency.
12 0009CD57 Attention! Please reorient additional array component at your earliest convenience! Robotic, but with some urgency.
13 0036135D New array component calibration required! Robotic, but with some urgency.
14 0036135E Signal error detected. New array requires immediate reorientation. Robotic, but with some urgency.
15 0036135F Signal lost. Additional array component requires recalibration. Robotic, but with some urgency.
16 00361360 Component obstruction detected. Please initiate reorientation subroutines. Robotic, but with some urgency.
17 00361361 Additional array component out of alignment. Please initiate reorientation protocol. Robotic, but with some urgency.
18 00361362 Array component requires signal calibration. Please approach array component and initiate calibration procedure. Robotic, but with some urgency.
19 00361363 Array component requires signal adjustment. Please adjust frequency to One-One-Eight-Six. Robotic, but with some urgency.
20 ENs02_AllLuresPlaced 00096B1B All array components engaged. Activating targeting protocols. Please stand by. Robotic.
21 ENs02_FirstLurePlanted 0009CD87 Signal detected. Activate additional signal sources to initiate extermination protocols. Robotic.
22 ENs02_FleeAreaImmediately 00094225 System orientation complete. Signal broadcast active. Target locked. Immediate evacuation required. Repeat. Please retreat to a safe distance immediately. Robotic.
23 ENs02_FrequencyActive 003DB892 Users! Users! Component signal lost! Recalibration requested! Robotic but urgent.
24 003DB893 Issuing user notice! Signal connection unavailable! Amplitude boost requested! Robotic but urgent. Dropping in and out as the line plays.
25 003DB894 Requesting immediate user support! Signal strength failure detected. Signal boost procedure required. Robotic but urgent. Dropping in and out as the line plays.
26 003DB890 Repair detected. Resuming uplink protocols. Robotic.
27 ENs02_SmokingDishActive 003DB89A Notice to all users! Gear jam detected! Mechanical support ticket issued. Robotic but urgent.
28 003DB89B Users! Jam detected. Mechanical intervention required. Robotic but urgent.
29 003DB89C Warning! Warning! Gear system locked. Please perform immediate repairs. Robotic but urgent.
30 ENs02_SparkingDishFixed 003DB88F Component bypass detected. Resuming function. Robotic but calmer.
31 ENs02_SparkingDishActive 003DB89F Error! Component failure! Immediate support required! Robotic but urgent.
32 003DB8A0 Circuit panel failure detected! Bypass requested! Robotic but urgent.
33 003DB8A1 Error! Unrequested tube decompression detected. Immediate repair requested. Robotic but urgent.
34 ENs02_BurningDishFixed 003DB8A2 Temperature anomaly corrected. Resuming remote connection. Robotic. Calmer.
35 ENs02_BurningDishActive 003DB896 User intervention required! Temperature error detected! Please approach array component immediately. Robotic but urgent.
36 003DB897 Attention! Attention! Temperature spike detected! User support requested! Robotic but urgent.
37 003DB898 Attention users! Temperature approaching unsafe levels! Action required! Robotic but urgent.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00003AF3 00003AFB Area secured. Remote unlock complete. Have a nice day. Robotic. Add a nice pause between "scanning area" and "area secured."
2 00003AF4 00003B01 Warning! Warning! Hostile forces detected. Resource drop locked. Immediate elimination required.
3 00003AF5 00003B03 Initiating surveillance process. Scanning. Scanning. Survey complete. Resource drop authorized. Please clear the area. Robotic.
4 0037E45A All points detected. Initiating survey. Scanning. Scanning. Survey complete. Robotic.
5 Uploading data to station CB002 ... complete. Attention! Resource drop authorized. Please clear the area.
6 00003AF6 00003AFD Point oriented. Please proceed to next triangulation point. Robotic.
7 00377D08 Connection established. Additional connections required. Robotic.
8 00377D09 Triangulation point active. Please proceed to the next point. Robotic.
9 00377D0A Signal established. Please initiate additional connections. Robotic.
10 00377D0B Frequency calibrated. Please proceed to new triangulation point. Robotic.
11 00003AF7 00003AFE Triangulation target detected. Initiating protocols. Please stand by. Robotic.
19 004E0F9E 004E0FA0 Unlock timer expired. Destroying unclaimed contents. Robotic.