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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gallows.


CitGallowsGreeting1 You don't say much, do you? Neutral 50 No. I don't. 1
Neutral 50 What do you want? 2
CitGallowsGreeting2 <Say nothing.> Neutral 50 ... 3
CitGallowsGreeting2b <Continue to say nothing.> Neutral 50 ... 4
CitGallowsGreeting2b2 <Continue to say nothing.> Neutral 50 ... 5
Neutral 50 I'm glad that we understand one another. 6
CitGallowsName So, what's your real name? Neutral 50 ... what's the pool up to now, anyway? 7
Neutral 50 Nice try, though. 8
So, what's your real name? Anger 50 Haven't we been through this already? 9
CitGallowsName1 Come on, it will really throw those guys for a loop if you tell me. Neutral 50 Fine. I'm tired of this game. Irving. My name is Irving. There. Go collect your money. 10
Neutral 50 Maybe now they'll leave me alone about it. 11
Are you sure you won't tell me? Neutral 50 Fine. I'm tired of this game. Irving. My name is Irving. There. Go collect your money. 12
Neutral 50 Maybe now they'll leave me alone about it. 13
CitGallowsName2 Can't we work something out? Maybe share the winnings? Neutral 50 No. We can't. 14
CitGallowsNameEND Never mind. Neutral 50 Yeah. Never mind. 15
DLC03TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 I hear maybe we've got a new way to kill them. That'll be fun. If it works, of course. 16
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 I guess they still have a few tricks up their sleeve. Kind of hard to destroy a weapon you can't even see. 17
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 Turns out they die rather frequently. More so than us, which works in our favor. 18
FFCitGallowsRecon1 Is there anyway I could help you? Neutral 50 ... 19
Neutral 50 Maybe. 20
FFCitGallowsRecon1a So, do I get to know, or do I have to guess? Neutral 50 I need information on locations outside of the city. 21
Neutral 50 Since I am occupied, you can provide it to me. 22
FFCitGallowsRecon1a1 What do you need me to do? Neutral 50 Collect location data from the wasteland. When you discover a new location, report it to me. Simple. 23
FFCitGallowsRecon1a1a I think I can handle that. Neutral 50 Good. Return to me when you have data to share. 24
FFCitGallowsRecon1a1b Yeah... not really interested. Neutral 50 It doesn't matter. The offer stands. 25
FFCitGallowsRecon1a2 What's in it for me? Neutral 50 You will be rewarded with your choice of ammo. 26
FFCitGallowsRecon1a3 Is that your job? Why do you need me to do it? Neutral 50 I am occupied containing the Super Mutants and now the Enclave. 27
Neutral 50 I have little time for recon in the Wastes. 28
FFCitGallowsRecon1aEND Yeah, no thanks. Neutral 50 Your choice. 29
FFCitGallowsRecon1b You talk too much. Cut the chatter and get to the point, would you? Neutral 50 Sarcasm. Very clever. 30
Neutral 50 I need information on locations outside of DC. 31
Neutral 50 Since I am occupied, you can provide it for me. 32
FFCitGallowsRecon1c Yeah... on second thought, never mind. Neutral 50 Just as well. 33
FFCitGallowsRecon2 Well. Sounds very exciting. I'll let you get back to that. Neutral 50 Good. I will. 34
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 ... {Just the sound of breathing. He's being silent here.} 35
Neutral 50 Yes? 36
GREETING Neutral 50 What? 37
GREETING Neutral 50 Speak. 38
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Nice try. I said no. 39
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Seriously. No. 40
TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 They're men. They're born, they live, they die. End of story. 41
TLCitadelSuperMutant Care to share anything about the Super Mutants? Neutral 50 Shoot 'em, they die. Stab 'em, they die. Strangle 'em? They die. 42
TLLyonsPride What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride? Neutral 50 Sarah appreciates my... methods. I fill a role no one else can. 43
What do you do here?
So what's your specialty in the Lyons' Pride? Neutral 50 Spec ops. Let's leave it at that. 44


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 And so we part. 45
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Hooah, soldier. 46
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Stay safe, stranger. 47
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Hail. 48


Assault Assault Neutral 50 Mistake. 49
Assault Neutral 50 Bad idea. 50


AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Excellent. Combat. 51
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Bad idea. 52
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Not a good idea. 53