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This is a transcript for dialogue with Artemis.


Outcasts? Who are they? Disgust 10 I'd really don't want to go into it. 1
Neutral 50 Go bug Scribe Bowditch. He could talk a dog off a meat truck. 2
CitKnightDirectionsEND That's all I needed. Neutral 50 Very well. 3
That's all I needed. Neutral 50 Certainly. 4
CitKnightDirectionsGeneral Can you describe the layout of the Citadel? Neutral 50 You are currently in A Ring. Here, you will find the Great Hall, the Lyons' Den, and the Archives. 5
Neutral 50 Beyond this area is B Ring, quarters for the Knights, Scribes, and Elder Lyons. 6
Neutral 50 Outside in the Bailey are the training areas and access to the Initiates' barracks. 7
Neutral 50 Other than that, down those steps is the Lab. Be careful around there, the Scribes are touchy about who goes near their toys. 8
Can you describe the layout of the Citadel? Neutral 50 This is B Ring. Here you'll find the general barracks, sick bay, and Elder Lyons' quarters. 9
Neutral 50 Through those door, you'll find A Ring the Great Hall is there, as well as the Lyons' Den and the Archives. 10
Neutral 50 Outside in the Bailey are the training areas and access to the Initiates' barracks. 11
Neutral 50 Other than that, go through A Ring to get to the Lab. The Scribes do most of their work on the projects down there, so watch what you touch. 12
Can you describe the layout of the Citadel? Neutral 50 You are currently in the lab. This area belongs mainly to the Scribes. They do their technological R&D down here. 13
Neutral 50 Up those stairs is A Ring, our main gathering area. The Great Hall is there, as well as the Lyons' Pride quarters and rec room, and the Archives. 14
Neutral 50 Head through A Ring to get to B Ring, general quarters are there, our doc is across the hall from those, and Elder Lyons' quarters are in the back. 15
Neutral 50 Outside in the Bailey are the training areas and access to the Initiates' barracks. 16
Can you describe the layout of the Citadel? Neutral 50 This is the Inner Bailey. These are the training areas and access to the Initiates barracks is across the cut. 17
Neutral 50 Through those doors to the east is A Ring. The great hall is there, as well as the Lyons' Pride quarters and rec room, and the Archives. 18
Neutral 50 Head through A Ring to get to B Ring, general quarters are there, our doc is across the hall from those, and Elder Lyons' quarters are in the back. 19
Neutral 50 The lab is underground. That area belongs mainly to the scribes. They do their technological R&D down there, so watch your step. 20
CitKnightDirectionsMedic Do you have a medic? Neutral 50 You could say that. We have an old Robo Doc. He's a bit creepy, but he does the job. You'll find him in B Ring. 21
Do you have a medic? Neutral 50 You could say that. We have an old Robo Doc. He's a bit creepy, but he does the job. He's here in B Ring. 22
CitKnightDirectionsSupplies I need some supplies. Who would I see about that? Neutral 50 Word came down that you got permission from Elder Lyons to trade, so just head down to the lab and talk to Knight Captain Durga. 23
I need some supplies. Who would I see about that? Neutral 50 Word came down that you got permission from Elder Lyons to trade, so go talk to Knight Captain Durga. She's here in the lab. 24
I need some supplies. Who would I see about that? Neutral 50 Well, any one of us would see Knight Captain Durga down in the lab. But since you're an outsider, you'll need permission from Elder Lyons. 25
I need some supplies. Who would I see about that? Neutral 50 Well, any one of us would see Knight Captain Durga, here in the Lab. But since you're an outsider, you'll need permission from Elder Lyons. 26
CitKnightRumors You must see a lot of things. What's been going on? Disgust 50 What's been going on? Well, let's see. For years, we've been draining our resources defending the ungrateful residents of this no man's land. 27
Neutral 50 Most of my best friends have either been ripped apart by Super Mutants or left to join the Outcasts. 28
Neutral 50 And now an enemy we faced more than thirty years ago has resurfaced, and their tech is still better than ours. 29
Disgust 50 What's been going on with you? 30
DLC03TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 Well this is it, isn't it? If we can't stop them now, we can't stop them at all. 31
Neutral 50 Nothing like certain death to get you motivated. 32
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 Not only have we lost our main weapon, but now we've got to deal with some sort of orbital strike capability? 33
Neutral 50 They sure pulled a fast one on us. 34
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 Things are going our way, no question about it. We've cut off their head, now we just need to carve up the body. 35
TLCitadelDirections I have a few questions about the Citadel. Neutral 50 What do you need to find? 36
I have a few questions about the Citadel. Neutral 50 I can help with that. What do you need? 37
TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Anger 50 As if we didn't have enough to worry about. Their weapons are better; their Power Armor is better. Is their training better? We'll see. 38
TLCitadelSuperMutant Care to share anything about the Super Mutants? Anger 20 You know how many Uglies I've killed? More than all of Lyons' Pride combined, that's how many. 39
Neutral 50 All it takes is a loaded weapon and the will to use it. 40
Happy 50 Oh, and a good way to get Ugly blood out of your armor. Little bit of Abraxo and some water works like a charm. 41