Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mr. Kincaid was the supervisor of the General Atomics factory in 2077.


Mr. Kincaid was of retirement age but wanted to continue running the General Atomics factory as he always had, stating in his log that he didn't want to retire or spend more time with family, as his superiors were suggesting he did. He thought that the new role would "be the death of him" through boredom and that he could still do his job as well as any 25 year old.[1]

According to his terminal entries at the factory, Kincaid was unwillingly "promoted" to a new role as the Grand Re-Opening supervisor at the General Atomics Galleria, which he was due to take up when the bombs fell. He never reported to his new position.


His ID card, found at the General Atomics Factory, is needed for identification with the Director at the General Atomics Galleria.


Mr. Kincaid is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

