Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Nothing, Connie. People like to talk and hope someone else is going to keep them safe.

Kellogg's mother only appears in one of Kellogg's memories during the quest Dangerous Minds.


In the memory, the two are seen together in their New California home amid news of the formation of the New California Republic. She is cynical of the political change around them providing safety and tells Kellogg the only thing that can truly protect him is a gun.

Kellogg recollects that she stood up for him against his abusive alcoholic father, but at the cost of her own safety.[1] After leaving home, Kellogg would never learn the eventual fate of his mother, and expected the worst.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Padded blue jacket


Kellogg's mother appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. Kellogg's dialogue: "And she protected me from Dad. That cost her more than a few beatings."
  2. Kellogg's dialogue: "I never knew what happened to her after I left. I didn't want to know. Not then."