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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kay.


1ConvBunkerHillKayGenericNPC01SceneYou look a little pale. I should probably check your temperature.Generic: You sure you know what you're doing, Kay? Aren't you the Brahmin vet?A1a
2Generic: You sure you know what you're doing, Kay? Aren't you the Brahmin vet?Look, the principle is the same. The thermometer is just going into a different end. Now quit complaining.A1a
3ConvBunkerHillKayGenericNPC02SceneGeneric: Hey doc, my shoulder keeps creaking whenever it rains. Uh, is it supposed to do that?Probably arthritis. Inflammation in the joints combined with the pressure in the air is causing painful friction.Generic: Uh... right.... umm....A1a
4Generic: Uh... right.... umm....*sigh* Let me give you some pain killers. Just take one every few hours.Generic: Thanks doc!A1a


5ConvBunkerHillKayKessler01SceneKessler: Kay. How's my favorite doctor?{Kessler is effectively a tax collector, and you've already paid} Money's already paid. Double-check your ledger.Kessler: I wasn't here for... I just wanted to see how people were doing.A1a
6Kessler: I wasn't here for... I just wanted to see how people were doing.{Kessler is effectively a tax collector, and you've already paid} No you weren't. You're here for the cut. You're always here for the cut, or you forget you've already taken the cut.Kessler: I have been forgetting things all day...A1a