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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Klamath Trappers.


{100}{}{You see a scruffy trapper.}
{101}{}{You see a burly trapper.}
{102}{}{You see a gecko trapper.}

{200}{}{You’ll fit in just fine here.}
{201}{}{Buy a round of drinks, why dontcha?}
{202}{}{Gonna arm-wrestle the Duntons?}
{203}{}{You look like you came north from the Den.}
{204}{}{Wadda you lookin’ at?}
{205}{}{You sure got purty skin, sweetheart. Heh, heh, heh.}
{206}{}{Urp, I could use another mug o’ gecko piss.}
{207}{}{If you need cash, the Duntons are lookin’ for some help.}
{208}{}{You’re not half-bad for a tribal.}
{209}{}{96 mugs of piss on the wall, 96 mugs o’ piss….}
{210}{}{I’m gonna go south to the Den; lotsa' work there.}
{211}{}{More gecko piss here, Salvadore!}
{212}{}{Trapping’s bad lately; must be an easier way to make money.}
{213}{}{I’m not as drink as you thunk I am.}
{214}{}{Hey buddy, do these dice look loaded to you? (rattle, rattle)}
{215}{}{Talk to the Duntons or the barman for work, pal.}
{216}{}{You chose the right place to drink, friend.}
{217}{}{No, Bishop; not the thing with the knife again.}
{218}{}{Anyone up for a game of dice?}
{219}{}{Nice not to have Aldo stinking up the place.}
{220}{}{Ever taken some brahmin what ain’t yours?}
{221}{}{Watch out for the Spirit that Walks!}
{222}{}{There’s a spirit in a canyon east of here.}
{223}{}{Trapping’s dangerous; lost a good trapper few weeks back.}
{224}{}{Just love to trick that Torr.}

{300}{}{Look who’s come to visit.}
{301}{}{(mumble, mumble) ...goody two shoes type here... (mumble)}
{302}{}{Aren’t you in the wrong part of town?}
{303}{}{Don’t need your kind here, tribal.}
{304}{}{Maybe if you buy us all a drink we’ll let you stay.}
{305}{}{Push off, tribal.}
{306}{}{What are you looking so hard at?}
{307}{}{The Dunton’s will fix you, tribal.}
{308}{}{You sure chose the wrong place for a drink.}
{309}{}{Your momma ain’t in here kid. Try the Bathhouse.}
{310}{}{Why don’t you go play someplace else?}
{311}{}{There’s a nice canyon for you, just east of here.}
{312}{}{What do you want?}
{313}{}{Better just mind your own business.}
{314}{}{Your name Torr? (heh, heh, heh)}
{315}{}{Go drink with Aldo, why dontcha?}
{316}{}{This ain’t your kinda place, punk.}
{317}{}{You aren’t my kind of drinking buddy.}
{318}{}{Humph. (spits on the floor)}
{319}{}{You sure ain’t much to look at.}
{320}{}{Feeling unwelcome…yet?}
