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Dialogue for Kane, bodyguard and right-hand man of Decker in the Hub Downtown.


{100}{}{You see Kane.}
{101}{}{What's the job and what's it pay?}
{102}{}{Work for this dump? You've got to be joking.}
{103}{}{Damn straight, and it looks like I'm going to have to kick your ass, just because.}
{104}{}{Sorry, maybe later.}
{105}{}{No thanks.}
{107}{}{I guess the reports must have been wrong, beat it. We don't hire skags.}
{108}{}{It's not skag work. You'll need to do 'it' quick and clean. The boss'll give you details, but it's more money than you'll make in a month working for the caravans, but only if you're good enough. We don't take kindly to failures, if you know what I mean.}
{109}{}{Sounds good.}
{110}{}{I can't right now. Let me get back to you.}
{111}{}{Who do I have to kill?}
{112}{}{No thanks. I don't need the money.}
{113}{}{I'm sure you're familiar with our sort of business, so let me just say it would be in your best interest to keep this to yourself. Shall we?}
{114}{}{I hope for your sake that that was an attempt at humor. Do not cross us, you will regret it.}
{115}{}{Sure. Now what does this 'work' involve?}
{116}{}{Yeah, whatever, tough guy.}
{117}{}{I don't think you understood me. Let me clarify. If you don't watch your manners, you will find yourself dead, tough guy.}
{118}{}{I don't think you understood me. Let me clarify. If you don't watch your manners, you will find yourself dead, tough gal.}
{119}{}{No, let me clarify--if you don't watch it, I'll be wearing your ass for a shoe.}
{120}{}{Okay. I get the picture. Now what is it you want me to do?}
{121}{}{I'll talk to you later. I've got to go.}
{123}{}{Oh, please do. We'll be holding our breath.}
{124}{}{But of course, good day.}
{125}{}{Don't need the money? Surely you're jesting, but from what I've heard about you, you might enjoy the work I had in mind for you.}
{126}{}{Really? I might be interested, lead on.}
{127}{}{No thanks.}
{128}{}{I'll get back to you.}
{129}{}{It's... Would you like to accompany me down stairs? There are too many ears around.}
{131}{}{Not interested.}
{132}{}{Not right now, I'll get back to you.}
{133}{}{Leave, I don't have the patience.}
{134}{}{Do you value your life?}
{135}{}{You've had your chance, now beat it.}
{136}{}{Are you looking for trouble?}
{137}{}{You just don't learn do you? You'll soon learn some respect.}
{138}{}{I've heard of you. They say you're one mean son of a bitch. If you're looking for some work, I might be able to set you up with someone. Are you interested?}
{139}{}{I've heard of you. They say you're one mean bitch. If you're looking for some work, I might be able to set you up with someone. Are you interested?}
{140}{}{I've heard of you. You're the one that took out Killian in Junktown, nice going. Gizmo must have paid you well for that one. What brings you to the Hub, looking for some work?}
{141}{}{I've heard of you. You're the one that took out Gizmo over in Junktown. Killian must have paid you a good sum for that job. Are you here for some work, maybe?}
{142}{}{I've heard of you. You're the bitch that took out Killian and Gizmo. Now that's the way to solve a problem... So, what brings you to the Maltese Falcon? Looking for some work?}
{143}{}{I've heard of you. You're the bastard that took out Killian and Gizmo. Now that's the way to solve a problem... So, what brings you to the Maltese Falcon? Looking for some work?}
{144}{}{I've heard of you. You're making quite a name for yourself. What brings you to the Hub?}
{145}{}{I'm looking for a water chip.}
{146}{}{I need to talk to Decker.}
{147}{}{Do you run this joint? }
{148}{}{I'm here to kick your ass.}
{149}{}{I think I'm going to have to hurt you now.}
{150}{}{You won't have to worry about your health when I get through with you.}
{151}{}{I'm cleansing the world of all that is evil!}
{152}{}{I've got to go, bye.}
{153}{}{That's it, bye.}
{156}{}{A water chip? Never heard of it, we only sell drinks. Go see Bob's Iguana Bits, if you're hungry.}
{157}{}{It's an electronic device that regulates the filtering system of a water purifier and monitors the output for any contamination. Mine's broken and I'm looking for a replacement.}
{158}{}{No, it's a small piece of machinery that runs a water purifier.}
{159}{}{Another question for you... }
{160}{}{Okay thanks. Bye.}
{161}{}{Do I look like a merchant? Stop wasting my time.}
{162}{}{You might want to check with the Water Merchants. They're south of the Merchant Market. You can't miss them. They surround a big water tower.}
{163}{}{You? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.}
{164}{}{Things will look really funny to you when I get through rearranging your face!}
{165}{}{We'll see who's laughing when the blood settles.}
{166}{}{You think you can take me? You may be a strong one, but that won't help you dodge a bullet.}
{167}{}{You're right, I'm so sorry. Please don't shoot me.}
{168}{}{I see. You have to hide behind a gun do you?}
{169}{}{You're pitiful. Maybe I should just put a bullet through your head right now and end your misery. What do you say, would you like a new hole through that brainless head of yours?}
{170}{}{I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. Please don't shoot me.}
{171}{}{You can only take me with a gun? Are you afraid I'll kick your ass without it?}
{172}{}{What? Are ya afraid of a little girl like me, ya have to use a gun? }
{174}{}{That's it! If you think you know what pain and suffering is, wait until I get through with you. }
{175}{}{Keep that mutt under control or it's dead. }
{176}{}{Keep you friend out of this. }
{177}{}{Keep you buddies out of this or their dead. }
{178}{}{Back off boys, he's mine.}
{179}{}{Back off boys, she's mine.}
{180}{}{You've disappointed me, I thought you where tougher than that.}
{181}{}{Hide? I don't need to hide behind anything and I do NOT need a gun to deal with you. }
{182}{}{Keep that mutt under control or it's dead. }
{183}{}{Keep you friend out of this. }
{184}{}{Keep you buddies out of this or their dead. }
{185}{}{(over his shoulder) Back off boys, he's mine.}
{186}{}{(over his shoulder) Back off boys, she's mine.}
{187}{}{Tough words, little man. Tell you what, I'll put my toys away and we'll see who's left standing.}
{188}{}{Though words, little girl. Tell you what, I'll put my toys away and we'll see who's left standing.}
{189}{}{I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. Please don't hurt me.}
{190}{}{Come and get it.}
{191}{}{Okay, but I'd hate to make you cry.}
{192}{}{No, thanks. I don't have the time, bye.}
{193}{}{You'd be wise not to turn your back after what you've been saying. You should be thankful that I am such a forgiving person... this time. Until we meet again.}
{194}{}{I'm going to enjoy this. }
{195}{}{Just keep that mutt under control or it's dead.}
{196}{}{Just keep you friend out of this.}
{197}{}{Just keep you buddies out of this or they're dead. }
{198}{}{(over his shoulder) Back off, boys. She's mine.}
{199}{}{(over his shoulder) Back off, boys. He's mine.}
{200}{}{Cleansing? That's quite nice of you, but 'evil' is very subjective. What or who you might consider to be evil could very well be the opposite to someone else.}
{201}{}{Yes I agree, but does that mean that we sit around and do nothing just because we aren't sure?}
{202}{}{That's ridiculous. What's evil is evil. Anyone who says otherwise is just stupid.}
{203}{}{Whatever. I was just joking.}
{204}{}{I certainly hope so. We have enough problems in the world without having a blind fanatic running around killing everyone.}
{205}{}{A pity. A blind fanatic is a dangerous person indeed. I hope your stay here in the Hub is not long. We don't take kindly to murders that aren't auth... to murders of any sort. Good day.}
{207}{}{Nice answer moron. Who's in charge?}
{208}{}{Who does?}
{209}{}{Moron? Do you have any idea who you are talking to? For your sake I hope not. I don't 'run' the Maltese Falcon but I AM the one in charge. What do you want before I lose my temper.}
{210}{}{I know who you are and trust me, you 'are' a moron.}
{211}{}{Oh, I'm sorry. Who runs this place?}
{212}{}{We'll see. Have 'nice' day.}
{213}{}{If you don't know, you shouldn't ask. It can be bad for your health.}
{214}{}{In regards to what?}
{215}{}{A job.}
{216}{}{It's a secret.}
{217}{}{That doesn't concern you. Now show me to him.}
{218}{}{Don't push your luck, buddy, or you'll meet Decker in a bag. This way, and watch yourself. I'll be watching.}
{219}{}{Don't push your luck, lady, or you'll meet Decker in a bag. This way, and watch yourself. I'll be watching}
{220}{}{I think it 'does' concern me and I don't think I'll be showing you anything... that's if you're lucky. Now get lost.}
{221}{}{Sorry, but anything you have to tell Decker can be told to me. I'm his right hand man and there's nothing that goes on here that we both aren't fully aware of.}
{222}{}{It's about a job.}
{223}{}{Sorry, I was sworn to secrecy. I can only tell Decker.}
{224}{}{Well, then you're not going to see him.}
{225}{}{Who sent you?}
{226}{}{Beth sent me.}
{227}{}{Lorenzo sent me.}
{228}{}{Loxley sent me.}
{229}{}{The Sheriff sent me.}
{230}{}{No one.}
{231}{}{Beth who?}
{232}{}{You know.}
{233}{}{She didn't say. She runs the weapon shop.}
{234}{}{Get out of my face. I don't have time for your games.}
{235}{}{Then you'll see no one.}
{236}{}{Tell our friendly Sheriff Greene that Decker's schedule is looking a bit busy and that he should try back in a few months. I'm sorry, but I think you should leave... for good.}
{237}{}{I don't think she sent you here. Please leave.}
{238}{}{Did he now? Are they ready to come under our protection? Are you one of them?}
{239}{}{I don't know what you're talking about. He just mentioned that Decker might have some work for me.}
{240}{}{Me? Work for those thieves, never. I'd rather have to watch my back than my purse.}
{241}{}{You protect us? NEVER!}
{242}{}{Look, buddy. I'm just looking for some good, clean, honest, work.}
{243}{}{Are you? Well you came to the wrong place then, the Hub is anything but honest. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. You'll be happier there.}
{244}{}{I agree. Well then, follow me and we'll see how useful you are to us. Just keep in mind that it would be in your best interest to keep anything that is said to you to yourself.}
{245}{}{That might be. Are you a member of their 'Thieves Circle?'}
{248}{}{Well, I'm sorry, but we don't work with your little friends. We barely tolerate their existence and we would never work with them.}
{249}{}{Well then. You might be useful after all. Just keep in mind that it would be in your best interest to keep anything that is said to you, to yourself}
{250}{}{He might. What kind of work were you looking for?}
{251}{}{Do you need another guard?}
{252}{}{Oh, nothing in particular. I was just wondering.}
{253}{}{Anything. If it pays well, I'll do it.}
{254}{}{Anything that won't get me in trouble with the law.}
{255}{}{Why don't you try the merchants. I hear they pay reasonably well.}
{256}{}{No, I think we're fine. Have a nice day.}
{257}{}{Now, that's what I like to hear. I think we might be friends after all. Let me show you down. Just keep in mind that it would be in your best interest to keep anything that is said to you, to yourself}
{258}{}{Good. Follow me, but keep in mind that it would be in your best interest to keep anything that is said to you, to yourself.}
{259}{}{Sure he did, goodbye... Oh, and by the way. Don't ever lie to me again, I don't like it when people lie to me. Not many people live to hear this advise.}
{260}{}{A man of action. I like that, even if you are screwed up in the head.}
{261}{}{A woman of action. I like that. Even if you are screwed up in the head.}
{262}{}{Yeah, what do you want? It better be good.}
{263}{}{If you want to talk to me you better put your weapon away.}
{264}{}{Do you have a memory problem? Put your weapon up if you're going to talk to me.}
{265}{}{Your weapon?}
{266}{}{Not bad, not bad at all, you surprised me. I didn't think you'd be that tough to beat. I'm normally a good judge in character, maybe you are what we're looking for. Are you interested in a job?}
{267}{}{Damn! That was a good fight! I haven't had a good match in a long time, and I don't remember when I was last bested by someone. Good job! How would you like a job?}
{268}{}{Sure what's the job?}
{269}{}{No thanks.}
{270}{}{I can't right now. Let me get back to you.}
{271}{}{It's not skag work. You'll need to do 'it' quick and clean. The boss'll give you details, but it's more money than you'll make in a month working for the caravans. I think you'll do just fine.}
{272}{}{Sounds good, lead on.}
{273}{}{Hm, can I think about it? I have a lot of other things going on.}
{274}{}{ No, I don't think so.}
{275}{}{Sure, but let me know as soon as you can. The sooner the job's done, the better.}
{276}{}{Well let me know if you change your mind. I'd hate to see such talent wasted guarding caravans.}
{277}{}{Great, I think things will work out just fine. Just remember what ever you hear down stairs doesn't surface. Okay let's go.}
{278}{}{I understand that you are responsible for the death of a merchant and his wife. I don't know what quarrels you had with them and I don't care.}
{279}{}{Who told you?}
{280}{}{I don't know what you're talking about.}
{282}{}{That is not what you should be concerned about. No one makes a hit one anyone without our okay. I think it would be best if you left our city, while you still can.}
{283}{}{I'm afraid you do and if you know what's best for you, you should leave this city while you still can.}
{284}{}{I didn't think you wanted the job. I hope it was just a misunderstanding. I'll pay you half, and be grateful that I'm giving you anything. [Kane gives you 1500 hubbucks]}
{286}{}{Oh sorry, I thought I had the job. Is there chance I can still work for you?}
{287}{}{Give me the rest of the money now or you'll regret it!}
{289}{}{We'll see. Downstairs, Decker wants to talk to you.}
{290}{}{You will get nothing.}
{291}{}{I don't know what game you're playing but if you know what's best for you, you should leave this city while you still can.}
{292}{}{You said you didn't want the job. I'm surprised you came back here. You made a bad mistake to do it on your own. I suggest you get out of town while you still can.}
{293}{}{I understand that you are responsible for the death of Jain, the High Priestess. I don't know what quarrels you had with her and I don't care, but we're very grateful nevertheless. (Kane gives you 1000 hubbucks)}
{294}{}{Who told you?}
{295}{}{I don't know what you're talking about.}
{297}{}{That is none of your concern and I'm afraid we can not deal with you. You've violated our laws but because of the problem you eliminated for us we will not kill you, but I think you should leave.}
{298}{}{I'm afraid you do, lying can be a very unhealthy habit. You've violated our laws but because of the problem you eliminated for us we will not kill you, but I think you should leave.}
{299}{}{I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm not amused. You've violated our laws but because of the problem you eliminated for us we will not kill you, but I think you should leave.}
{300}{}{Don't touch that door, if you want to live. I'm the only one that can open that door.}
{301}{}{The merchant and his wife live over to the west from here. They're on the corner of Barter Street and Thunder Ave. in the Heights, he'll probably have guards. Try to be quiet about it and be sure you aren't seen, but if anyone does happen to see you make sure they don't live to tell anyone about it. Once you've finished your little errand come back here. One more thing. Don't even think about going to the police, that's the worst mistake you could ever make. If you can, try not attract their attention when doing your work, they can be quite a pain sometimes. [Kane gives you 500 caps]}
{302}{}{Good work. Here're your scripts for the completion of the first job. [Kane hands you 2500 hubbucks].}
{303}{}{Nice work on the merchant. I'm expecting the same results on your next job. Here's your last payment for the first job and the first payment for the second. (Kane hands you 3500 Hubbucks). I'm sure you already know, but the Children of the Cathedral are down south just north of the water merchants. Again, no 'live' witnesses.}
{304}{}{Were you in a hurry to get out of here? You didn't get your scripts. Here's your money, initial payment and the completion bonus for the first job. (Kane hands you 3000 Hubbucks)}
{305}{}{Hey, good work! You forgot to pick up your initial payment for the job, so here it is with the completion fee. You've proven yourself to be quite useful. }
{306}{}{ (Kane hands you 5000 hubbucks)}
{307}{}{And that's all you're going to get. Now take off before you regret it.}
{308}{}{Here's your starting pay. (Kane hands you 1000 Hubbucks) I'm sure you already know, but the Children of the Cathedral are south, just north of the water merchants. Again, no 'live' witnesses.}
{309}{}{Damn, this is a lot of cash. Decker really wanted that bitch dead, here're your scripts. (Kane gives you 4000 Hubbucks) You've proven yourself to be quite useful.}
{310}{}{What the hell do you want? I thought you didn't want to meet with Decker.}
{311}{}{No I didn't, but can you give him a message for me?}
{312}{}{Yeah, I want to meet him, so I can blow a hole through his head!}
{313}{}{I'm sorry, I misunderstood you.}
{314}{}{Damn straight, why would I ever want to meet with an idiot like him!}
{317}{}{We don't hire skags. Now leave before I become annoyed with you.}
{318}{}{That depends on the message.}
{319}{}{Tell him that he's a cowardly bastard for hiding in his little cave. If he wants to be a man he should try coming out into the real world.}
{320}{}{Tell him to start praying for a miracle, because he's going to need it when I get through with him.}
{321}{}{I forgot.}
{322}{}{Tell him that he's my idol, and I admire his work.}
{323}{}{Tell him that I'm going to do to him what he did to the last guy who ran this place!}
{324}{}{Are you now? That should prove to be quite amusing.}
{325}{}{You're an idiot.}
{326}{}{What are you some kind of freak? Get the hell out of here!}
{327}{}{Oh, I'll be sure to tell him. I'm sure he will be very interested to hear that... praying did you say? You have my 'word', he'll get the message.}
{328}{}{I thought I told you to get lost! My patience is wearing thin! Are you going to tell me why you wanted to see Decker or not?}
{330}{}{I don't have to tell you anything.}
{331}{}{I'm sorry, I just wanted a job.}
{332}{}{I told you, it's a secret!}
{335}{}{When you're off the chems come and see me.}
{336}{}{I'll let you see him, but you better watch your mouth... after you?}
{337}{}{No you don't. Goodbye.}
{338}{}{That's a secret you'll be taking to the grave. Decker will never talk to a skag like you.}
{339}{}{Then I suggest you leave.}
{341}{}{Lorenzo sent me for a job.}
{343}{}{I want a job.}
{344}{}{Nothing, bye.}
{347}{}{How are you?}
{350}{}{How are the kids?}
{351}{}{Nice day isn't it?}
{352}{}{You're looking very handsome today.}
{353}{}{Bye... (Kane Squints at you, as if he's trying to figure out what you're up to.)}
{354}{}{I suppose. (Kane starts to give you a strange look)}
{355}{}{Do you have the time?}
{356}{}{Brahmin Shoe's Are Very Tasty.}
{357}{}{No... Did you want something? (Kane seems to be getting annoyed with you)}
{360}{}{I think you need another drink there, buddy.}
{361}{}{I think you need another drink there, lady.}
{362}{}{(Kane waits for a few seconds) Well... what is it? (Kane looks very annoyed)}
{363}{}{What is what?}
{364}{}{I forgot.}
{365}{}{Oh, nothing.}
{366}{}{(It almost seems like steam is coming out of Kane's ears and the vanes in his neck seem to visibly pulsate.) GET OUT! (A few seconds later you can hear again.) ... HERE! YOU IDIOT!}
{367}{}{(Kane Grinds his teeth and ignores you.)}
{368}{}{You forgot? (sigh) Why doesn't that surprise me? (Shaking his head in disbelief.) Now... get OUT!}
{369}{}{(Kane looks at one of the guards and spins a finger around one ear.)}
{370}{}{What the hell are you talking about?}
{371}{}{That's NOT the proper response!}
{372}{}{I see... You are not one of them.}
{373}{}{Response... to WHAT? (Kane looks confused and slightly annoyed.)}
{374}{}{To the secret password!}
{375}{}{I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to talk about it. Good bye.}
{376}{}{(Kane looks angry, you don't know why.) Get out of here, you crazy son of a bitch.}
{377}{}{(Kane looks angry. You don't know why.) Get out of here, you crazy bitch.}
{378}{}{I told you to get out of here, you crazy son of a bitch.}
{379}{}{I told you to get out of here, you crazy bitch.}
{380}{}{No, I guess not. Now LEAVE. (He does not look amused.)}
{381}{}{I don't 'have' any kids!}
{382}{}{You seem to be a bit upset about that. Do you want to talk about it?}
{383}{}{Well you should, they make good servants.}
{384}{}{That's not what Mary said.}
{385}{}{ Really? That's strange... Very strange...}
{386}{}{WHAT? YOU... I... NO! I do 'not' want to talk about it. Who the hell do you think you are? Get the hell out of my sight.}
{387}{}{I SAID, I do 'not' want to talk about.}
{388}{}{Uh, yeah. Sure, buddy. What ever you say.}
{389}{}{Uh, yeah. Sure, lady. What ever you say.}
{390}{}{Do you have any to sell then?}
{391}{}{All right then. Bye!}
{392}{}{(Kane looks at one of his thugs and shrugs his shoulders)}
{393}{}{No I DON'T! Now, leave.}
{394}{}{Mary? I don't know a Mary... I don't have 'time' for this! I don't even know who you're talking about. If she want's money tell her to come talk to me herself!}
{395}{}{(You gain 100 experience for thoroughly pissing Kane off.)}
{396}{}{(For a split second you think you see Kane Blush) That's... (he looks side to side) nice. Now what did you want.}
{397}{}{How about a date? }
{398}{}{Oh, nothing. Bye.}
{399}{}{Yes, I mean no. I mean I don't... I can't. I... (Kane suddenly punches one of his guards across the jaw.) What are you grinning at! (Then he looks back at you.) What are you still doing here!}
{400}{}{(Kane ignores you) What do you want?}
{401}{}{How are the kids?}
{402}{}{Nice day isn't it?}
{403}{}{This way.}
{404}{}{You know the way, let's go.}
{405}{}{Open it up boys.}
{406}{}{All right.}
{408}{}{You can want all you like, now take a hike.}
{409}{}{Do you have any more jobs?}
{411}{}{Nothing, bye.}
{413}{}{Hello again.}
{414}{}{What? You didn't have the nerve, right? (He whispers to you) Don't worry, you get used to it. If he has guards, try waiting until they leave. They have to eat some time right? If you can, distract them. Do what ever it takes, we don't accept failures. Just do it and you'll get your money and then you can high tail it out of here. Now... did you really need anything?}
{415}{}{Why isn't 'it' done yet. You better get it done. I don't want to see you again until you have some good news, otherwise we'll have a problem. You better not disappoint us.}
{416}{}{That's it. You've made your last mistake. You better leave town now, if you don't want to stay here... six feet under.}
{417}{}{Well... are you going to do the job or not? They're right over here (Kane points again at your PIPBoy town map display.) You better hurry up, the boss is expecting this to be done soon.}
{418}{}{WHAT THE HELL... (Kane looks around then whispers.) What the hell are you doing here? You better finish the other one off, and there better not be 'any' witnesses.}
{419}{}{That's it. You blew it. Now you're going to have to pay for your mistakes. I hope you aren't planing on spending the night here.}
{420}{}{You haven't finished your little job. (whispering) You know what's at stake here. You do it and you get rich and we're all happy. Fail and no one's going to be happy.}
{421}{}{If you're having trouble with your job, try and wait until she's alone.}
{422}{}{You're running out of time and I'm running out of patience.}
{423}{}{I won't do it.}
{424}{}{She'll be dead very soon.}
{426}{}{You won't? Now that's a shame. We can't have people giving their word and then breaking it. I'm sorry we couldn't work together. Have a 'nice' day.}
{427}{}{Okay! I'll do the damn job. But you better have the money when I'm done with it.}
{429}{}{Oh, I'll have it. Don't worry.}
{430}{}{Still alive I see! Well, you must not have made any new friends recently. I hope you keep an eye out for them.}
{431}{}{(Kane looks quite smug. He just stands there with and evil grin.)}
{432}{}{Well! I am very surprised to see you alive. You survived, that's very impressive. I guess I'll let you live, you are worth of that much. Now hit the road.}
{433}{}{Don't even think of it.}
{434}{}{I never miss.}
{435}{}{I'm allowing you to live, be grateful.}
{436}{}{I don't think you want to test me.}
{437}{}{"I hope you aren't planning on using that, for your sake.}
{438}{}{You should leave.}
{439}{}{Don't be stupid.}
{440}{}{You'll regret it.}
{441}{}{You're either brave or 'very' stupid to show your face here but don't worry, we'll stop in sometime and say 'hello'.}
{442}{}{(Kane just glares at you.)}
{443}{}{You survived my good bye party... I don't know how you did it, I must have underestimated you. Leave and you might live.}
{444}{}{(Kane ignores you, but has his weapon ready to shoot.)}
{445}{}{All right! Out you go!}
{446}{}{I won't tell you again. Get the hell out.}
{447}{}{I warned you. Okay guys, let 'em have it!}
{448}{}{I warned you. Okay guys, let 'er have it!}
{449}{}{Don't bother me, get to work. You've got a job to do, and you better do it.}
{450}{}{Would you get on with it. I already told you what to do. Just do it.}
{451}{}{I know you finished the damn job. You don't have to tell me. Decker's the one you need to talk to.}
{452}{}{I told you to talk to Decker!}
{453}{}{(Kane gives you a deadly look.) Well then... I'll try to get you in to see him sometime soon. I'll be sure to show you to him 'piece' by 'piece'.}
{454}{}{I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you 'enjoy' the rest of your stay here in our wonderful city. }
{455}{}{(Kane ignores you.)}
{456}{}{(Kane stares at you for a few seconds) All right. I'll give you one last chance to see him. Follow me.}
{457}{}{(Kane stares at you for a few seconds) You missed your chance. Beat it.}
{458}{}{What the hell are you doing back here?!?! You must be an even bigger idiot than I thought. I knew Decker shouldn't have hired an unknown.}
{459}{}{What are you talking about?}
{461}{}{[Kane lowers his voice] You cocked up the mission, you moron! You were supposed to kill both of the Hightowers, not wound them for Christ sake! The second you left the Heights they ran off with their guards. Believe me, they didn't waste time packing either. God knows where they are now!}
{462}{}{Well, what can I say? I'm sorry.}
{463}{}{Ug. SOrrY.}
{464}{}{Sorry doesn't cut it. You've put Decker at an unacceptable risk. You can consider yourself an enemy of the Underground from now on. I don't ever want to see your face in here again.}
{465}{}{You cannot get through the door with Kane here.}
