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Fallout Wiki

Jury St. tunnels terminal entries are a series of terminals found in the Jury St. tunnels in Fallout 3.

Ryan Brigg's terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table in Ryan Brigg's mole rat laboratory. It is locked with an Easy lock.


Journal-It Software 2072 PagSoft
Ryan Brigg's Journal

Recent Journal Entries[]


Attempt #173
    -I've finally done it! Who would have thought that the simple combination of Mole Rat Meat and Wonder Glue would have been the answer? Curing the mixture together in a metal box produces a sort of jerky that is very pleasant to the palette, chewy with a nutty taste. The usual toughness and bitter flavor of molerat is completely undetectable.

Further, I find that the meat has restorative properties. A man who eats a meal of this concotionIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar will find himself feeling positivleyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar buoyant and anxious to move about.

I'll be able to charge even more for it than I was originally planning. The only thing left to do is set up shop in one of the towns on the surface. None too soon! These filthy raiders have been my bane, and after these long months, I'm as destitute as the worst of them.

Odd, that's the alarm.
Begin MemWipe()
User-Initiated memory protocol
Beginning storage clear, oldest archives first.
Press any button to interrupt.

Archived Journal Entries[]


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Ryan Brigg's terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table in the storage and pipe room. It is locked with a Very Easy lock.


Journal-It Software ©2072 PagSoft
USER: Ryan Brigg's

Log Entry #173[]


Attempt #173
    -I've finally done it! Who would have thought that the simple combination of Mole Rat Meat and Wonder Glue would have been the answer? Curing the mixture together in a metal box produces a sort of jerky that is very pleasant to the palette, chewy with a nutty taste. The usual toughness and bitter flavor of molerat is completely undetectable.

Further, I find that the meat has restorative properties. A man who eats a meal of this concotion will find himself feeling positivley buoyant and anxious to move about.

I'll be able to charge even more for it than I was originally planning. The only thing left to do is set up shop in one of the towns on the surface. None too soon! These filthy raiders have been my bane, and after these long months, I'm as destitute as the worst of them.

Odd, that's the alarm.
:Begin MemWipe()
User-Initiated memory protocol
Beginning storage clear, oldest archives first.
Press any button to interrupt.


> Loading Entry...

Log Entry #172[]


Attempt #172
    - Quite close now. I'm fairly certain the key ingredient is some form of ThermoStarch. My next attempt will be using Wonder Glue, the adhesive component contains a great deal of the stuff. Luckily we have a small store of the stuff available here, and I'm offering a handful of caps to the raiders for every bottle they can bring me. Those greasy villains are handy when you've got the money.


> Loading Entry...

Log Entry #171[]


Attempt #171
  - I've noticed positive reactions with base dextrin substances. I'll continue testing different forms to see where it leads me. If there was ever a time for a breakthrough it would be right now. Masquerading as one of these foul murderers grows tiring, once the theatrics of it wear off. One thing is true, though - we can all be rich if the experiment succeeds. Molerat is one of the easiest meats to get hold of, yet the most disgusting. If I can turn it into a viable food source...


> Loading Entry...

Log Entry #87[]


Attempt #87
    -The molerats are starting to get more aggressive. I think we will have to push back our checkpoints a bit to make up for it. I wonder if my experiments with isoprene have somehow triggered their sudden increase in aggression. I wouldn't be so worried about it if I had something to show for it. There's got to be some way to make this meat taste better.

Chucky won't shut up about the one he kept as a pet being eaten by the others. I think I'll shoot him, that sort of thing seems to impress these raider types.


> Loading Entry...

Log Entry #86[]


Attempt #86
    -I introduced a small component of isoprene, didn't seem to make a difference in taste or composition. I'm not hopeful, but in the next round I'll increase the concentration, if only because the damn stuff is so plentiful.


> Loading Entry...

Archived Entries[]


Attempt #87
    -The molerats are starting to get more aggressive. I think we will have to push back our checkpoints a bit to make up for it. I wonder if my experiments with isoprene have somehow triggered their sudden increase in aggression. I wouldn't be so worried about it if I had something to show for it. There's got to be some way to make this meat taste better.

Chucky won't shut up about the one he kept as a pet being eaten by the others. I think I'll shoot him, that sort of thing seems to impress these raider types.


> Loading Entry...

disconnect user: RYAN BRIGGS[]

Note: Accessing this command logs the Lone Wanderer off the terminal.
