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This is a transcript for dialogue with June Seaver.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00731636 007316DE Oh no, I'm no Appalachian.
2 I came in from the north with Paige and the other Settlers at Foundation -- do you know them?
3 But I wanted to do more than just settle. I wanted to learn medicine. The Responders seemed like they could teach me.
4 Only... they couldn't. Or I couldn't learn is more like it.
5 00731637 007316BD Free time? That's not a real thing, is it?
6 00731638 007316D9 Stressed? Ha ha! Who's stressed? Me?
7 It's... that obvious, huh? Well, I do have my mantras to calm me down.
8 Serenity... Serenity... Peace and...
9 Wait, was it six bottled waters or sixteen in the next shipment?
10 00731639 007316BB Y-You really think so?
11 I'm not sure I believe you, but it's a sweet thing to say nonetheless.
12 0073163A 007316CB Well that's probably for the best.
13 00731663 007316C9 I'm the quartermaster at this little outpost of ours. That means I manage what supplies we have.
14 I count them... a lot. Just to make sure we're still out of gauze and didn't magically manifest more while I wasn't looking.
15 I wanted to be a doctor! But being a doctor is hard when you have a fear of blood. And needles. And failure.
16 00731664 007316B4 They're great! We're great. They more than me.
17 They're selfless and fearless and try to solve any problem, no matter how difficult.
18 And they use a lot of supplies. And don't get many. But they manage anyway! Hah hah...
19 00731665 007316B7 Me? I'm nothing special.
20 00731666 007316C0 Okay then. I'll be here... Probably forever.
21 0073166F 00731675 Life would have been harder as a doctor. Definitely harder. But more rewarding.
22 00731676 Deep breaths, June. Deep breaths...
23 00731677 Lane said I needed some guided meditation. Where do I get that, exactly?
24 00731678 Supplies don't count themselves. If they did, I'd be out of a job. Again.
25 00731679 Can't imagine anything I'd rather be doing more than managing outpost supplies...
26 0073167A If only I had some kind of... fidget tool. To help with the fidgeting. *sigh*
27 0073167B Doctors are overrated, anyway. Not bitter
28 0073167C Okay, repeat the mantra... Not bitter... Not bitter...
29 0073167D Four-hundred and fifty-one ten millimeter bullets...
30 0073167E Eighty-nine bottles of beer on the wall, eighty-nine bottles of beer...
31 0073167F I didn't even want to live in the Refuge. Yep, it's much better out here. Sleeping in the ruins of a saw mill.
32 00731680 What's the phrase again? Panic... Siege? Assault? Sweeping wave of annihilation? Panic attack is the phrase
33 00731681 Hourly pulse check, aaand... Oh, that's... Concerning...
34 00731682 Living with your shame isn't so bad once you get used to it.
35 00731683 Serenity, serenity...
36 00731670 0073169F You know what we could use more of? Everything. When does the next caravan come by again?
37 007316A0 Just, uh, standing here. Not fired. Yet.
38 007316A1 You know what's always in stock? Irradiated drinking water.
39 007316A2 Just your friendly neighborhood quartermistress.
40 007316A3 Oh hello... you...
41 007316A4 Yes, I am good at my job, thank you for asking. No, that's not a lie.
42 007316A5 Hey... How's that weather, eh?
43 007316A6 Whoa! Oh, sorry. You startled me.
44 007316A7 Three... Five... Seven... Nine... Nine Radstag steaks.
45 007316A8 I bet you didn't know we stock Bloatfly larvae! It's a delicacy... to some.
46 00732688 We may have sourced some inventory from passing vault dwellers. Hope that's not offensive or something...
47 00731671 007316C3 Did you know we've only had six cans of Cram in stock for the past week and a half? Hard stuff to find, Cram. Evidently.
48 007316C4 Hello! I'm still here. Not panicking.
49 007316C5 Hey, uh, what would you like to talk about, exactly?
50 007316C6 Not here for homemade poultices, I hope? We're fresh out.
51 007316C7 Oh, hello. Here to drain more of my supplies?
52 007321F6 007321F7 You really know how to make a girl feel worthless and unwanted.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00717DF6 00717DF7 Hey! I found these plans scattered around the vault. You might find something you need here!