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This is a transcript for dialogue with June Warwick.


1DialogueWarwickHomesteadJuneBranch{Reliving a difficult memory / Concerned} Yeah, some Super Mutants came through and tore the place up. We damn near starved to death.A1a
2{Relieved, cheering up} Anyway, things are better now. Just look at the place. We've got everything we need.A1b
3{Passing on advice} I'll say this - if you want to start up a farm out here, you better be ready to fight for it.Player Default: The important things are always worth fighting for.A1c
4Player Default: The important things are always worth fighting for.{Strong agreement / Confident} You're right about that. The only thing more important to me than this farm is my family.June: How about you? Got any family yourself?A1a
5Player Default: I'm not really the farming type.{Mostly humorous tone, turning to wistful. You're happy with the farm life, even if you gripe about it sometimes / Happy} I don't blame you. The days are long and you're sore pretty much around the clock, but you know, it's not so bad once you get used to it.June: How about you? Got any family yourself?B1a
6Player Default: Maybe one day I'll take up farming.{The last bit has disdain, you } It's demanding as hell, I won't lie. Still, it's a better place to raise a family than Diamond City.June: How about you? Got any family yourself?X1a
7Player Default: Why not hire some guards?{A little exasperated, trying to solve a tough problem} Even if we could feed, bunk and pay them, we'd still have to find people we could trust.Y1a
8{Firm / Confident} When it comes to our protecting our family, Robert and I need to be sure.June: How about you? Got any family yourself?Y1b
9Player Default: You're right about that. The only thing more important to me than this farm is my family.{Friendly conversation} How about you? Got any family yourself?Player Default: I've got a son, Shaun. I... lost my wife.A1a
10Player Default: I've got a son, Shaun. I... lost my wife.{Contrite, apologetic / Sad} Oh... I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked. I hope I haven't re-opened any old wounds.Player Default: It's okay. You couldn't have known.A1a
11Player Default: That's really none of your business.{Sheepish, embarrassed / Apologetic} I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry. Roger used to say I was too friendly for my own good.Player Default: It's okay. You couldn't have known.B1a
12Player Default: It's okay. You couldn't have known.{Grateful} Well, it's good of you to say so.June: I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.A1a
13Player Default: Well, you should be. That's pretty damned insensitive.{Apologetic, a gesture of goodwill} You're absolutely right. Let me make it up to you, okay? Here, take this.June: I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.B1a
14Player Default: Well, you should be. That's pretty damned insensitive.{Guilty... you've made someone angry} Like I said, I'm sorry.June: I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.B2a
15Player Default: Let's just change the subject.{Sheepish} You're right.June: I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.X1a
16Player Default: Can we just change the subject?{Guilty... you've made someone angry} Sorry, I can see I've hit a nerve.June: I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.Y1a
17Player Default: Well, it's good of you to say so.{Sheepish} I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one conversation.A1a
18{Friendly / Friendly} I did enjoy talking with you, though, and I hope you'll visit again. Take care.A1b
19DialogueWarwickHomesteadVendorGot some ripe mutfruit and tatos. Might be a gourd or two as well.Y1a
20Also got some ammunition, stims... you know, the basics.Y1b
21What do you say?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1c


22DialogueWarwickJaneyJuneSceneJaney: Hey mom.What do you need, dear?Janey: I'm almost done patching up the spare blanket, but I'm about to run out of thread.A1a
23Janey: I'm almost done patching up the spare blanket, but I'm about to run out of thread.I think I've got another spool tucked away in a drawer somewhere.A1a
24I'll look for it tomorrow.Janey: Okay.A1b


25DialogueWarwickJuneRogerScene{Mild concern} I woke up in the middle of the night and you weren't in bed again.A1a
26{Mild concern} Still having trouble sleeping?Roger: I just feel like... I don't know, maybe I don't need as much sleep as I used to.A1b
27Roger: I don't ever want us to end up back there again.{Gentle, comforting} Hey... we won't. Things are better now, much better. We have more than we need.A1a
28{A difficult admission} I have nightmares, too, sometimes. But if we don't get enough rest, the work will suffer.Roger: I give you my word, you and the kids will never go hungry again. I won't let that happen.A1b
29Roger: I give you my word, you and the kids will never go hungry again. I won't let that happen.{Admiration} You really have changed.A1a


30DialogueWarwickJuneWallyScene{Scolding} What's this I hear about you going in the water?Wally: What?! Did Janey tell on me?A1a
31Wally: It was only for a minute. I thought I saw a toy rocket and I was trying to get it.{Scolding} I don't care what it was. You know the rules.A1a
32{Gentle reproach} I know it seems unfair, but we don't know what might be swimming around down there.A1b
33{A stern parent} I won't see my only son wind up in some mirelurk's belly.Wally: I hate when she does this. She's always trying to get me in trouble!A1c
34Wally: I hate when she does this. She's always trying to get me in trouble!She's just looking out for you like a big sister should.A1a
35And besides, this isn't about her, it's about you not doing what you're told.A1b
36{A stern parent} When you're an adult, you can swim all you want. Until then, you do what your father and I tell you. Is that clear?Wally: Yes, mom.A1c


37DialogueWarwickRogerJuneSceneRoger: Did I see a jar of tarberries in the kitchen this morning?{Playful, stretch out the m a bit} Maybe.Roger: How did you come by that?A1a
38Roger: How did you come by that?That last trader had it. It was a steal, too.A1a
39{Surprised} He said those ghouls up at the Slog gave him a few extra jars to spread around for cheap.A1b
40Some kind of promotion, I guess.Roger: We should send them something, you know, to say thanks.A1c
41Roger: We should send them something, you know, to say thanks.Sure, I'll see what I can spare.A1a


42DN054JuneWarwickScenePlayer Default: Correct, Daddy-O.You guys are adorable.JuneWarwick: So is that pump all fixed up now?A1a
43Player Default: I'm just doing them a favor.Oh, sorry. I shouldn't assume.B1a
44I could easily take you for one of them, though.JuneWarwick: So is that pump all fixed up now?B1b
45Player Default: Meow.{The player just meowed at you. It was a little weird. } Oh, um. I'll take that as a yes.JuneWarwick: So is that pump all fixed up now?X1a
46Player Default: What makes you assume that?They help out here a lot. Saw you working in the shed and figured you were one of them.JuneWarwick: So is that pump all fixed up now?Y1a
47Player Default: You guys are adorable.So is that pump all fixed up now?Player Default: Yep, should be all fixed.A1a
48Player Default: Yep, should be all fixed.You guys are great, thank you so much.JuneWarwick: Maybe some day this will do the farm some good.A1a
49Player Default: It seems pretty useless, but sure.It may seem like a pipe dream, if you'll excuse the pun.B1a
50But if we can do anything to help the smell around here, it'll be worth it.JuneWarwick: Maybe some day this will do the farm some good.B1b
51Player Default: Yep, all patched up with duct tape and bubblegum.{Not really trusting the job got done well.} Wow, well at least the Atom Cats work quick.X1a
52{Laughing because you ask for help often} Now we have to do our part to get this thing working. I'm sure you guys'll hear from me if we have any more problems.JuneWarwick: Maybe some day this will do the farm some good.X1b
53Player Default: Why do you need that pump working?{Laughing at the horrible smell, you're used to it } This place used to be a sewage treatment plant, you probably figured that from the smell.Y1a
54Well, if we can get that pump up and running, we can flush out the system and hopefully get some of this stink out of the tubes.JuneWarwick: Maybe some day this will do the farm some good.Y1b
55JuneWarwick: The Atom Cats have been such a great help to us.You must be hungry. Here, take some food back with you.A1a
56And please, send Zeke my thanks.A1b
57Player Default: You guys are great, thank you so much.Maybe some day this will do the farm some good.A1a
58The Atom Cats have been such a great help to us.JuneWarwick: You must be hungry. Here, take some food back with you.A1b


59InstM01JuneScene{Frustrated, worried / Irritated} Is this something important? Because I'm not really in the mood for a chat right now.Player Default: Sounds like things are tough. I'm sorry to hear that.A
60Player Default: Sounds like things are tough. I'm sorry to hear that.{With a heavy heart / Depressed} Thank you for saying so.June: I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.A1a
61Player Default: Look lady, I don't appreciate being brushed off.{Depressed} Of course not. I'm sorry, I'm being rude.June: I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.B1a
62Player Default: It might help to talk about your troubles.{With a heavy heart, resigned / Depressed} Maybe you're right.June: I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.X1a
63Player Default: Trouble with your husband?{Sad, weary / Depressed} As a matter of fact, yes.June: I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.Y1a
64Player Default: Thank you for saying so.{Depressed} I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.A1a
65{Concerned} My husband has changed, and it's not a bad thing... he's actually a better man than he used to be. I just don't understand why.A1b
66{Concerned} Meanwhile, our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.Player Default: If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.A1c
67Player Default: Thank you for saying so.{Inner turmoil, doubt / Depressed} I'm just feeling... I don't know, conflicted I guess.A2a
68{Worried} You remember before, when I told you that my husband really changed when things were bad for us?A2b
69{Worried / Concerned} Now our foreman has this crazy idea that Roger's been replaced by a synth.Player Default: If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.A2c
70Player Default: If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.{Confident} You're right. I'm his wife, I should stand at his side no matter what.June: You won't change Bill's mind, though. He gave Cedric a pile of caps and sent him off somewhere. I think he's trying to get outside help.A1a
71Player Default: If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.{Indignant / Angry} I beg your pardon? I think I can decide for myself what I should and shouldn't do.June: In fact, I don't see how any of this is your business.A3a
72Player Default: If your husband's trying to be a better man, you should be more grateful.{Conceding / Relieved} Oh, I suppose you're right. Maybe people really can change for the better.June: You won't change Bill's mind, though. He gave Cedric a pile of caps and sent him off somewhere. I think he's trying to get outside help.B1a
73Player Default: If your husband's trying to be a better man, you should be more grateful.{Indignant / Angry} I beg your pardon? I don't think it's your place to poke your nose into my relationship with my husband.June: In fact, I don't see how any of this is your business.B2a
74Player Default: Sounds like your foreman's lost his mind.{Concerned} I don't know what to think anymore.X1a
75{Puzzled} Sure, Roger's been acting a little strange lately, but a synth? That just seems so outlandish.X1b
76To be perfectly honest, I don't think the Institute really exists. It's just wild rumors and nonsense.June: You won't change Bill's mind, though. He gave Cedric a pile of caps and sent him off somewhere. I think he's trying to get outside help.X1c
77Player Default: Sounds like your foreman's lost his mind.{Annoyed / Impressed} What would you know about that? You just wandered in from who-knows-where.June: In fact, I don't see how any of this is your business.X2a
78Player Default: And you actually believe him?{Concerned} I honestly don't know what to believe. It's true Roger's been acting different, but is he a synth?Y1a
79{Disbelief} That just sounds so far-fetched.Player Default: If your husband wants to be a better man, you should support him.Y1b
80Player Default: I beg your pardon? I think I can decide for myself what I should and shouldn't do.{Annoyed / Stern} In fact, I don't see how any of this is your business.A1a
81{Annoyed / Stern} I think it's time you moved on.June: You won't change Bill's mind, though. He gave Cedric a pile of caps and sent him off somewhere. I think he's trying to get outside help.A1b
82June: I think it's time you moved on.{Concerned} You won't change Bill's mind, though. He gave Cedric a pile of caps and sent him off somewhere. I think he's trying to get outside help.A1a
83{Concerned} They were talking about Goodneighbor. I've heard some pretty bad things about that place.A1b
84{Worried, but thankful / Concerned} If you can find out what's going on and put a stop to it, you'd have our gratitude.A1c
85InstM01StandoffScene1Bill: When you do, everyone will know the real Roger Warwick is dead and gone.{Pleading} But he's right here, Bill!Roger: Bill, you're insane! Please, I'm begging you, let's just talk about this!A1a
86-{Aloof} I really have nothing more to say to you
87{Apologetic} I'm sorry, but things are difficult right now.
88{Aloof} Maybe you should leave.


89-{Friendly, curious / Friendly} Did you see that huge gourd growing by the fence? I've never seen anything like it.
90{Sad, coping with a tragedy / Sad} I just can't get over what happened with Bill. I still have nightmares about it.
91{Relieved / Relieved} Things have almost returned to normal. I'm grateful for that.