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Fallout Wiki

Junders Plunkett's finger is a unique item for those with the Lawbringer perk.


After finding the bounty notice: Junders Plunkett on the body of a dead Regulator, Junders can be killed, and this item can be found on his corpse. However, killing Junders is all that is necessary to unlock the dialogue option for the 1,000 caps reward from Sonora Cruz and this unique finger does not have to be looted.



  • Unlike regular fingers, Junders' finger acts like a quest item and cannot be dropped.
  • It will often not vanish after turning it in, staying in your inventory forever. Since it has no weight, this is at best a minor inconvenience during Pip-Boy browsing.

Behind the scenes[]

The script for killing Junders Plunkett is an automatic check, not involving the finger at all, likely meaning that it was intended to be removed from the game, but forgotten.
