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This is a transcript for dialogue with Julio.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00763342 007633AF You need something? dismissive.
2 007633B0 That's nothing, remember when... Excuse me? dismissive
3 007633B1 Yeah, people who eavesdrop are the worst. pointedly sarcastic and dismissive.
4 007633B2 Thanks for... taking care of Alfie for us. He wouldn't have wanted to live like that. He's sad his friend has passed, but is relieved that he's no longer suffering.
5 007633B3 Welcome back! Got any interesting stories from outside? Friendly, maybe a touch excited because new person.
6 007633B4 Put your feet up, take a load off. friendly and inviting
7 007633B5 Oh I got loads of old stories from the labs, maybe I can share some when you aren't so busy. friendly and inviting.
8 007633B6 Why don't you stay a little longer this time? Friendly and inviting. excited a new person to talk to is around.
9 007633B7 You're a bit of a legend around these parts now. Friendly and impressed, a laugh not needed but might be a good addition.
10 00792B07 007633DB Never mind that, have you heard? There's been contact from the outside. Dismissive and excited, he doesn't care about old complaints, something new is happening!
11 007633DE Oberlin is swamped lately, especially after the last scout run. It's no wonder things are starting to fall apart. the voice of reason but still giving his own input on the complaints
12 007633DF Is this a bad time to wonder if I left the weapon tests running after my last shift? very much a "did I leave the oven on" moment? he's commenting about something he worked on in the past.
13 007633E4 Probably the one that was contacted before? Didn't I tell ya? Excited at confirmation. Curious about what's going on.
14 007633E6 Haven't seen her, you sure she's not just hanging out with Oberlin again? unconcerned
15 007633EA I'm all for fun, but maybe we should wait until more problems get solved before we party. Voice of reason. calm and kinda laughing about it but showing concern about still being problems.
16 007633ED I mean, there were other Vault's than ours, are you really that surprised? voice of reason but laughing at Laurence's expense
17 007633EE I'm really gunna miss Alfie. said sadly and reflectively.
18 007633F1 It's safer down in the lower levels again now that the infestation is taking care of. happy
19 007633F3 ... We should probably start planning Alfie's funeral. mourning his friend.
20 007633F6 I'm just glad she's back, can you imagine how pissed the Overseer would be if he lost another family member? Concerned, guy does not want to think about being on the Overseers bad side.
21 007633F9 She'll bounce back, she usually does. Cheers and friendly
22 007633FC You really like using "smoothskin" huh? Commenting on laurences using smoothskin at every opportunity.
23 007633FF Hey, long as they don't expect us to go out with them. We aren't fighters.
24 00763402 You call it "slacking off", I call it "well-timed union mandated breaks." friendly banter. kinda smug and smart ass response
25 00763405 We're a vault full of scientists and engineers, sure there's a lot neglected lately, but we kept things in pretty good shape... Relatively. voice of reason but said Pretty sheepishly.
26 00763408 If you say so, I don't think I've ever seen her happy, Especially after what happened to her mom. Maybe she blames the overseer for it? whispered gossip, pretty much ignoring laurence being dismissive
27 0076340A Should we be worried?
28 0076340E How did he keep her secret from us for all this time? Think there are other secret rooms in the Vault? curious, gossipy and a bit excited to think that there maybe secret doors somewhere.
29 00763411 At this point is there really much keeping us here? Besides the out of control weather. Nervous about the change in the vault, gossiping and tempted to leave.
30 Maybe we can finally deactivate that crazy machine and get outta here? Nervous about the change in the vault, gossiping and tempted to leave.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00761147 00761185 Your shadow looks familiar. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
2 00761186 You've ruined...everything! Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
3 00761187 The ghosts are...whispering to me again. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
4 00761188 Margaret, is that you? Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
5 00761189 I can sense a new shape is approaching. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
6 00761148 00761178 Where did all the shadows go? converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
7 00761179 Where am I... converted to Lost
8 0076117A The ghosts are here.... must stay quiet... converted to Lost
9 0076117B Why is the... vault so silent? Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
10 0076117C Don't trust the shapes *hisses* Must find Laurence... converted to Lost