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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jordy.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006FCF88 006FCFAB Welcome! Welcome, my friend. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of speaking yet. I'm Fabio, Fabio Mondadori. At your service. Charming, charismatic.
2 006FCFAD Hold it right there. I don't think you belong here.
3 Yeah, okay, you know what? Mind telling me what you're doing, walking in here like you own the place?
4 006FCFAF You're back. And you still have a pulse. What a stroke of luck that is. Charming, affable.
5 00726DCF So you're the catalyst that'll bring down my brother's empire? You, and you alone? Fascinated by the player. Elegant. Curious.
6 Fascinating.
7 00726F20 You look like a bat out of hell. What do you need?
8 007316FD What brings you to me on this fine day? Charming.
9 007316FE Are you ready to do business now? Charming, but a bit impatient.
10 007316FF You again? Didn't I tell you to scram?! Irritated.
11 00731700 Any news? Friendly, casual.
12 00731701 Anything I can do for you? Friendly.
13 0074533D What of the gang? Are they dead? Or gone...like dissipating vapor? Cruel yet smiling.
14 0074533E Concerta is not to be trifled with. So, trifle with her. Cruel joke.
15 0074533F Is there something I can assist with? Offering help, charming and charismatic.
16 00745340 Did you have something else to ask, or are you just lonely? Friendly, suave.
17 00745341 You're...taking your time, aren't you? I'm sure you have your reasons. Getting impatient with the player.
18 00745342 We have much to discuss, don't we? Firm.
19 00745343 Please...tell me what's on your mind. Feeling desperate. Doesn't like that the player isn't answering her.
20 006FCF89 006FCFB1 *chuckles* Yes, I didn't think you'd turn an opportunity like this down. As to where you should start, look to the Neapolitan Casino. Deviously amused.
21 Concerta lives in the largest suite within its hotel wing. I need you to search her room and find whatever evidence you can.
22 That woman is hiding something. I know she is... When you learn the truth, whatever that may be, return to me.
23 Don't come back until you do. Somewhat commanding.
24 006FCF8B 006FCFA5 That gang of lowlifes I sent you to track down was just a test. A trial run, to see if you can handle the real work that needs to get done. Suave, charming.
25 You see...my organization, the Lombardi Family, we've been...disorganized, for some time now. Rudderless. Filled with questions.
26 It's not good for a cult of personality to lack one, you understand? Now, as I'm sure you can see, I'm not Quentino Lombardi. I'm not the don. Yet.
27 Quentino himself has been...absent, for some time. Silent. It's not in his character. We've been told he's just been...ill, from old age.
28 At the very least, that's what his kid sister, Concerta, has been saying. She's been strutting around giving orders claiming they're from Quentino.
29 Not all of us are foolish enough to take such things at face value. I need you to get to play detective for me. Dig up dirt on her. Find the truth.
30 If Quentino is for, whatever reason, gone, then the position of don is open. And I would be very interested in that position.
31 I could reward you quite handsomely. Do you think you could do some digging for me?
32 006FCF8C 006FCFA0 So you did, so you did... And in your own way as well. Very interesting. Words can only tell you so much about a person, but actions? Charming, snake-like.
33 Well, actions tell you everything.
34 006FCF8F 006FCFA6 So you are. Let's get a good look at you... Charismatic. Thinking to himself.
35 You look...sturdy. Weathered, if I may. You may be exactly what I'm looking for... Excellent. Assessing the character. Calculating.
36 Now, I am a generous benefactor, and a good friend at that! Ask anyone. They'll tell you. But I want to start you off small. See if I can trust you. Charming and charismatic. Sizing the player up.
37 You prove yourself to me, show me you can handle a bit of a...challenge, and then the real work can begin. How does that sound? Charming and charismatic.
38 006FCF91 006FCFA1 Simple as, my friend. There's some...ne'er-do-wells hanging around the Casino Quarter, trying to ruff up the Family's patrons for a few caps. Charming, charismatic. Polite.
39 Pathetic, isn't it? Regardless, I need you to deal with them. How you do so is up to your discretion. Judgmental, yet his delivery is very smooth.
40 In fact, I would be...curious, to learn your methodology. You deal with them, and I promise you, you will be well-paid. We take care of our own here. Very smooth, even when talking about murder.
41 Now, do we have a deal? Charismatic.
42 006FCF93 006FCFA7 Your words are reassuring. Let's hope your actions mirror them. Come back when our "friends" outside are dealt with. Charming, charismatic.
43 006FCF95 006FCFA2 Maybe, maybe not. You don't look like a Muni to me. Don't know why it matters to you. Intentionally not answering the question. Defensive.
44 Sounds to me like you got steered in the wrong direction. We've been shaking some people up for caps, as you put it. But not "patrons." Vaguely threatening.
45 'Fact you used that word tells me that the Family sent you. We've been shaking up Quentino's louts for their caps. Who's going to miss a few mobsters? Smug and threatening.
46 I'm not an unreasonable woman. How about you just turn around and walk away, and I'll forget this ever happened? Smug, thinks she's being merciful.
47 006FCF97 006FCFA8 Well, when you put it that way, it's hard to disagree with you. Persuaded by the player's charm.
48 All right, we'll pack it up and move our operation to the Boardwalk. You can tell your little handler we won't be causing trouble 'round here anymore. True to her word. Blunt.
49 006FCF99 006FCFA3 Hey, whoa now. There's no need for that! Afraid.
50 You want us gone? Fine, we're gone! You can tell your little "Family" that we won't be causing problems around here anymore. Desperate to get out of this situation.
51 In fact, I've heard the Boardwalk is quite nice this time of year. Squirreling to get out of this.
52 006FCF9B 006FCFB0 It'll be hard for you to talk it out with a couple bullets in you. But maybe you'll surprise me. Threatening, sinister.
53 006FCF9D 006FCFA9 You...what? Completely caught off guard and befuddled by the player's response.
54 Well...all right. If you say so. I...almost feel a bit bad about this, to be honest. But caps are caps. Unsure.
55 Guess we'll be moving onto greener pastures. So...thanks, I guess? Still surprised by the way this conversation turned.
56 006FCF9F 006FCFA4 I was wondering when you'd say that. Shame, you were starting to grow on me. Sinister. Cruelly pleased.
57 00726DBB 00726DCD Plunge a knife in his back like he has to mine. Send a bullet into his skull. Bitter, angry, stern.
58 See to it that the traitorous "consigliere" dies, by my hand guiding yours. Angry, bitter, serious.
59 00745335 Maybe you were a catalyst of more than just my seemingly inevitable demise. Maybe I misjudged you after all. Grim, serious.
60 If that is so, then return to your precious Appalachia. A bit cold.
61 Then again...my intuition is rarely ever wrong. Doubtful of the player's good intentions.
62 00745336 The truth is cold and harsh, but there is one thing that cannot be denied about it. Its veracity. Grim and somber.
63 Fabio can have his throne. Empires rise and fall, raze and simmer. If it's time for mine to do so, then maybe I just have to accept it.
64 I won't fight you on it. I know a lost cause when I see one, and I shattered my mirror for that very reason. Grim, sad.
65 00745337 I feel this is not the end of my tale, but maybe just the end of your chapter in it. Pensive, reflective.
66 Safe travels to Appalachia. Safer than mine, at least. Grim, somber.
67 00726DBE 00726DD0 The spotlight was never mine to be had. I was forever lurking beyond its limits, searching for a way in. Somber, pensive.
68 But I'm sure you've seen the barrier that separates light from darkness. There is no door. Somber, sad.
69 Those like me, who linger in darkness, are not meant for such light. That is...unfortunately quite clear to me now. Realizing her fate was written for her, and she has no control.
70 00726DBF 00726DC9 I see. You'll have some trouble counting to ten when you get to hell, given you'll only ever get to number nine. Cold, cutting.
71 00726DC0 00726DC6 You're...judicious, if nothing else. That may be for the best. You're not from here. You're not a mobster. Trusts the player against her better judgment.
72 This isn't your fight. I advise you walk away from this, far away, and pick wiser battles next time. Advising the player to leave. Genuine in her answer.
73 00726DC1 00726DCA Perhaps...perhaps you are right. I don't wish to be like Fabio. He is a bumbling fool that can only be trusted as far as he can be thrown. Surprised by the player's reasoning. It seems to resonate with her.
74 This level of treachery is something only a politician such as he could dream up. I won't stoop to that level. Determined to not become like Fabio.
75 Thank you, for giving me such clarity. Sincere.
76 00726DC2 00726DC7 I...am humbled by your faith. It's good to see someone know the truth and still support me. Surprised that someone believes in her. Trying to maintain her composure and not get emotional.
77 This is a most unusual occurrence for me. And I...I should thank you for it. Struggling to express gratitude through her shock.
78 But you know what must happen now, don't you? Grim.
79 Fabio Mondadori must die. Serious tone.
80 00726DC3 00726DCC And what would that be, pray tell? Keeping her voice level to hide how eager she is to learn the player's answer.
81 00726DC4 00726DC8 I don't expect you to pity me. The mad queen of Atlantic City, whose subjects could and never would respect her if she stepped out of the shadows. Speaking about herself bitterly.
82 I've been standing in the shadow of my brother my entire life, the machinations of the Family emanating from my whispers in his ear. Growing a bit frustrated and she recounts her predicament.
83 It wasn't until he...found peace, that I started to lose my foothold. He was my shield, the visor that obscured my visibility in the public eye. Voice becomes pained when talking about her brother's death.
84 But now, he's gone. Not by my hand, mind you, but by the very substance that made him rich. Bitter, almost angry at the chem.
85 The only other contenders for the godfather's chair are fools. They will run the empire I bled for my entire life into the ground. Disdain in her voice.
86 I did not take the Family from Quentino. I made it for him. Defiant, resolute.
87 00726DC5 00726DCB Oh, believe me. I am intimately acquainted with my own fate. Firm, resolute.
88 I can only hope that you might listen to reason, should it rear its rare face before you. A bit hopeful.
89 00726F07 00726F1B [TEMP] This is where I react to you having found the information I wanted. I will also reward you for doing this for me.
90 00726F09 00726F24 Straight to business, huh? Bet you pissed quite a few people off here. Amused.
91 But yeah, I'll take you. Get in and we'll get going. Casual, tough.
92 00726F0B 00726F1C [TEMP] You will be well-rewarded for your efforts. Now, how about we get you back to Appalachia? You came in on that vertibird, didn't you?
93 00726F0C 00726F18 [TEMP] Angry response.
94 00726F0E 00726F21 [TEMP] And this is where I respond appropriately. But, you're done and dusted.
95 00726F10 00726F19 [TEMP] Annoyed goodbye.
96 00726F12 00726F23 [TEMP] This is going to anger me and result in me attempting to kill you.
97 00726F14 00726F22 [TEMP] I express sinister delight at hearing this news, elated that I was able to get what I want.
98 However, I also tell you that despite the fact you chose to resolve this peacefully, I am going to have her killed anyway.
99 00726F16 00726F1A [TEMP] This is where I express my absolute delight in you having killed Concerta and discovered her secrets
100 007316EA 00731702 Feisty, aren't you? Well, I suppose the caps will just go to someone else. Unless, of course, you change your mind. Charming. Trying to hide how irritated he is.
101 007316EE 007316F7 Well, I'll be here if you change your mind. Casual and blunt.
102 007316EF 0073171C Who am I? Some call me consigliere, others a diplomat. I represent the Lombardi Family, but also myself. Very charming and endearing.
103 To my friends, I'm just Fabio. Perhaps you and I can be friends. Charming, inviting.
104 0073171D You're sharp as a tack, aren't you? Well, let's just say this little "gang" problem is not the only thing I need help with. Flattering the player.
105 If you can prove yourself with a trivial task such as this, perhaps I can trust you with greater responsibilities. Ones with larger rewards. Seductive and charming.
106 I'm sure we can come to an understanding. Charismatic, charming.
107 0073171E On behalf of the Family...? How do I put this? Thinking about how best to answer the player's question.
108 When I act on behalf of the Quentino Family, I act in my own interest. And when I act in my own interest, it benefits the Family. Charming and sly.
109 The two are one and the same. Perhaps that answers your question. Oozing charm.
110 0073171F They should be outside in the Casino Quarter. They like to hang around this area, waiting for our patrons to come out of the casinos. Charming.
111 Might want to try looking around the old storefronts. Could be hiding out in there. Charming tone.
112 00731720 I don't care. Kill them, talk to them, marry them. Whatever it'll take to get them to go away. Dismissive.
113 I just don't want them scaring off our patrons. The execution of my purpose doesn't matter to me, so long as the goal is met. Sly and charismatic.
114 007316F0 0073171B On to learn better time management, I hope. Mocking the player in a passive way.
115 007316F2 0073170C Thank you for thinking rationally. I can promise you, you've made the right choice. Grateful, but still firm and cold.
116 0073170D You have the power to either level or sculpt an entire metropolis. Think very carefully. Grim, serious, stern.
117 0073170E There is much at stake here. More than you could ever know. Grim, serious, stern.
118 0073170F Time is slowly accelerating, awaiting your decisions. Philosophical, stern.
119 00731710 What are you waiting for? Fabio Mondadori isn't going to kill himself. Unfortunately. Irritated, stern.
120 00731711 At times, sparing a life is more anxiety-inducing than ending one. Let's hope you're right about Fabio. Grim, worried.
121 007316F3 00731708 Ugh! What'd you have to hit that hard for? In pain, whining.
122 00731709 Agh! Maybe this was a bad idea. In pain, afraid.
123 0073170A Gah! In pain, afraid.
124 007316F4 00731704 You thought you could mess with us?! Angry.
125 00731705 Take this! Angry, fighting.
126 00731706 Back down, or else! Angry, fighting.
127 007316F5 00731714 This place is filled with a bunch of sitting ducks. Scheming.
128 00731715 We're going to eat well tonight. And every night after that. Darkly excited.
129 00731716 Can't wait to see the rest of Jordy's plans. She always makes the right calls. Confident.
130 00731718 Guess it's time to hit the road. Casual.
131 00731719 Boardwalk, here we come! Sarcastic.
132 0073171A Was starting to get tired of this place anyway. Casual.
133 007316F6 007316F9 Yeah, that's what I thought. Threatening.
134 007452E6 00745329 So you did, so you did... And in your own way as well. Very interesting. Words can only tell you so much about a person, but actions? Charming, snake-like.
135 Well, actions tell you everything.
136 007452E7 0074532F You don't...like me? Bewildered that the player would betray him over something so trivial.
137 The feeling is fucking mutual. Furious, about to attack the player.
138 007452E8 00745333 Corrupt?! Me?! Don't make me laugh! You're just full of jokes today, aren't you? Well, I'm not laughing. Furious, hysterical.
139 You won't make a joke out of me. Furious, threatening. About to attack.
140 007452E9 0074531D The cut of her...? Don't tell me you fell for the lies that come off of her lead tongue! How easily swayed are you?! Furious. In disbelief.
141 Or how about I just "sway" you into an early grave?! Rage-filled threat.
142 007452EA 00745322 Yes, that's the spirit. Leave that information to your betters, hmm? You'll be rewarded handsomely, for a job well done. Brushing over the player's concerns.
143 007452EB 00745326 And you're a hired gun who suddenly grew a conscience. Tell me, where was that moral high ground of yours when we first met? Charming and cold.
144 Seems like it took you a while to walk up that hill, hmm? Patronizing.
145 Now, if you aren't planning to waste any more time, let's talk payment so we won't have to gaze into each other's eyes any longer. Getting irritated.
146 007452EC 00745339 You know what they say about heroes, arbiter. They're always willing to die for the right cause. Cold, yet charming.
147 Just like you will.
148 007452ED 0074532C Certainly! Oh, don't offend me so cruelly. I never forget to reward those who serve me faithfully. Sickly sweet.
149 007452EE 0074533C Yes, she did. But what Concerta Lombardi wants has no bearing on me. And I want her in the grave. Sinister.
150 You can't let these loose ends hang around, you see. You need to clip them, before you trip. I'm sure you understand.
151 007452EF 00745318 You've done well. Very well. Exceptionally well. And your reward...well, your reward will match your success. Sinisterly pleased.
152 I was not lying when I said I am a very generous benefactor, and friend. You've made a friend out of me, arbiter.
153 Now, how about we get you back to Appalachia? You came in on that vertibird, didn't you?
154 Your reward will be waiting for you there.
155 007452F0 00745319 *laughs* Oh, you are a funny one. You're lucky I like jokes. Hoping the player is kidding. Gritted teeth. Cold. Forced laugh.
156 You...you're serious, aren't you? You actually sided with the hag. Getting angry.
157 How could you be so stupid?! You knew that displeasing me could only end ONE way! Furious.
158 Why? Why would you throw everything away for her? Yelling, angry.
159 007452F1 0074532E Dead, you say? I knew it! Let's see here... Ecstatic. Thinking.
160 Oh, oh wonderful. A Devil's Blood addiction. Quentino, you old dog. And a delicious cover-up by his doting sister. Sinisterly excited.
161 This is exactly what I was looking for. Concerta won't last another day in the godfather's chair. Very pleased.
162 007452F2 00745332 *laughs* A "peaceful transfer of power"? Yes, I'm sure she believes that. Darkly amused by the player's naivete.
163 Still, it'll make her more vulnerable. More...resigned to her fate. Should be easier to take her out. Scheming.
164 So, you have done me quite the service after all. Returns to being charismatic.
165 007452F3 00745320 Oh, now that is music to my ears. A symphony of joy and progress. I am sure you had ample reason to...remove her. Genuinely elated. Still sinister.
166 All is going according to plan. Sinister. Pleased.
167 007452F4 0074531C I'd appreciate it if you would pick up the pace. Holding his smile but speaking through gritted teeth.
168 007452F5 0074532B Fabio is a politician who lies endlessly through his teeth. He's full of pretty words and bleached smiles. Little else. Biting words.
169 Like some of his competitors, he just wants power and wealth. He doesn't care about preserving the legacy and glory of the Family. Judgmental.
170 He'll run it into the ground and sell us out to every Muni taxman and Boardwalk juggler in Atlantic City for a few caps. Bitter.
171 007452F6 0074531B So you've heard. Yes, that was me. Antonio was...and is, to a degree, the greatest threat to my power. Uncomfortable with the player knowing her business, but returns to her stern tone.
172 He doesn't care about honor, or loyalty. He cares only about money, and how much he can hoard to himself. Really looks down on Antonio. Bitter.
173 He may be an adept businessman, but he would make a poor leader. And an even worse godfather.
174 The Family would fall under his leadership. Firm.
175 007452F7 0074532D I have indeed. My brother was older, but certainly not wiser. He was always an impulsive, temperamental person, driven by vice and whims. Stern, elegant.
176 I had to be the level-headed one. The decisive one. The tactician. If I didn't, we'd be begging for scraps on the street. Firm and resolute.
177 I won't lie and pretend I'm some selfless do-gooder who was trying to protect him. I looked out for myself, first and foremost. Being honest and straightforward.
178 But everything I did, was with his best interest at heart. I hope you can believe that, if not anything else. Sad, a bit somber.
179 007452F8 00745331 Your naivete makes me nostalgic for an easier time. It's not due to some falling out, or hatred. Pensive, stern.
180 No, it is simply due to my...nature. The Family is rooted in customs from back home. We're from a small village near Naples. Trying to find the right words to describe her predicament.
181 There are certain...traditions that are to be followed, if you're one who lives by rules. My brother was too stupid to see beyond it, bless him. Even though she insults Quentino, she speaks of him lovingly. Trying to find a way to dance around saying that her culture is patriarchal.
182 I had to resort to more subversive means to take what had always been mine. Voice becomes a bit more aggressive.
183 007452F9 0074531F No. Contrary to popular belief, I am not some witch. I loved my brother, hot-headed and stubborn as he was. Genuine when talking about her love for her brother. Stern when recalling how everyone thinks she is evil.
184 He got too big for his britches one day, as he often did, and sampled some of his product. Became addicted to Blood.
185 There's no weaning off Blood. No cure, no ten step plan. You stop taking it, and you die. Grim.
186 007452FA 00745324 A jokester. Who would've thought I'd be bested by a clown? Sad, but still a bit amused by the player.
187 Although I do hope you can muster up enough sincerity to listen to reason. Still trying to appeal to the player's rationality.
188 007452FB 0074531A You could say I have a bit of a poetic streak. As for Fabio, he's more of an actor than a poet. A bit darkly amused.
189 He lives in his verbiage instead of writing it. Insightful, observational.
190 Nevertheless, I do hope you can look past my honeyed words to see through to their meaning. Hinting that Fabio is a liar.
191 007452FC 0074533B Yes, and I suppose you've also heard I'm a complete madwoman. That I stand in the streets stark naked swapping war stories with radroaches. Keeps her tone level. Dry humor.
192 And on the other hand, there's the truth. Smooth and profound.
193 007452FD 00745330 And what would that something else be? Charming.
194 007452FF 0074531E Well don't be shy. Let me see. Trying to hide how interested he is in this.
195 Hmmm... Thinking to himself. Scheming.
196 This is very intriguing. The book is odd, I can't say I know what that is. But it looks hollow...perhaps it fits somewhere? Speculating. Trying to piece things together.
197 As for the vial, that's obviously Devil's Blood. The designer chem native to Atlantic City.
198 Produces the most potent high of any substance in the world, if the claims can be believed.
199 Wonder why the old hag had that. Maybe she's dancing with the devil? She doesn't look like she's got the shakes to me. Thinking to himself. Getting excited about possible scandals.
200 Either way, these don't mean anything on their own. Chase the leads. See where they go. Perhaps there's a bit of guidance to be had. Becomes a bit commanding.
201 00745301 00745334 Oh, arbiter... Why do you ask questions you don't want the answers to? Sinister, cold.
202 "Kill" is a very decisive action. Let's just say that, depending on what evidence you acquire... Cold, weirdly playful.
203 I will measure up my actions to meet it.
204 00745303 00745323 Now that's an easy one. You bring it back to me. And I will act accordingly depending on what you've found.
205 However, if you find it necessary to...expedite the process for me...let's just say I would be very pleased. Hinting coldly that he would prefer if the player just kills Concerta.
206 00745305 0074533A Your best bet's the Neapolitan Casino. Concerta lives in the high roller suite there, gorging on luxury.
207 Between you and me, there's an underground tunnel that goes between Quentino's and the Neapolitan, so you can detour through there. Telling the player something secretive.
208 Of course, it won't be cut and dry to break into her room. She's probably got it locked up tight. You'll have to be a bit crafty. Amused imagining how the player might break in.
209 00745307 00745327 Ah, it's hard to describe a viper like Concerta Lombardi in mere words. She's...difficult to pin down, and even harder to trap. Musing to himself.
210 She's the don's little sister, as you know. That position has afforded her a great deal of power that she didn't earn. Trying to hide the fact he's bitter about it.
211 Unlike me, she doesn't have much of a silver tongue. More of a lead one. She is ruthless and cutting, doesn't mince words. Bragging.
212 Though I've heard she has a bit of a soft side. Philosophical, even. I have yet to see that. Doesn't like complimenting his rival at all.
213 She's been calling the shots around here lately, says Quentino's been sick. As you can imagine, I don't buy it. He's a bit annoyed by this whole ordeal. Thinks he's too important to be kept in the dark about things.
214 I know something happened. It's just a matter of what, and how much involvement she had in it. Determined, resolute.
215 00745309 00745344 Yes, let's. Sinisterly happy.
216 0074530B 0074532A By all means, ask away. Charming, suave.
217 00745311 00745328 I'm...not sure what you're getting at here. Crime is crime, as I'm sure you know. Caught off guard by this question. Doesn't like that the player is digging for answers.
218 We can't very well have cutthroats running around mugging people on our streets now, can we? Charming, asking a rhetorical question.
219 I don't know any of these ne'erdowells personally. I don't know why they do what they do. Only that it's...wrong. Feigning ignorance.
220 00745313 00745325 Oh, nobody of importance. That I can assure you of. They're just a bunch of street rats looking for quick caps. Dismissive, nonchalant.
221 I hear they're led by a woman who calls herself Jordy. Might want to try looking for her.
222 The others are her nameless lackeys who can do naught but follow. Pretentious and judgmental.
223 They just want money. Plain and simple.
224 00745315 00745317 Of course. I'm sure you have many questions. I will endeavor to answer them. Suave, charming.