Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Colonel Johnson was an officer in the Defense Intelligence Agency stationed in the Commonwealth before the Great War.


Colonel Johnson was authorized to access the DIA caches hidden in the Commonwealth region. Their identification was later used by PAM to program the RFID device that allowed the Sole Survivor to access these caches during Jackpot quests for the Railroad.[1]


Colonel Johnson is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. The Sole Survivor: "How does this device work?"
    Predictive Analytic Machine: "The device is calibrated to identify you as Colonel Johnson of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Colonel Johnson is authorized to access all DIA military ordinance in the region designated Commonwealth. You only have to secure the cache. Runners will transport contents on a separate timetable. Terminating human/machine interface."
    (Predictive Analytic Machine's dialogue)