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This is a transcript for dialogue with Johnny Moreno.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000183CC 0026B2A7 Ad victoriam!!! Her last words as she detonates a bomb on herself - BOOM
2 00019AA5 0026B2A1 If we fail, Brothers, target these coords. Urgent, his last words and he knows it
3 Find whoever made these... things and... Urgent
4 00079E04 0026A184 Incoming. Incom- Urgent, scared - and she dies here
5 00079E05 0026A17C Another tunnel this way! Ahh! Startled, blindsided - Ahh is her being attacked
6 00079E1B 0026A16F The mission first. Rig. The. Charges. Irritated, barking an order
7 00079F6E 0026B2B7 What the hell were they doing doing here? More confusion, worried
8 00079FE0 0026B2B2 Taggerdy, look over here? The equipment? Is this place a lab? Confusion, surprise
9 0007B736 0026B2A6 EL-7 is the End Zone. Bravo central. Urgent, clipped - said while fighting
10 0009CE93 0026B218 Place the charges. It's now or never. Said with great urgency
11 0009CE94 0026B1ED Take this! Suppressing fire! Marine fighting the aliens vibe
12 0009CE95 0026B1EB It's online, Paladin! Urgent, said while fighting is going on in the background
13 0009DC20 0026B1EA Get it online now, Knight. Barking an order
14 0009DC21 0026B1E9 God help us. Knows he's going to die
15 0009DC3E 0026B12D We've got no idea how many are in the cave. But they're definitely hostiles in there. Grim, knows this is probably suicide - but DUTY
16 0016CC3B 0026A182 If any Brothers pick this up: EL-7 is gold. Repeat. EL-7. Urgent
17 0016CC3D 0026B217 Knight Moreno to... I guess no one? Starting out, but knows no one's on the other line
18 0016E279 0026B12C Echo Lamda 7. Bravos all over. We'll make it to the End Zone. Grim, determined
19 0016F84F 0026B0F6 This module of yours is a real "treat," Grant. New coords are at... Since no one is listening bitching under his breath
20 001EFB23 0026A17E The Scorch must've fried one of the transponders. At Alpha Zulu 13. End Zone is a negative. Realizes this is going to be more of a diary entry than conversation, logging important info - disappointed
21 001EFB26 0026A174 Moreno to Defiance? Confusion, realizing the radio's busted
22 001EFB2A 0026B2BA Knight Moreno to Defiance. Loud over the radio
23 001EFB2D 0026B2B5 Alpha Zulu 13. If we don't make it. That may be the End Zone. Quickly, wants to obey CO
24 001EFB31 0026B2A9 Fall back! Slow and steady. Into the killing ground! Battle hardened CO barking commands on the battlefield
25 001EFBC1 0026B2A0 It's crazy over here, Grant. Scorched everywhere. Confession, said under-the-breath so the CO doesn't hear
26 0026A0DF 0026B24E AZ-13. Are you OK? Acknowledging, but more wanting to make sure his friend isn't dying on the radio
27 0026A0E8 0026B214 Scorched... Frigging everywhere. Next coords acquired. Said while ducking bullets, holding it together
28 Alpha Zulu... Arg. 13. Confirm! Enunciating - this is important
30 0026A0F6 0026B2BB Knight Moreno... Knight... God... Said in the middle of a firefight, on the radio
32 0026A14B 0026B2AF That's a negative. The module's spit out new coords deeper inside the Bog. Disappointed
33 Got the transponder up. Hoofing it to the next site. Hopeful
35 0026A15C 0026B0F3 Recon looking solid, Scribe. Giving a quick rundown
36 The Scanning Module did what you said. Drove the Scorched crazy.
37 But the miniguns tore them apart. Some of the Scorchbeasts - uh Bravos - providing air cover, though. Some anxiety, it was tough dangerous - but putting a good face on it
39 0026A169 0026B2AC Knight Moreno reporting. Moreno to Defiance. Over. He just spun up a radio, some static so being loud - urgent


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
108 002B7272 002B72A4 The old rules about fraternization... I don't know if they apply in the Brotherhood. Delicately approaching this
109 Maybe we can just come clean and tell Paladin Taggerdy about us? Delicate, hopeful
110 I know you'd like kids one day, too, and we're not getting any younger.
111 Promise you'll think about it.
112 Love you!
113 002B7273 002B72D0 Day one complete and so far so good. Pleased with himself
114 But I miss you. And the hot shower! But mostly you. Has to crack wise, but he's a smitten kitten
115 002B7274 002B72B2 I told him our mission: to escort trade caravans, keep the freaks from the Savage Divide away from civilization, and maybe get the Dam operational again. Friendly, a little tongue in cheek
116 She was so grateful, it was almost embarrassing. Chuckling
117 002B7275 002B72C8 So I got my own command now. Bet you never thought that would happen, right? Proud audio love note
118 But with all the new blood Sarge is training... I mean Knight. Senior Knight. Still having to remember the Brotherhood's orders
119 Met up with a representative of the Responders.
159 002B728C 002B72C9 Sorry. Working on it. Embarassed, trying to clear up the signal
161 002B728E 002B72C7 Lieutenant! I got something! Found something, excited!
162 002B728F 002B72CF Trying band.. uhhh... AH-13. *sigh* Keeping a log, bored, frustrated - has been combing through a million different radio bands and finding nothing
164 002B7291 002B72CE Uh, this isn't no war game? Pinch me and tell me this is a nightmare
167 002B7294 002B72EE Whoa. Did you...? Blown away, shocked - he just a nuclear blast far in the distance
177 002B729E 002B7303 The comm. The chatter's weird. Let me... Having a hard time describing it
173 002B729A 002B72C0 The whole channel's been... blocked? Not sure how they're doing that. At a loss, hoping he's not going to get chewed out for failing
179 002B72A0 002B72BE LT, you may want to listen to this? Concerned, puzzled