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This is a transcript for dialogue with Joe Cobb.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 We've got people to kill. Keep an eye out. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Never thought I'd ever have my own town, but thanks to you, now I do. If you wanna make some caps, head on over to the Correctional Facility. 2
Neutral 50 Just tell them I sent you and you should get in without a problem. Keep a close eye on some of those bastards, though. 3
Neutral 50 Oh, not all Powder Gangers out there are friends of mine - like the group in Primm. They'll be gunning for you no matter what, so keep that in mind. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 My gang's here, but we'll still need a plan before we rush the town. I don't want to embarrass myself and get beat by a bunch of townies. 5
Neutral 50 We ain't got much in the way of supplies, so if you could shake down the old doctor and the store owner for some stuff, we'd be in good shape. 6
Neutral 50 I also thought it might be a good thing to jimmy the lock on the Bighorner pen. The noise from the fight will spook them, get them running wild. 7
Neutral 50 Once you're done with that stuff - or none of it - say the word and we'll make our move. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 We ready to move or what? 9
GREETING Anger 50 What do you want? 10
GREETING Anger 10 {not in charge of Goodsprings} What do you want now? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 {running Goodsprings, slightly friendly} How's it going? 12
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Quit fuckin' around! 14
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Think you're tough, huh? 16
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 Why the fuck you puttin' that there? 17
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 Pick that back up or you'll be eatin' it. 18
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Hit the dirt! 20
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic000 What say I help you take over this town? Neutral 50 {player helping Ringo} No. I got a funny feeling about you, and there's no way I'm trusting you to watch my back. 21
What say I help you take over this town? Neutral 50 {not outside town} Let me get out of town before we talk. Too many unfriendly ears around. 22
What say I help you take over this town? Neutral 50 What the hell for? Just farmers and ranchers out here. Not much worth stealing. 23
What say I help you take over this town? Neutral 50 Didn't you already ask me about this? What the hell for - this place is worthless. 24
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic001 Deal. Neutral 50 While you're doing that, I'll be here waiting for my friends. Join up with us once you're done. 25
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic002 Never mind. I need to think about this. Neutral 50 Fuck you, then. 26
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic003 You can't find Ringo yourself? Neutral 50 There are too many places to hide around here. He'd see me coming and then "bam", I'm dead. 27
Neutral 50 He doesn't know you, though. He probably won't shoot right away. 28
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic005 Here - the spare medical supplies from Doc Mitchell. Neutral 50 All right! We got all sorts of shit in here. Nice job. Better take some for yourself in case you get hit. 29
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic007 What's been going on in the rest of the wasteland? Neutral 50 Same old shit that's been going on for years. The NCR and Legion are still fighting over Hoover Dam for some reason. 30
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic008 What do you know about the Legion? Fear 10 I've run with some tough gangs, but I gotta admit they all got nothing on the Legion. I hear they stick you up on poles and it takes awhile to die. 31
Neutral 50 I ain't saying I'm afraid of them or nothing, but I'll be staying out of their way. 32
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic009 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yeah. 33
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic010 Tell me about the NCR. Anger 10 {contempt} "New" California Republic - nothing new about it. Just a bunch of people with money and power pushing everyone else around. 34
Neutral 50 They've got troops all over the Mojave, but it's a big desert so it's pretty easy to avoid them if you want. 35
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic011 This area is your territory? Happy 5 {pride} It is now. Me and the rest of the guys busted out of the NCR prison east of here and took over. Now we're calling the shots. 36
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic012 What were you in prison for? Anger 10 None of your damn business. You ought to know better than to ask a man that kind of question. 37
< Speech 20 >
I just need to know if I should watch my step around you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {listing his crimes} Robbed some people, burned some things, killed a few guys. 38
I was just curious. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Like I said, mind your own damn business. 39
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic014 Never mind. Neutral 50 {warning} Yeah, forget about it. 40
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic015 If you run the town, they'll have to work for you. Food, water, and money will be yours. Neutral 50 {realizing player has a good idea} Shit, yeah. Mayor Cobb - I like the sound of that. Running my own town will give me more pull with the guys at the prison, too. 41
Neutral 50 First things first, though. You go settle things with Ringo and put a bullet between his eyes while I round up my crew and let them in on the plan. 42
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic016 Free food, I guess. Neutral 50 {thoughtful} Having all the food we want ain't a bad idea, actually. Getting sick of eating prison rations. 43
Neutral 50 First things first, though. You go settle things with Ringo and put a bullet between his eyes while I round up my crew and let them in on the plan. 44
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic017 Forget I said anything. Anger 10 Make up your damn mind. 45
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic018 Do you know anything about Hoover Dam? Neutral 50 Never been there since the NCR's got troops all over it. Must be pretty important. 46
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic019 I already took care of Ringo. Surprise 10 No shit? I guess the next thing we need to do is hang out and wait for the rest of my gang to show up so we can talk about the plan. 47
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic022 I've done all I can. Let's take over Goodsprings. Neutral 50 It's about time. I saw some of the townies gathering at the saloon, so we've got a militia to take down. We get rid of them and we own this place. 48
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic023 Ringo's dead. What now? Neutral 50 Good. We'll still need a plan before we rush the town. I don't want to embarrass myself and get beat by a bunch of townies. 49
Neutral 50 We ain't got much in the way of supplies, so if you could shake down the old doctor and the store owner for some stuff, we'd be in good shape. 50
Neutral 50 Once you're done with that stuff - or none of it - say the word and we'll make our move. 51
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic024 It's easy pickings. Why, you got somewhere else to be? Neutral 50 Yeah, I guess me and the guys could push this place over pretty easily. 52
Neutral 50 First things first, though. You go settle things with Ringo and put a bullet between his eyes while I round up my crew and let them in on the plan. 53
VFreeformGoodspringsGSJoeCobbTopic025 So what's next for you guys? Neutral 50 I figure we'll hang around Goodsprings for awhile, maybe get some of the other gangs to join up with us. 54
Neutral 50 Won't kill anybody else unless we have to. Just as long as people do what we tell them, they'll be all right. 55
VFreeformGoodspringsGoodspringsJoeCobbTopic001 What was that you said about Ringo? Neutral 50 He's some trader who decided he'd rather shoot than pay the toll for being in our territory. He's hiding somewhere in town. 56
Anger 10 Would serve these idiots right if me and my guys shot the place up after we got payback on Ringo. 57


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yeah. 58
GSJoeCobbIntro GSJoeCobbIntro Anger 50 I'm done being nice. If you don't hand Ringo over soon, I'm going to get my friends and we're burning this town to the ground, got it? 59
HELLO Hello Anger 50 What the hell is your problem? 60


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Yeah, I thought so. 61
Assault Assault Neutral 50 What the fuck? 62
Assault Neutral 50 You're dead, asshole! 63
Assault Neutral 50 Big mistake. 64
Attack Attack Neutral 50 Come on! 65
Attack Neutral 50 You like this? 66
Attack Neutral 50 Try this on! 67
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Ah, shit! 68
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Not this time! 69
DeathResponse DeathResponse Neutral 50 God dammit... 70
DeathResponse Neutral 50 You'll pay for that... 71
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 Catch! 72
FireExplosive Neutral 50 Here, take this! 73
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Fuck this! 74
Flee Neutral 50 Scram! 75
Flee Neutral 50 I'm outta here! 76
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Get the fuck outta here. 77
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Get out, now! 78
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You don't belong here. Go. 79
Hit Hit Neutral 50 Oof! 80
Hit Neutral 50 Ah! 81
Hit Neutral 50 Ahh! 82
Hit Neutral 50 Ahh... 83
Hit Neutral 50 Agh! 84
Hit Neutral 50 Ugh! 85
Murder Murder Neutral 50 Murderer! 86
Murder Neutral 50 Asshole! 87
Murder Neutral 50 That was way outta line. 88
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 Cha-ching! 89
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 That settles that. 90
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 Yikes... 91
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 Ahhh! 92
PowerAttack Neutral 50 Ahhhh! 93
PowerAttack Neutral 50 Ooagh! 94
PowerAttack Neutral 50 Haagrh! 95
Steal Steal Neutral 50 That ain't fuckin' yours! 96
Steal Neutral 50 Give it back, asshole! 97
Steal Neutral 50 Fuckin' thief! 98


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Huh? 99
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Somethin' there? 100
AlertIdle Neutral 50 What was that? 101
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 There we go! 102
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Here it is! 103
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 So much for sneaking! 104
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 God dammit... I guess it's nothin'. 105
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Fine. I'll catch you next time. 106
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Yeah that's right, I'd run away, too. 107
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Where the fuck are you? 108
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Quit playin' games! 109
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Come out here and fight! 110
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Had enough? I thought so. 111
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Yeah, I'd run away, too. 112
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Fucked you up, bitch! And you know it! 113
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Ah shit, when I find you... 114
LostIdle Neutral 50 You think you'll get away from me? 115
LostIdle Neutral 50 Runnin' away like a little bitch! 116
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 Found you! 117
LostToCombat Neutral 50 There you are! 118
LostToCombat Neutral 50 Here we go! 119
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 Fine. I'll get your ass next time. 120
LostToNormal Neutral 50 Next time, then. 121
LostToNormal Neutral 50 Shit. Guess I lost 'em. 122
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 What was that? 123
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Hey, what was that? 124
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 All right, who's there? 125
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Oh yeah? You're fuckin' dead! 126
StartCombat Neutral 50 Come and get it! 127
StartCombat Neutral 50 You are so fucked! 128
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 It's on. 129
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Bring it on. 130
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 You're done for. 131


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Neutral 50 Hey, some entertainment, finally. 132
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 Hey, cool. A fight. 133