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This is a transcript for dialogue with Joanna Mayfield.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
37 Hold on, if you knew, why lie to Art Knapp? Why refuse our help? 006058BA Plain and simple, I wanted to handle this internally. I didn't want news of this stirring up a panic, maybe causing the perpetrators to flee. Diplomatic
38 Our clients paid us for safe transport, and we failed them. It was our responsibility to solve it... discreetly. I'm sure you can appreciate that.
39 As for deceiving Mr. Knapp... I dislike fibbin', but sometimes you've got to play your cards close to your chest. Especially when lives are at stake. Cautious
40 Before that, you should know we have evidence connecting Blue Ridge to all this. 005FB3A2 And what, pray tell, is that, darlin'?
41 Okay, then tell us what you know. We have to act fast. 005FB3C6 All right, that's fine by me. Chilled
42 005FB36A 005FB39A Okay, Paladin, down to brass tacks then. It's not an accident that I've finally opted to meet witcha, after playing hard to get for so long. Down to business but staying sly
43 We know you're interested in the folk that've gone missing. We are too. Been looking into it for a spell now.
44 005FB36C 00604230 Interesting... Mildly annoyed
45 005FB36D 005FB39C Horns are a little green, but they seem like the capable sort. Say, you lookin' for some work, darlin'? Not impressed but being nice about it
46 00604256 Hm. Familiar looking too. Say, you've done some work for me haven't you? Yeah, that's right... Riding shotgun with my crew through Big Bend? Impressed
47 00604257 Oh, and I know this one. Made a splash around here. Say, when're you planning to provide some of that skill to my caravans? Impressed
48 005FB36E 005FB3B7 Well, that was short-lived. Okay, Joanna, it appears I've underestimated you. Impressed, but also a little stand offish
49 005FB36F 005FB3A8 Please, Joanna is just fine, dear... And while all this cloak and dagger hub-bub is flattering, why don't we cut to the chase... Paladin Rahmani. Starts friendly, turns into sharp perception
164 005FB94C 00602F59 You and your Paladin can learn a thing or two about subterfuge, darlin'. She needs to work a little harder to hide that high and mighty aura of hers. Chuckling to herself
238 00604198 00604224 Okay. The camp's just past this door here. I'll get it open.
294 006041E1 00604212 So many pretty pennies I think I might hold a pageant. You still trying to get that backpack, dear? Plenty of work left to be done, you know. Friendly but a little condescending. Goes into a genuine offer
301 006041EA 0060421F We've always been up-front and honest with this venture. The routes are dangerous, and our Brahmin sure as hell don't smell like roses. Nice try
302 Everyone who works with us gets the straight truth, and I certainly don't take too kindly to what you're implyin'. Blunt
303 I could stand here and deny your allegations every which way to Sunday, but I know you won't just take my word for it. Growing frustrated
304 So, if you've got some hard evidence to prove my people were involved in this little scheme, show it. Getting serious
305 Otherwise, this letter of yours sounds more like we're the target, not co-conspirators.
306 006041EB 00604201 Slow down, Paladin, this is not an admission of guilt, or an attempt to weasel out of responsibility. Don't get the wrong idea
307 We are just as concerned about these folk as you. We are willing to cooperate in hopes of saving lives, nothing else.
308 If you're hoping I'm about to spill the beans on some secret abduction scheme, you're out of luck. We have the same goals as you in this.
313 006041EE 00604207 Better to just let you take a look for yourselves. Done wasting time
314 Aries! C'mon in here. Shouting to someone in the next room
316 006041F0 0060422A Harpers Ferry. The train tunnel. Mind showing our guests the route? To the point
318 006041F2 00604251 That was exactly my thinkin', Aries. Head on over to that tunnel and show this duo of detectives the scene of the crime. Sorry buddy, but you have to
319 006041F3 00604231 Does that sound amenable to y'all? Attempting to sound friendly (and maybe failing)
322 006041FB 00604265 That's on me. I chose to keep this off the books. Maybe a bad call, but let's save examining hindsight for when we've gotten to the bottom of this. Trying to defend her employee
323 006041FD 00604221 Now, time is money, and I've burned a bottling plant worth of caps chatting with you two. Shooing player away
324 So, if you don't mind, please direct any further inquiries to my masked associate.
326 006041FF 0060422E By all means. If you find something that gets us answers, we can talk till the Brahmin come home. Confident in her innocence
378 006058B0 005FAB8D And lookie there, you've got one of these famous Vault Dwellers in tow. Slightly mocking
379 0060425B And if it isn't my employee of the month. I was wondering when we'd get the chance to chat. I've made quite a pretty penny thanks to your help. Impressed


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 00602B10 00602F4A Well, now. Who's this then? Curious
6 00602F4B Look who's back. Didja need something else? Sees a friendly face
7 00602F4C Hi there, darlin'. Sees a friendly face
12 00602B11 00602F57 I'm afraid my calendar is all out of room for idle chatter, dear. Getting annoyed but keeping cool
13 00602F58 The name's Joanna Mayfield. Do I know you? I don't mean to be rude, I just meet a lot of folk. What can I do for you? Friendly
14 00602F5A If you're here for a pay raise, keep walking. If you're here for a chat, well... I suppose I've got a minute. starts with snark, turns friendly
15 00602F5B Really appreciate all the effort you've been putting in for our caravans. Don't think it goes unnoticed... Vinny is diligent with taking attendance. Friendly
16 00602F5C How many caravans have you run now? Heard it's over twenty. Boy, we oughta hang your picture on the wall, darlin'. Now, what did you need?
17 00602F5D It's good to see a friendly face and all, but this place doesn't run itself. Something I can help you with, or can I get back to it? Trying to be friendly, definitely busy.
18 That's all for now. 00602B36 All right, back to it, then. Dismissive
19 We found the people who went missing in the Harper's Ferry train tunnel. 00602B26 So I heard. While I don't plan to make a habit of it, I'm glad we were able to lend the Brotherhood a hand in this particular instance. Satisfied, but cautious
20 Why did you avoid contact with the Brotherhood of Steel? 00602B39 I've spent two and a half decades fostering a self-sufficient, well-guarded and valuable service, all without some jackbooted overlords lookin' over us. Determined
21 The only thing the Brotherhood can offer is telling us what we can and can't do... and try to take a slice of my pie while they're at it. Standing firm
22 And thus, I have chosen to politely decline any collaboration between our organizations. Returning to polite demeanor, but staying firm on her stance
23 Got any work for me? 00602B30 Work? Well now, that's speaking my language, darlin'. A little flirty
24 I've got caravans running through Big Bend around the clock. Head over to the East side and talk with a fellah named Vinny Costa. Down to business
25 What can you tell me about the Blue Ridge Caravan Company? 00602B29 Well I suppose I could tell ya just about anything you want to know, darlin'. I am the owner and proprietor after all. Friendly
26 But I'll save us both a little time and give ya the whitepaper version... A little snarky
27 Started out as a trucking company, hauling up and down the roads of Appalachia. The Blue Ridge parkway in particular, if the name didn't give it away.
28 I inherited the business from my Granpappy. My dear ol' daddy wasn't exactly around well enough to take over himself. God rest his soul. Note about dad is an aside, but still upbeat
29 But, being the entrepreneur I am, I didn't give in. Swapped eighteen wheelers for Brahmin backs and trucked on... so to speak. Proud
30 And now, here we are. Serving Appalachia with safe and efficient travel and merchandise. Proud
31 What else can you tell me about the caravan that went missing? 00602B3B Not much, I'm afraid. Whoever's behind this has been discrete up to this point. Regretful
32 After the train tunnel, we started looking over our records and notice more and more people had gotten "lost" on our runs.
33 But we haven't been able to pin down a common factor yet... or any sign of where they ended up.
34 I'd be very much interested in hearing what y'all uncover. Grateful