Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Jim was a child and settler who lived in the wasteland.


Jim was the synthetic Nick Valentine's first human contact after leaving the Institute. After wandering the wasteland for a while, Nick eventually stumbled upon Jim, who was not afraid of him. Jim eventually brought out the other residents of the settlement, who "ogled" Nick.[1] However, when Nick tried to return to the settlement years later, he found that it had been wiped out by raiders.[2]


Jim is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Nick Valentine: "But the kids, they weren't afraid. I think his name was Jim. The first person to actually speak to me after I got the boot from the Institute. My first human contact in this world. Grilled me for an hour. Once they'd seen I wasn't going to hurt anyone, the other folks in the neighborhood came out to ogle the mechanical man."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)
  2. Nick Valentine: "I tried to go back and say thanks, once I'd gotten myself established, but the place was wiped off the map. Raiders."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)