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Fallout Wiki

Jessica Maxson was the mother of Arthur Maxson and the wife of Jonathan Maxson.


Her husband Jonathan was a paladin who was killed in battle, and after his death, she sent her son Arthur east to be raised under the tutelage of the respected Elder Lyons.[1] Between then and 2277, Jessica also passed away.[2]


Jessica Maxson is mentioned only in Fallout 3.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide pp. 380-381 : "9.11: THE CITADEL
    Squire Maxson is a descendant of the legendary Roger Maxson, founder of the Brotherhood of Steel. His father, a high-ranking Paladin serving just outside the N.C.R. (New California Republic), was recently killed in battle, and his mother, the Lady Maxson, sent the boy east to be raised under the tutelage of the respected Elder Lyons. Squire Maxson tends toward timidity, which is the main reason his mother sent him to the Citadel."
  2. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel A ring terminals, New Entry: Scribe Arthur Maxson