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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jennie Brown.

BS01 Dialogue JennieBrown[]

# Dialogue Topic Form ID Player Prompt Response Text Script Notes
1 005DBCD6 005DC261 I'd like to know more about the Retreat. I'd be happy to talk about our lovely home.
2 005DBCD7 005DC249 I have some questions about Dagger. Oh, don't even get me started on that woman.
3 005DBCD8 005DC24F How are things now that Dagger's been dealt with? Glad you took care of her. Good riddance.
4 005DBCD9 005DC247 Where did you live before the Retreat? We were nomadic before we came to Appalachia. It worked out well because traveling around meant finding more people to add to our family.
5 We've grown quite a bit, though, so it only made sense to set down some roots.
6 005DBCDA 005DC25C I want to know more about you. You want to know about me? Well, alright then, shoot.
7 005DBCDB 005DC248 Nevermind, I have to go. No worries, hun. Don't be a stranger!
8 005DBCDC 005DC24E Why did you choose to live in treehouses? Well, since we're higher up we've got good sight lines all around us and are able to protect ourselves pretty well from the local, uh, wildlife.
9 These houses were already built too, which made it quicker for us to get set up.
10 Besides, it makes me feel like a kid again!
11 005DBCDD 005DC258 Why don't you live in Foundation with the Settlers? We don't have anything against the Settlers, in fact we often trade with them.
12 We just want to be on our own and don't want to get wrapped up in the drama between Foundation and Crater.
13 005DBCDF 005DC257 I'll talk to you later. Sounds good to me!
14 005DBCE0 005DC246 When did she start harrassingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you? She sent some of her Blood Eagles to pretend like they wanted to be a part of our community around the time that we first got set up here.
15 After we became established and got our own stockpile of supplies, those Blood Eagles disappeared and must've told her that we were now a worthy target.
16 She showed up the next day with those sons of bitches, demanding a cut of our supplies.
17 Now we're a lot more careful about who we let in, so please forgive anyone who might be standoffish.
18 005DBCE1 005DC24C Why aren't you able to defend yourselves? Even though we're peaceful people, we do live in this cruel world and are no strangers to having to defend ourselves.
19 Unfortunately, we just aren't able to take on Dagger and all of her crew by ourselves. There's too many of them and they're just too powerful for us.
20 005DBCE3 005DC263 What supplies has she been taking? Food and medical supplies, primarily, two of the most needed things in order to survive in this world, of course.
21 We've been having to ration out our food so that everyone only gets one meal a day. That's not enough to live on and people are starting to go hungry.
22 005DBCE5 005DC250 I have to get going. I hope to see you again sometime soon!
23 005DBCE6 005DC260 What made you gather all of these people together? I didn't really do it on purpose or anything, it just kinda happened.
24 I think a lot of people these days are just looking for some human companionship and kindness.
25 There's enough to worry about in this world we live in, but having a family helps carry that burden with you.
26 005DBCE7 005DC245 What was your life like before the bombs fell? I spent my days watching television and gossiping with my gal pals. Nothing too exciting, but boy would I give anything to have one boring day again.
27 I had a beautiful family with two precious grandbabies. I loved them bunches and bunches, more than anything in this whole wide world.
28 This family I've created will never replace them, but it helps with the loss a little bit.
29 005DBCE8 005DC24B Why did you want to come to Appalachia? Even though we were able to get by well enough traveling, we grew past the point where it wasn't sustainable anymore and we needed reliable trade.
30 While going from place to place, we started to hear talks about people coming back to Appalachia and it seemed as good of a place as any.
31 Plus, I've got some youngins talking about starting families, bless their hearts.
32 Kids need all the stability that they can get in this unstable world, so it made sense to find a place we could call home.
33 005DBCEA 005DC262 I'll talk with you later. It's always a pleasure when you come and visit.
34 005DBCFA 005DC259 I have a different question. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
35 005DC25A I want to ask about something else. Ask whatever you'd like!
36 005DBCFC 005DC25D Miscellaneous Greetings Hey there, sunshine. How can I help you?
37 005DC25E I'll always make time for you, darling.
38 005E81B0 005E81BD Miscellaneous Idles This place isn't quite Georgia, but the humidity's sure trying.
39 005E81BE Ooh, that's a nice breeze.
40 005E81BF Good to put down some roots. Never thought of it this literally, though.
41 005E81C0 Once folks start having kids, we're going to need some guardrails on these bridges.
42 005E81C1 Real nice view up here. Shame about the skeeters.
43 005E81C2 We can finally relax a bit now that Dagger's out of our hair.
44 005E81C3 Brotherhood showing up's turned out well for us. Now we can really make this a home.
45 005E81B1 005E81B2 Miscellaneous Hellos Good to see you again!
46 005E81B3 Don't be shy, say hello!
47 005E81B4 You look like you could use some rest.
48 005E81B5 Why, hello there!
49 005E81B7 How are you, darling?
50 005E81B8 Hey there!
51 005E81B9 Nice to see you.
52 005E81BA You're always welcome here, darling!
53 005E81BB If it isn't our hero!
54 005EDF39 005DC256 I really can't thank you enough for what you've done for me and mine. Things have been much better around here.
55 005DC25E We've been able to start our once a week family meals again. You'll have to come by sometime, you're a part of this family now, after all.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005CB54A 005CB5B7 Oh, my! This is quite a weapon. I can't wait to try this bad boy out. Thank you so much for your help. I hope the Brotherhood won't mind us having this!
2 005CB554 005CB5AE Oh, thank you so much sweet pea! Because of you, my people will no longer go hungry. The Brotherhood has our support and our thanks.
3 005CB555 005CB5AC Alright, well hurry along now and get those supplies!
4 005CB55A 005CB5AD Don't take too long or I'm gonna have to try to take her out myself.
5 005CB562 005CB5AF Oh, thank you! I knew you'd be as sweet on the inside as you are on the outside.
6 Please be careful, Dagger and her lieutenants are dangerous folk.
7 005CB568 005CB5B8 Other than that she's insane and a menace? She has this loyal group of "lieutenants" that are willing to protect her with their lives.
8 I'm telling you, if they didn't follow her everywhere she went, I'd have already tried to put her six feet under.
9 005CB57C 005CB5BA Have you had a chance to pay Dagger a friendly visit? sarcastic
10 005CB5BB Did you get our supplies back yet? I'd be happy to make you a delicious meal!
17 005CB5C1 Hello there, stranger. What can I do for you?
21 005D2B91 I hope you enjoyed getting to know us. We're a peaceful people, we don't want to bother or be bothered. So, will you help us?
57 005D89CE 005D89D5 My name is Jennie Brown and I'm the mama hen of this little family here at the Retreat.
58 Lately my kin have been harassed by a woman named Dagger and her Blood Eagle Raiders. She's causing all my people to go hungry and threatening our lives.
59 You should take some time to talk with some of my people, I'm sure they have some useful information about Dagger that they can share with you, y'know.
72 005E5570 005E5578 Well aren't you just the cutest Brotherhood member I've ever seen!
73 005E5572 005E557A Oh my! Well, I was hoping that this all could be solved without violence. Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.
74 005E5574 005E5577 Well, alright then! Let me know if you do end up needing anything.
88 005EA36A 005EA3BD I'm glad you're able to see how special my people are.
89 Family is the most important thing that you can have, especially in the Wasteland. I will do anything that I can to protect mine.
141 005EA398 005EA3AF Well, I'm not one for telling people what to do, but I'll take the help regardless. Be careful, underestimating Dagger may prove to be dangerous.
142 005EA399 005EA3CE We're not just friends here, we're family. Everyone could use another person looking out for them!
143 005EA39A 005EA3AA Oh, I'm sure most of your job is knocking down doors and saving the day, but wouldn't it be nice to take a moment to talk to some kindhearted people?
144 I think it will help you understand the stakes better, and besides like I said, they've got some information for you.
145 005EA39B 005EA3B7 Great, let me know if you need anything else darling!