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Fallout Wiki

Jen's father was the father of Jen and husband of Mochou.


He was a spy for the People's Liberation Army who immigrated to America to spy on the nation and its government and people. He fell in love with another Chinese spy named Mochou and she gave birth to Jen sometime after the Great War; both the relationship and Jen's birth were forbidden under the Chinese orders.[1] Jen's parents taught her Chinese, how to scavenge in the wasteland to survive, and they did not indoctrinate her into communist thought. The family lived together in the Capital Wasteland.[2]

About 11 years ago,[3] Mochou mysteriously disappeared, leaving Jen and her father alone. Assuming she was dead, the two moved on.

In the next winter a year after Mochou's disappearance, he thought he saw a transmission signal from Mochou. Although the message was too garbled to understand, he went searching for his lost wife anyway. It turned out to be a raider trap and he was killed. Jen buried him in his stealth suit because she could not get it off.


He always told Jen that gold is easy to get, but good friendships are harder to come by.


Jen's father is mentioned only in the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update.


  1. Vault Dweller: "What's China like?"
    Jen: "I honestly have no idea. I was born here sometime after the war and I've lived here my whole life. Mostly in the Capital Wasteland. My parents didn't talk about it much. I know they didn't want to go back, that they weren't supposed to have me or fall in love with each other. We were just a normal family of survivors, except sometimes my parents had to go do things. Then one day my mom just never came home."
    (Jen's dialogue)
  2. Vault Dweller: "Where did you all come from?"
    Jen: "Oh, I joined up with them north of here a while back. They seem to be from all over this region. My family used to live in what's now the Capital Wasteland."
    (Jen's dialogue)
  3. Jen: "The entry you're looking for would have been broadcast daily since about... 11 years ago."
    (Jen's dialogue)