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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jeff Nakamura (holotapes).


(The big day)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
32 002B8E11 002B8E24 I know, but part of rebuilding the world is... well, having families again, and I think that's an important responsibility, too. A placation, but a sincere one
33 Besides, why even bother trying to survive if there aren't things worth living for?
34 Look... if this is too soon for you, then I'll wait until you're ready. Just promise you'll tell me if you change your mind. Gentle, a sincere offer made out of love
38 002B8E13 002B8E1B Because I never want to forget how lucky I am to be alive. Focused, back in the present, clear-eyed, firm
39 I volunteered for the mission to Pleasant Valley because I was bored and wanted some excitement in my life. I know, I was young and stupid. Telling an important story
40 We weren't even an hour outside the city when we heard the blast from the dam. We looked on as the river washed half of Charleston away. Gloomy, a painful memory
41 I lost every friend I had on that day, and for a long time, I felt like it was unfair that I survived. Like I should have died with them. Melancholy, baring your soul
42 But that all changed on the day I met you, Amy. You gave me a reason to want to be alive. Baring your soul, getting ready to propose marriage
43 That's why I wanted to ask you... About to propose marriage
45 002B8E15 002B8E1E The view, actually. You can see the floodlands perfectly from here. Distant, lost in thought a little, looking into the past
49 002B8E17 002B8E1C Oh, um... yeah. There's something I wanted to document. Don't worry, it's nothing weird, I promise. Sheepish
50 Anyway, you asked where I like to go to be alone and think, and here we are. Confiding something personal in a woman you love. Early in a budding relationship.


(Responders camp signal)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 003AFEAC 003AFEAD Hi folks, this is Jeff Nakamura of the Responders. Friendly
6 We've set up a camp at Flatwoods, and we're offering supplies, medical treatment and survival training to anyone in need. Friendly
7 Look for us in the church across from the Flatwoods tavern, and if you can volunteer some time to help out, we could definitely use it. Friendly
8 This message will repeat. Friendly


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0051C681 0051C683 Priority message to all Responders! Our friendly Forest Watch robots have spotted some corpse flowers that are just about to bloom. Energetic, enthusiastic
2 You can get some useful ingredients from those flowers, but watch out. The plants' odor drives the local wildlife a little crazy. Energetic, friendly, but a note of caution
3 It's a good opportunity, just make sure you watch your backs out there. Energetic, friendly, but a note of caution


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00054263 00054265 Warning! Hostiles present in landing zone. Supply drop aborted. Repeat, supply drop aborted.
2 002D64EF 00054267 Attention Responders! Cargobot is now on final approach. Eyes to the sky, people! Urgent
5 002D64F0 003452A7 Attention all Responders! This is a top-priority message. Urgent
6 Radar has spotted an inbound Cargobot. We've got to secure the landing zone so it can make the drop. Urgent
7 We need those supplies, but the Cargobot's going to attract attention, so get ready for a fight! Urgent