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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jeannie May Crawford.


GREETING GREETING Anger 35 I don't think we got any more to discuss here. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Is everything all right? Awful late to be dropping in unexpected. 2
GREETING Happy 15 Well. Welcome to you. You look tired from the road. Why don't you relax a spell, let this fine town take care of you? 3
GREETING Happy 15 I hope you're finding everything to your liking. 4
JeannieCrawfordGoingOn What's been going on in town lately? Neutral 50 Well, let's see. Dusty McBride's been losing some Brahmin, but that's probably the heat more than anything. Honestly, it's been real quiet. 5
Neutral 50 Ranger Andy's still hurt, but we got these two gentlemen snipers watching the road day and night, keeping the trash out of Novac. 6
Happy 50 They've been a blessing. 7
JeannieCrawfordMetYet We haven't met yet. Surprise 25 Oh, what am I doing? I got to thinking about making a good impression and plain forgot to tell you my name. 8
Happy 25 I'm Jeannie May. I take care of folks here at the motel. Long as they aren't trouble makers. 9
JeannieCrawfordQuestTurnIn I killed the ghouls at REPCONN. Neutral 50 Well, saints alive. That is a load off. Nothing to be done, though. Those ghouls just didn't know when they weren't wanted. Couldn't take a hint. 10
Neutral 50 And aren't you just the most unexpected gift our little town ever had? Here, take this. And go buy yourself something nice. 11
I got the ghouls to leave the area. They won't be bothering you anymore. Neutral 50 Leave? I don't believe that was what was discussed. They could be back tomorrow knocking on my door wanting hand-outs. 12
Neutral 50 I'm sorry, I know what I promised, but my mind is just not at ease about this. I'm afraid I can't pay you for what you done. 13
JeannieCrawfordRepcon Tell me more about REPCONN. Neutral 50 I just know what I've heard. There's supposed to be some ghouls that went in a while back. 14
Neutral 50 Every so often there'll be a commotion from that direction - explosions and such. 15
JeannieCrawfordSorry Sorry, I didn't mean what I said. This seems like a nice town. Anger 15 Well it is. Not everybody appreciates it like they oughtta. 16
JeannieCrawfordSupplies Where can I get some supplies? Neutral 50 Go see Cliff Briscoe at the Dino Bite Gift Shop, and tell him I sent you. 17
Sad 10 I think he gets lonely standing around in that dino belly all day. He'll be glad for the company. 18
JeannieCrawfordWayOut What's the quickest way out of this dump? Anger 50 You can jump out the window, for all I care, mister. 19
Anger 50 You got no right to come in here and start criticizing our town. Folks work hard to keep it clean and safe. 20
Anger 50 We do the best we can. But still there's always some of you finicky types that there's just no pleasing. 21
What's the quickest way out of this dump? Anger 50 You can jump out the window, for all I care, lady. 22
Anger 50 You got no right to come in here and start criticizing our town. Folks work hard to keep it clean and safe. 23
Anger 50 We do the best we can. But still there's always some of you finicky types that there's just no pleasing. 24
JeannieCrawfordWhatToDo What is there of interest around here? Surprise 20 Well, there's Dinky, the town mascot. He's a sight. You probably already saw him when you came in, but you can go up inside, too. 25
Neutral 50 Up the road a ways to the west, there's REPCONN. That's the old rocket factory. 26
Pained 10 There's been some sinister characters out there lately, so you may want to stay clear. 27
Happy 30 Other than that, nothing to do but take it easy and enjoy good company. 28
JeannieCrawfordWhereAmI What is this place? Happy 35 We're in a little desert oasis, name of Novac. This is the Dino Dee-lite Motel, and it's mine. 29
SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? Sad 40 How should I put it? I guess you could say she was kinda like a cactus flower. Real pretty to look at, but there was just no getting close to her. 30
Disgust 20 She never did take to living here. She liked the big lights and fast living of New Vegas. 31
Sad 50 I got the feeling she was trying to get Boone to leave with her, but I guess she got tired of waiting. 32
SnipersRevengeComeOutside Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Surprise 30 Okay, if that's what you think. 33
Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Surprise 35 Again? All right. 34
SnipersRevengeTooFar SnipersRevengeTooFar Neutral 50 If it's just the same to you, I think I'll stay in town. I feel safer that way. 35
SnipersRevengeWrongWithBoone What's wrong with Boone? Sad 35 Nothing that wouldn't be wrong with any man who loses a wife, I suppose. Poor dear. 36
Sad 35 I know he thinks she was kidnapped, but I'm not so sure she didn't just run off on her own. 37
Sad 20 You could tell she was thinking about it ever since they arrived. 38
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic000 Anything else? Neutral 50 Well, up north a ways you'll see a big tower. That's HELIOS One. Used to be a power plant in its day. 39
Neutral 50 And there's a town just east of here called Nelson. Used to be such a quaint little place until those slavers took it over. 40
Neutral 50 But we got our wonderful snipers keeping an eye in that direction, and so far the slavers have left us alone. 41
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic001 I'd like to rent a room. Neutral 50 I can't see as how I'd charge you after the generous things you've done for the town. The room's on me. 42
I'd like to rent a room. Neutral 50 Well, I think that's a fine idea. I'll give you a good flat rate, and you can stay as long as you like. Least till the busy season comes. Sound good? 43
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic002 Here's 100 caps. Neutral 50 I'm glad you can stay with us. 44
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic003 I can't afford 100 caps right now. Neutral 50 Well that's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have money troubles from time to time. 45
Neutral 50 You just come on back when you can afford it, and that room's all yours. 46
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic004 Never mind. Neutral 50 Oh. Well, all right. 47
Never mind. Neutral 50 Your room will be the one upstairs, closest to the lobby side. 48
Neutral 50 Here's your key. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay better for you. 49
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic005 What are they doing? Neutral 50 I don't know what they're up to and I don't want to know. I just hope no harm comes to Novac. 50
Neutral 50 Not much to live off of around here, except salvage from that factory. If they made off with anything expensive, we'd be hurting something fierce. 51
Neutral 50 But I will say this. If all of 'em turned up dead tomorrow, I couldn't see as to how they'd be missed. 52
Neutral 50 That might even be a desirable thing, knowing the town was safe from the likes of them. There'd be a reward in it if some brave soul made it happen. 53
VDialogueNovacJeannieMayCrawfordTopic006 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {neutral} Whatever suits you. 54
VEndingNovac VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} Despite their vigilance against potential attacks by the Legion, the citizens of Novac were no match for the Courier. 55
Neutral 50 {narrating} The motel and Dinky the Dinosaur were left vacant, a rare stop at best for travelers along Highway 95. 56
VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} Though Novac was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of Novac's citizens died in its defense. 57
Neutral 50 {narrating} In the weeks that followed, feral ghouls, overflowing from the REPCONN Test Site, ravaged the weakened town. 58
VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} Though Novac was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of Novac's citizens died in its defense. 59
Neutral 50 {narrating} With no other communities coming to its defense, Novac would eventually fall to the Legion's persistent attacks. 60
VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} Though Novac was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of Novac's citizens died in its defense. 61
Neutral 50 {narrating} In the weeks that followed, several Bright Followers returned to Novac to help restore its defenses, allowing it to remain independent of NCR. 62
VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} During the Legion's attack on Novac, Bright Followers, returning from their long pilgrimage, assisted in its evacuation. 63
Neutral 50 {narrating} Though Novac eventually fell to the Legion, many citizens of Novac were able to escape, alive and intact. 64
VEndingNovac Neutral 50 {narrating} While the destruction of the REPCONN rockets appeared to be a boon to the salvagers of Novac, the benefit would never be realized. 65
Neutral 50 {narrating} Radioactive fuel from the wrecked ships seeped out and contaminated the area. Salvagers were forced to move on, and the town was abandoned. 66
VMQ01LookingForManny I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that? Neutral 50 Well he might've been wearing a fancy outfit, but he wasn't any kind of a gentleman to me. 67
Neutral 50 Had his nose stuck so high in the air, you couldn't see it above the clouds. City folk, they always think they deserve better than what they got. 68
Neutral 50 Those hoodlums he was with seemed to know Manny for some reason. He's our daytime sniper, up in the dinosaur's mouth. 69


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Watch out for strangers. 70
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Hey there. 71