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Fallout Wiki

Jane was a woman working at Mahkra Fishpacking before the Great War.


Jane announced the company's acquisition of a contract with two local fishing boats who would supply Mahkra Fishpacking with half of their bluefish in June 2077. Although she was disappointed to not receive 100% of the supply, the fishes' northern migration meant that the facility's inventory would stay steady and they could make a dent in their competitors.[1] On August 17, 2077, Jane sent a message to George asking him to complete the draft of a new Haddock contract she was working on. The fumes from the delivery trucks were giving her a migraine, and she wanted George to finish her work.[2]

On the day of the Great War, the employees at the plant heard rumbling outside but were initially unaware of what was occurring. A few shipments fell off of the shelves, and some employees were concerned about the events outside, as they were not allowed to leave the building. An unspecified group told the employees to lock up the building and wait until they heard back. Jane asked Dave to bring her a Nuka-Cola from the basement (as George drank the last one on the top floor), but he was unable to do so, since the main lift had been shut off.[3][4]


Jane is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

