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James was a miner working in the Monongah Mine.


One of the miners from Monongah, James was laid off after Hornwright Industrial switched to reliance on Auto-Miners instead of human employees for mining coal at the Monongah Mine.[1] During the night of January 7–8,[2] 2076, he along with his fellow miners, including Earle Williams, entered the mine illegally to steal what supplies were left.[3]

When Deke Sykes ordered the collapse of the mine's entrance, James was injured badly, ultimately resulting in his death. His remains were subsequently eaten by others trapped in the mine.[4][5]


James is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in The Legendary Run update.


  1. Monongah Mine terminal entries; mining supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes - 04.14.75
  2. Monongah Mine terminal entries; mining supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes - 01.07.76
  3. Vault Dweller: "How did he end up in Monongah Mine?"
    Maggie Williams: "He and some other townsfolk got some liquid courage one night and decided to go up to the mine. I knew that damn bourbon would be the end of him somehow. They kept goin' on about getting the last of what they could before that Deke Sykes from Hornwright Industrial closed up the mine. Well, that son of a bitch ended up blastin' the entrance closed with everyone still inside."
  4. One choice
  5. Earle's journal #1