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Fallout Wiki

The Jalbert Brothers Disposal terminal entries are a series of entries found on one Advanced locked terminal at Jalbert Brothers Disposal in Fallout 4.

Brother Edmund's journals[]

Note: This desk terminal is located the end table in the shack. It has an Advanced lock.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Word of Atom


Within this terminal ye shall find the Word of the Holy Atom, divined unto Brother Edmund, lowly scribe and follower of Atom's shining way. May ye who read this find the illumination ye seek. Blessed be.



Praise Atom! Our pilgrimage is at an end! He has blessed us with a site ripe with his radiant power. This holy resting place of the Brothers Jalbert shall be our mission, where we shall build a shrine to Atom! Truly we are blessed.



A group of philistines approached, bearing promises of glad tidings and touting their wares like whores. We saw past their charade. They claimed they wished to trade with us, when all they had to offer were lies and temptations. We stayed the course and bathed the unbelievers in glorious radiation. They are with Atom, now and forever.

Glory unto Atom![]


The Shrine! Oh, the Shrine! We collect Atom's power in barrels and the machines that once propelled the Old World's autos! We are meager workers, not artists, but our devotion can be seen in the Shrine! A place for all believers to gather and pray is here at last! Glory be to Atom!

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the floor safe, which has an Expert lock.

This section is transcluded from Safe terminal (Fallout 4). To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

> Safe Control[]

Note: This is the default header for the safe program.


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: Locked


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Note: This is the header once the safe is unlocked.


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: Unlocked


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..


> Accessing Safe Functions...

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...


> Accessing Safe Functions...
