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Fallout Wiki

Sergeant Jake Bianchi was a non-commissioned officer of the U.S. Army's 12th Mountain Division, deployed to contain Huntersville before the Great War.


The soldiers of the division were not equipped to deal with the horror unfolding in the remote town, especially Sergeant Bianchi. On November 5, 2076 - a day into the deployment - he was tasked with leading the extraction of a Huntersville resident for West Tek. They were not prepared to face feral mutants, one of which lunged at the sergeant with a knife, forcing Sanderson to shoot her on the spot.[1] The situation deteriorated rapidly from that point, as the population of the town started attacking the barricades and the soldiers.

By November 7, the fighting convinced Sgt. Bianchi that something was wrong, that the town was actually a test site, and the people had been used as guinea pigs. He vowed to get to the bottom of the mystery,[2] which only earned him a rapid court-martial, charged with gross misconduct, dereliction of duty and insubordination. He was arrested two days later and replaced with the much more pliable Sgt. Orlando Garrett.[3]


Jake Bianchi is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

