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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jake Finch.


1DialogueFinchDanielJakeSceneDaniel: There's something I've been wanting to ask you.{Leery} Yeah, well, I've kind of been expecting that.A1a
2{Leery} Go on, then.Daniel: Why'd you do it? Why'd you turn your back on us. on your family?A1b
3Daniel: Why'd you do it? Why'd you turn your back on us. on your family?{Contrite} I guess it was because I was angry.A1a
4{Contrite} I was angry at this life, at the idea that I might never amount to anything more than just a farmer scraping by.A1b
5{Contrite} I blamed dad, for that and a lot of other things.A1c
6{Contrite} It was wrong. I know that now, and I'm sorry.Daniel: Yeah, well, don't expect everything to be the same as it was. I can't forget what you did. None of us can.A1d
7Daniel: Yeah, well, don't expect everything to be the same as it was. I can't forget what you did. None of us can.{Contrite} I know. One way or another, I'll earn your trust again. I swear it.Daniel: Yeah, well... we'll see.A1a


8DN121_AbrahamJakeReconcileMaleEvenToned: I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna throw up.{Nervous} Here goes nothing.Abraham: What the...A1a
9Abraham: Boy I told you that if you ever showed your face here again I'd-{Apologetic} Papa, please. I- I know I screwed up pretty big.A1a
10{Apologetic} I thought if I joined up I could keep them from raiding our farm.A1b
11{Pleading} I didn't- I don't want to hurt anybody.Abraham: I don't care what you thought. I told you-A1c
12Abigail: There. It's over. And if I hear another word about it from either of you, so help me...{Apologetic} Mama it-A1a
13DN121_ForgeScenePrisoner1: They're gonna kill me.{Afraid} But- but I brought everything you asked for.Slag: Stealing things from your family farm doesn't prove your strength boy.A1a
14Slag: Kill that prisoner and prove that you aren't completely useless.{Disbelief} You said we'd be raiding outside of the Commonwealth. These people aren't even a threat to us!Slag: Prove to me that you can kill. It's him or you.A1a
15Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.{Afraid} But if I don't they'll kill me.Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.A1a
16Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.{Apologetic} They'll come after my family if I don't. I'm sorry, but I've got no choice.Jake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickA2a
17Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.{Defiant} You're right, I don't want to do this.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.A3a
18Player Default: Kill him, Jake. You've got no choice.{Apologetic} I didn't want it to be this way.Jake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickB1a
19Player Default: Kill him, Jake. You've got no choice.{Pleading} He's not even armed!Slag: If you aren't strong enough to kill, then you aren't worth our time. Now do it!B2a
20Player Default: Kill him, Jake. You've got no choice.{Defiant} No! I'm sorry but I'm not going to do this.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.B3a
21Player Default: Can we move this along? I've got places to be.{Pleading} I just wanted to provide for my family.X1a
22{Pleading} I don't know if I can do this.Slag: Last chance, Jake. If you don't kill the prisoner before I count to three it's over.X1b
23Player Default: What about your family? Is this what Abraham would want you to do?{Puzzled} I thought he hated me. Did- did he send you here to find me?Player Default: Yes. He's stubborn, but I think he wanted me to bring you back.Y1a
24Player Default: What about your family? Is this what Abraham would want you to do?{Disgust} Shooting someone in a gunfight is one thing but this...Slag: What's it gonna be, Jake?Y2a
25Player Default: What about your family? Is this what Abraham would want you to do?{Worried} I thought if I joined up I could protect my family from raids.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.Y3a
26Slag: Prove to me that you can kill. It's him or you.{Stage whisper. To himself with a hint of panic, he doesn't want to kill this person. / Nervous} Oh god, what do I do, what do I do?Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.A1a
27DN121_ForgeSceneFamilyPlayer Default: Yes. He's stubborn, but I think he wanted me to bring you back.{Thinking} You're right.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.A1a
28Player Default: Yes. He's stubborn, but I think he wanted me to bring you back.{Disbelief} No, he told me to never come home. You're lying.Jake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickA2a
29Player Default: No, he just wants the sword back.{Sad} Well, I guess that's it then. No going back now.Jake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickB1a
30Player Default: Not exactly. But there is still time to turn things around.{Relieved} You're right. It won't be easy, but I can still make things right.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.X1a
31Player Default: Not exactly. But there is still time to turn things around.{Depressed} No, it's too late. He'll never forgive me. Not now.Jake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickX2a
32Player Default: What happened between you two?{Irritated} Just- I don't know. I just can't ever manage to live up to his expectations.Slag: You don't need them, they make you weak.Y1a
33Player Default: What happened between you two?{Worried} Dad was right.Jake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.Y2a
34Slag: You don't need them, they make you weak.{Surprised} Did he really send you here to find me?Player Default: Yes. He's stubborn, but I think he wanted me to bring you back.A1a
35DN121_ForgeScenePrisonerKill{Depressed} There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sickSlag: Good. Now - kill the stranger.A1a
36DN121_ForgeScenePrisonerKillPlayer{Afraid} Oh god!Slag: Well, at least someone here had the balls.A1a
37DN121_JakeChangesMind{Afraid} I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.Slag: Last chance, Jake. If you don't kill the prisoner before I count to three it's over.A1a
38DN121_JakeFreePrisoner{Apologetic} I'm sorry. Let me get you out of here.A1a
39DN121_JakeReturnLoopPlayer Default: It's not your fault. It was him or you.I don't know what I was thinking trying to join them...Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...A1a
40Player Default: Whatever.Still mad at me, huh? I can't really blame you.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...B1a
41Player Default: You're lucky I have a soft spot for dumb animals.I- Yeah. I messed up pretty bad. Sorry.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...X1a
42DN121_JakeSurrenderMaleEvenToned: Wait wait! I'm sorry, I messed up! I panicked!{Pleading} Please, I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just want to go home.Player Default: It's not your fault. It was him or you.A1a
43Player Default: It's not your fault. It was him or you.{Somber} I- I know, but I just wish there had been another way.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...A1a
44Player Default: I can't let you live after you murdered that man.{Afraid} I made a mistake, but I'm not just going to let you kill me!B1a
45Player Default: I can't let you live after you murdered that man.{Depressed} I- Yeah, you're right. I just need to learn to carry that.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...B2a
46Player Default: I don't have time for this, where are the dampening coils?{Puzzled} Dampening Coils? They're in the generator by the big furnace. I'll show you where they are.Jake: Come on, follow me. The generator is just over this way.Y1a
47Player Default: I don't have time for this, where are the dampening coils?{Apologetic} Yeah... well... I just...Y2a
48{Apologetic} I thought we'd be raiding outside of the Commonwealth and that if I joined them I could provide for my family...Y2b
49{Depressed} I don't know. God, my dad's right. I'm such an idiot.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...Y2c
50DN121_JakeToDampeningRods{Grateful} Come on, follow me. The generator is just over this way.Jake: Slag needed those dampening coils to get the blast furnace running. You should be able to just pull it out.A1a
51Jake: Come on, follow me. The generator is just over this way.Slag needed those dampening coils to get the blast furnace running. You should be able to just pull it out.Jake: Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...A1a
52DN121_JakeToFarm{Jake may or may not have killed someone before this so it should feel pretty remorseful / Nervous} Look, I should probably try to go home and make amends. I know I've got no right to ask...A1a
53{Worried} But I think if you're there to help explain, things with my Dad would go easier.Jake: I bet if you bring my Great Granddad's sword, he'll make it worth your while. He always tries to deal fair with people.A1b
54Jake: I bet if you bring my Great Granddad's sword, he'll make it worth your while. He always tries to deal fair with people.{Grateful} I'll wait for you by the overpass near the farm.A1a
55Jake: But I think if you're there to help explain, things with my Dad would go easier.{Thinking} I bet if you bring my Great Granddad's sword, he'll make it worth your while. He always tries to deal fair with people.Jake: I'll wait for you by the overpass near the farm.A1a