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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jacob Orden.


1ConvCovenantGenericJacob01_01GenericNPC_One: Jacob, what're you gonna do if those raiders attack again?{Reassuring} I figure the same thing we did last time. Charge up the turrets and let Swanson deal with them.GenericNPC_One: They're getting bolder. And if the batteries run out of juice...A1a
2GenericNPC_One: They're getting bolder. And if the batteries run out of juice...{Trying to be sly and subtle - it should be obvious he's talking about something shady} If we need more energy cells, they will be provided.GenericNPC_One: And the raiders?A1a
3GenericNPC_One: And the raiders?{Politician mode - concealing something} We all knew it was going to be tough to make something out of nothing. But remember what Covenant is about. It's worth it.GenericNPC_One: I know. But we won't help anyone if we all get wiped out.A1a
4GenericNPC_One: I know. But we won't help anyone if we all get wiped out.{Emphasize "dealt" - he's talking about something secret, but talking in code in case he's overheard} If it comes to that, the raiders will be dealt with. I guarantee that.GenericNPC_One: That's all I needed to know. Thanks, Jacob.A1a


5DialogueCovenant_CloseOfficeClosing the office.A1a
6I need to lock up in here.A2a
7If you need me or Mr. Fitzgerald, try back again tomorrow.A3a
8DialogueCovenant_JacobOrden{A hint of emphasis} Mind what I said about Mr. Dan. He's not the best influence.Player Default: Thanks for the warning.A
9{Friendly} Well hello, stranger.JacobOrden: The name's Jacob and I run this town. Glad you passed the test, our door's always open to good quality people.A
10NPCMJacobOrden: Well hello, stranger.{Politician} The name's Jacob and I run this town. Glad you passed the test, our door's always open to good quality people.JacobOrden: You can use one of the beds in the guest house. And you should visit Penny's store.A1a
11JacobOrden: The name's Jacob and I run this town. Glad you passed the test, our door's always open to good quality people.You can use one of the beds in the guest house. And you should visit Penny's store.Player Default: I appreciate the hospitality.A1a
12Player Default: I appreciate the hospitality.{Politician} For people like you, any time.JacobOrden: You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.A1a
13Player Default: This place looks too good to be true.{Politician - friendly} To compete with Diamond City and Bunker Hill we offer something they don't: comfort and civility.B1a
14Stay here a spell and you be the judge if it's working.JacobOrden: You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.B1b
15Player Default: Is that it?{Not offended} Why yes, sorry. Didn't mean to keep you waiting.JacobOrden: You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.X1a
16Player Default: Anything else in town?{Friendly} Doc Patricia will be more than happy to patch you up. For a modest fee, of course.JacobOrden: You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.Y1a
17Player Default: Anything else in town?{Amused at Deezer} We also have a workbench - ask Talia, she'll set you up. Oh, and have you tried Deezer's lemonade? As he says, it's dee-licious.JacobOrden: You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.Y2a
18Player Default: For people like you, any time.{Underplaying, clear this is a sensitive subject he's trying to bury / Conspiratorial} You might want to stay clear of Mr. Dan. I've had some complaints about him.Player Default: Thanks for the warning.A1a
19Player Default: Thanks for the warning.{Friendly} Just being a good host.JacobOrden: You have a good stay now.A1a
20Player Default: I'll talk to whoever I want, pal.{Not offended} It's not like that. Just trying to help you out.JacobOrden: You have a good stay now.B1a
21Player Default: Who's Dan?He's a gun-for-hire. Not the most savory line of work, if you ask me.JacobOrden: You have a good stay now.Y1a
22Player Default: Just being a good host.{Friendly} You have a good stay now.A1a
23DialogueCovenant_JacobPostQuest{Relieved, genuinely friendly} Doctor Chambers filled me in on your... arrangement.JacobOrden: I can't tell you how relieved we are. Everyone in Covenant has suffered dearly at the Institute's plan.A
24NPCMJacobOrden: Doctor Chambers filled me in on your... arrangement.{Sincere, some personal pain in here / Relieved} I can't tell you how relieved we are. Everyone in Covenant has suffered dearly at the Institute's plan.A1a
25{Conviction} We all believe in the mission but outsiders may not clearly see the sacrifices that are necessary to protect the Commonwealth.Player Default: I'd like to help further if I can.A1b
26Player Default: I'd like to help further if I can.{Friendly} Actually, I was wanting to help you.JacobOrden: We'd be honored to fly the Minuteman flag and contribute further to the safety and welfare of the Commonwealth.A1a
27Player Default: Goodbye.One more thing...JacobOrden: We'd be honored to fly the Minuteman flag and contribute further to the safety and welfare of the Commonwealth.B1a
28Player Default: Do you really think the sacrifices will be worth it?{Conviction - repressed anger / Somber} The synth menace has touched nearly every family in the whole Commonwealth.X1a
29{Admits they could fail / Somber} I... I don't know if the SAFE test will ever be perfect, but if there's a chance to tell who the real people are, the wholesome people...X1b
30{Utter conviction / Defiant} Well, we have to take it.Player Default: I'd like to help further if I can.X1c
31Player Default: How'd your people suffer?{genuine sympathy, pain} All of us have lost people to the Institute... Poor Ted Huntley lost his entire family when a Courser retrieved a synth.Y1a
32{Conviction} Covenant's main goal is to improve our synth detection test. But it's equally important to help heal the casualties of this phantom war.Y1b
33I hope you understand.Player Default: I'd like to help further if I can.Y1c
34Player Default: Actually, I was wanting to help you.{Proud} We'd be honored to fly the Minuteman flag and contribute further to the safety and welfare of the Commonwealth.A1a
35Player Default: Actually, I was wanting to help you.{Friendly} We all consider you a part of the family now.A2a
36{True friend} So if you want to use the workshop and help contribute to our community you're more than welcome.A2b
37-{Angry, will lead to violence} Our bunk house is off limits!
38{Angry} That's stealing!
39{Truly friendly} Doctor Chambers had good things to say about you.
40{Said with a wink and a nod} Penny's got some extra special deals for you.
41{Conviction} All we need is time and we'll get that SAFE test purring.
42{Friendly} It's good to see a new face around here.
43Well, hello.


44MS17_200_Jacob{Friendly} I hope you're enjoying your stay.Player Default: Thanks for the warm welcome.A
45Player Default: Thanks for the warm welcome.{Too polite} And you have manners, too. That makes you doubly welcome here. Unfortunately, I got a town to run.JacobOrden: Ask away.A1a
46Player Default: Goodbye.{Friendly} Talk to you later.JacobOrden: Ask away.B1a
47Player Default: Tell me about yourself.{Friendly, proud} I make sure Penny, Talia, and everyone's got what they need. It's a full time job to keep our little community afloat.X1a
48{Distracted} But someone's got to do it. If you'll excuse me.JacobOrden: Ask away.X1b
49Player Default: Can I ask some questions?{Salesman} Our community's small but we got one of the best shops in the whole Commonwealth. And real beds, too.Y1a
50{Friendly} Stay as long as you like.JacobOrden: Ask away.Y1b
51Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?{Politician denial - maybe his facade cracks a little on "many times" and reveals anger / Irritated} Is this about those Stockton people? I've told Mr. Dan many, many times - we never saw them.Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?A1a
52Player Default: I have to go.{Doesn't mean it} You have a good day.B1a
53Player Default: You ever hear of a Compound?{Politician's denial - could be lying} Why that sounds interesting, stranger. But I can't say I've ever heard of a... Compound, was it?Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?X1a
54Player Default: You ever hear of a Compound?{Politician making a smooth joke} If you ask me, I think Dan's been baking in the sun too long. The only secret we got here is what's in Deezer's lemonade.X2a
55{Sardonic} And if you can get Deezer to tell you, you just got to fill me in. As the robot says, "It's dee-licious."Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?X2b
56Player Default: Does Covenant have a problem with synths?{The question almost breaks his politician's mask - undercurrents here of deep feelings (hatred) / Irritated} Shouldn't everyone have a problem with synths? But there's none of those... things here. Rest assured.Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?Y1a
57Player Default: Does Covenant have a problem with synths?{Smooth recovery to politician's safe answer} Hard work, shrewd trading, and a commitment to make a healthy community. It's a team effort.Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?Y2a
58Player Default: And you have manners, too. That makes you doubly welcome here. Unfortunately, I got a town to run.{Friendly} Ask away.Player Default: Do you know anything about a missing caravan?A1a
59MS17_300_JacobWarning{Politician - edge to it} Heya, stranger. It's no secret you've been poking around. Not very neighborly of you, if you ask me.JacobOrden: I know you think you're doing the right thing. Just don't make any rash decisions you'll regret.A1a
60Player Default: Give me the caps and I'll drop the whole thing.{Relief! / Friendly} Here you go. Come back anytime.JacobOrden: Tell you what. I'll let the Compound know you're coming. Then you can make your case to them. Good luck.A1a
61Player Default: You can keep your caps.{Being earnest / Somber} Please, just leave well enough alone. There's more going on then you realize.JacobOrden: Tell you what. I'll let the Compound know you're coming. Then you can make your case to them. Good luck.B1a
62Player Default: Surely, there's room for compromise? I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. I'd have to know more, though.{Considering, keeping up the facade, though / Thinking} That's a tall order. A deal like that, well, that's above my pay grade.JacobOrden: Tell you what. I'll let the Compound know you're coming. Then you can make your case to them. Good luck.X1a
63Player Default: Surely, there's room for compromise? I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. I'd have to know more, though.{Veiled threat, clear he doesn't want to hurt the player / Sad} Please, stranger, just stay clear of the Compound.JacobOrden: Tell you what. I'll let the Compound know you're coming. Then you can make your case to them. Good luck.X2a
64Player Default: How can you justify killing a caravan?{Hard sell on the player} It isn't as simple as all that. Hasn't our community been good to you? And others passing through?Y1a
65{Earnest, managing to sound sincere} So all I'm asking is you have a little faith in us.Player Default: Give me the caps and I'll drop the whole thing.Y1b
66JacobOrden: Here you go. Come back anytime.{Politician - unclear if this is a trap} Tell you what. I'll let the Compound know you're coming. Then you can make your case to them. Good luck.A1a
67JacobOrden: Heya, stranger. It's no secret you've been poking around. Not very neighborly of you, if you ask me.{Politician's veiled ultimatum - a touch of sorrow / Conspiratorial} I know you think you're doing the right thing. Just don't make any rash decisions you'll regret.Player Default: Just come out and say what you mean.A1a
68Player Default: Just come out and say what you mean.{Coy / Conspiratorial} Maybe you heard a rumor about Stockton's caravan and a certain Compound? So hypothetically, let's say there's something to that.JacobOrden: We wouldn't do anything unless we had good reasons. The best.A1a
69Player Default: I know you and your secret Compound are behind what happened to Stockton's caravan.{Coy / Conspiratorial} Supposing, hypothetically, we are.JacobOrden: We wouldn't do anything unless we had good reasons. The best.B1a
70Player Default: I don't know what you're talking about.{Slightly annoyed, a touch of a threat} If only that were true. Use your best judgment, friend.JacobOrden: We wouldn't do anything unless we had good reasons. The best.X1a
71Player Default: What rash decisions are you talking about?{Coy} Maybe your next destination doesn't appreciate trespassers.Player Default: Just come out and say what you mean.Y1a
72Player Default: Maybe you heard a rumor about Stockton's caravan and a certain Compound? So hypothetically, let's say there's something to that.{Politician's line - but clear he really believes it / Conspiratorial} We wouldn't do anything unless we had good reasons. The best.A1a
73{Politician negotiating} Tell you what, you just stop this investigation and I'll give you a gift. 100 caps.A1b
74{Sincere} And then you'd be welcome back here as our friend any time.Player Default: Give me the caps and I'll drop the whole thing.A1c
75-{Neutral} I'll send word to the Compound. They'll be expecting you.
76{Worried} Just stay clear of the Compound. Please.