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This is a transcript for dialogue with Isaac Karlin.


1DialogueInstituteIsaacFirstGreeting{Dismissive, condescending} Yes, yes, I'm sure that whatever you have to say is very interesting, but now simply isn't a good time.Player Default: Sorry to bother you, then.A
2Player Default: Sorry to bother you, then.Mm hm. Goodbye.Player Default: I'll let you get back to work, then.A1a
3Player Default: If you're busy, that's one thing, but I don't care for your tone.My tone?B1a
4There's no need to take offense. As you can clearly see, I'm deeply involved in some rather complicated mental equations.B1b
5Now, how about I get back to those and you get back to whatever it is you're doing.Player Default: I'll let you get back to work, then.B1c
6Player Default: Someone's a little full of himself.Hardly. There is no place for ego in science.X1a
7I am simply trying to tell you, in as polite as manner as possible, that I am busy.X1b
8Now, goodbye.Player Default: I'll let you get back to work, then.X1c
9Player Default: Working on something important?*Sigh* All of my work is important.Y1a
10Now, if you're quite finished, I'd very much like to get back to these mental equations.Y1b
11They're difficult enough without the distractions.Player Default: I'll let you get back to work, then.Y1c
12Player Default: I'll let you get back to work, then.Good.A1a
13Player Default: Those mental equations will get a lot tougher after I sock you in the jaw.Er, what? Now just a moment. There's no need to get angry.B1a
14If an apology will suffice to stem your anger, then I'll offer it.B1b
15So nice talking to you. Goodbye!B1c
16Player Default: What a charmer.If that was an attempt at humor, I'm afraid it's lost on me. I'm much too preoccupied with my equations.X1a
17And now, if we're quite finished here, I'll return to them.X1b
18Player Default: Equations for what?*Sigh* Honestly, you wouldn't understand them.Y1a
19Now I'm afraid I must end this little chat, although it's been so very diverting.Y1b
20-{Awaiting an answer. Wondering why the player has stopped talking.} Well?
21{Accusing, angry / Angry} Months of my life's work wasted because you couldn't take your job seriously.
22{Sarcastic, angry / Stern} You're not here to sabotage more of our work, I hope?
23{Stern, lecturing / Stern} I'm still angry about Warwick Homestead. I see no point in hiding it.
24{Annoyed, dismissive} I'm sorry, but I'm too preoccupied for chit-chat.
25{Petty, envious} Director Holdren seems very taken with you.
26{Nagging, almost scolding} Please resist any urge you might feel to eat the specimens in the hydroponic garden.
27{Snobbish, arrogant} Most men lack the patience to observe and document plant growth.


28DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1SceneClayton: Well, that's a question best left to our colleagues in the Robotics division.Yes, well... I suppose you're right.A1a
29Have you had time to examine my latest reports on batch two-seven-four?Clayton: Not yet. I've been reviewing Father's plans to expand our operations at Warwick.A1a
30Clayton: He's eager to get that going, so I've had to put everything else to one side.I wonder how the Warwick family is doing. Young Wally must be close to ten years old by now.A1a
31It's remarkable that any child can survive for so long up there.Clayton: I... try not to think too much about it. We have more than enough to occupy ourselves here.A1b
32Clayton: Those people are the last remnants of a dying past. It's best not to dwell on the subject.They're still people, and they're suffering. We can at least admit that it's regrettable.A1a
33After all, how can we hope to redefine mankind if we can't even hold on to our own humanity?Clayton: Well, that's a question best left to our colleagues in the Robotics division.A1b
34DialogueInstituteHydroponics3Scene{Annoyed, confrontational... you assume Volkert's guilty} Doctor Volkert, one of my valeriana officinalis specimens is missing. Do you know anything about it?Dean: Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy.A1a
35{Annoyed, even petulant} One of the ginger plants is gone. Was this another of your medical emergencies?Dean: Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy.A2a
36Dean: Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy.{Haughty, annoyed, how dare you} You had no right!Dean: Save it, Isaac. You know I have full access to the garden when it comes to medicinal matters.A1a
37Dean: Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy.{Angry / Irritated} This is unacceptable. I had plans for that root!Dean: Save it, Isaac. You know I have full access to the garden when it comes to medicinal matters.A2a
38DialogueInstituteHydroponics4SceneClayton: Did you add those new strains of triacanthos we discovered to the database?{Snippy, annoyed} Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of.Clayton: Good man, good man.A1a
39Clayton: Did you add those new strains of triacanthos we discovered to the database?{Snippy, annoyed} I told you that I would. Well, unsurprisingly, I have.Clayton: Good man, good man.A2a
40Clayton: Good man, good man.{Snippy, annoyed} The compliment is quite unnecessary, Doctor Holdren.A1a
41Clayton: Good man, good man.{Snippy, annoyed} Thanking a man for doing his duty is like thanking a dog for barking.A2a
42DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene5InstituteScientist: Doctor Karlin, a retrieval team just sent back preliminary test results from one of our surface crops.{Interested / Neutral} Go on.InstituteScientist: The specimens are showing an abnormal growth rate. They were designed to thrive in a radiated environment, but we didn't expect these results.A1a
43InstituteScientist: The specimens are showing an abnormal growth rate. They were designed to thrive in a radiated environment, but we didn't expect these results.{Curious / Neutral} What a peculiar result...I'd like it brought back to the lab so I can test the rate of cellular degeneration.InstituteScientist: I'll let them know immediately.A1a


44-{Measured, uncertain} I hope that when the time comes, you'll take your responsibilities as director seriously.
45{Measured, uncertain} I was surprised when Father named you as his successor, but I'm sure he knows what he's doing.


46-{Begrudging admission / Neutral} I admit it, you've been more of a help to us than I expected.
47{You're saying "Good job" in a roundabout way. / Neutral} I'm sure the Facilities division is relieved to have the new reactor online.


48-{Sympathetic / Neutral} My condolences on the loss of your son, director.
49{Confident / Confident} I trust we won't be seeing the Brotherhood of Steel again anytime soon.
50{Sympathetic / Neutral} My condolences on the loss of your son, director.
51{Sympathetic / Neutral} My condolences on the loss of your son, director.
52{Confident / Confident} I trust we won't be seeing the Brotherhood of Steel again anytime soon.


53InstM01IsaacSceneCompletePlayerVoiceFemale01: I delivered the seeds.{Confident / Question} Good, good. I trust everything went smoothly?Player Default: Yeah, pretty much.A1a
54Player Default: Yeah, pretty much.{Friendly} Splendid, splendid.Isaac: Here you are then, something to aid in your future missions, courtesy of the BioScience Division.A1a
55Player Default: Hardly.{Irritated} Don't tell me the simple act of carrying a packet of seeds from point A to point B proved difficult for you, hm?B1a
56{Irritated} On second thought, don't answer that. You'll just discourage me.B1b
57{Irritated} I have little enough faith in people as it is. I'd prefer not to lose any more.Isaac: Here you are then, something to aid in your future missions, courtesy of the BioScience Division.B1c
58Player Default: Not sure I'd call it smooth, but it's taken care of.{Neutral} Good enough, I suppose.Isaac: Here you are then, something to aid in your future missions, courtesy of the BioScience Division.X1a
59Player Default: Does it really matter how smoothly it went?{A stern lecture / Stern} Being a member of the Institute means holding yourself to a higher standard.Y1a
60{A stern lecture / Stern} It means efficiency and diligence, attention to detail and an exacting thoroughness.Y1b
61{A stern lecture / Stern} It's not enough just to do a job. It must be done well.Y1c
62{Dismissive, almost disrespectful / Neutral} At any rate, I'm sure you did the best you could.Isaac: Here you are then, something to aid in your future missions, courtesy of the BioScience Division.Y1d
63Player Default: Splendid, splendid.{Neutral} Here you are then, something to aid in your future missions, courtesy of the BioScience Division.A1a
64{Hurried, impatient / Neutral} That will be all, thank you very much. Goodbye.A1b
65InstM01IsaacSceneFailed{Angry, stern / Stern} You made a real mess of things at Warwick Homestead.Isaac: Oh yes, we know all about what happened.A
66NPCMIsaacKarlin: You made a real mess of things at Warwick Homestead.{Angry, stern / Stern} Oh yes, we know all about what happened.A1a
67{Angry, stern / Stern} I told you to be discreet and you blatantly disregarded that directive.A1b
68{Stern, angry / Stern} Now what do you have to say for yourself?Player Default: I'm sorry. I guess I just lost control.A1c
69Player Default: I'm sorry. I guess I just lost control.{Angry / Angry} That's hardly a satisfactory explanation.Isaac: Your carelessness has jeopardized months of research.A1a
70Player Default: I don't owe you an explanation, doctor. You have no authority over me.{You've been thwarted, but you're still angry and vindictive / Stern} Yes, well... You should know that I'll be reporting this to Father and the rest of the Directorate.Isaac: Your carelessness has jeopardized months of research.B1a
71Player Default: Look, sometimes things don't go the way you planned. That's life.{Stern / Stern} Is that supposed to excuse your behavior?X1a
72{Stern, disappointed / Stern} How disappointing. I hoped you would at least have the sense to take responsibility for your actions.Isaac: Your carelessness has jeopardized months of research.X1b
73Player Default: How did you know what happened up there?{Stern / Stern} We monitor our surface operations carefully.Y1a
74{Stern / Stern} If you think you can sabotage our efforts and get away with it, you're very mistaken.Isaac: Your carelessness has jeopardized months of research.Y1b
75Player Default: That's hardly a satisfactory explanation.{Stern, lecturing / Stern} Your carelessness has jeopardized months of research.A1a
76{Angry, disgusted / Angry} The entire project will have to be suspended indefinitely, at best.A1b
77{Stern / Stern} In the meantime, I suggest that you think very carefully about whether you truly belong here.A1c
78InstM01IsaacSceneIntro{Curt, professional / Neutral} Good day, director.A
79{Neutral} I need your assistance with a simple errand on the surface. Allow me to explain.Isaac: Some time ago, we covertly replaced the family patriarch at Warwick Homestead with a synth.A
80{Aloof, impatient / Irritated} Well well, if it isn't our visitor from the past.A
81{Neutral} I need your assistance with a simple errand on the surface. Allow me to explain.Isaac: Some time ago, we covertly replaced the family patriarch at Warwick Homestead with a synth.A
82Player Default: It won't be a problem.{Condescending / Confident} I trust that it won't.Isaac: Now listen closely, because this next part is vitally important.A1a
83Player Default: Don't patronize me, pencilneck.{Nervous} I... I meant no offense. Just, uh... well, let's move on.Isaac: Now listen closely, because this next part is vitally important.B1a
84Player Default: Just give me the seeds.{Very annoyed, bordering on angry / Angry} Patience, man! Rushed work is shoddy work, and we do not do shoddy work here.Isaac: Now listen closely, because this next part is vitally important.X1a
85Player Default: Seeds for what?{Confident} A melon plant that will, if my calculations are correct, be able to grow even in heavily irradiated soil.Y1a
86{Neutral} The fruit it bears will be perfectly healthy and edible. Or so I hope.Isaac: Now listen closely, because this next part is vitally important.Y1b
87Isaac: I trust that it won't.{Emphasize "vitally" / Neutral} Now listen closely, because this next part is vitally important.A1a
88{Neutral} When Roger asks how your trip was, tell him some Bloodbugs chased you halfway across the Commonwealth.A1b
89{Neutral} That code phrase will identify you as an agent of the Institute.A1c
90{Emphasize "must". Be insistent, urging caution, this is important.} Also, you must be discrete! Do nothing to draw attention to yourself or raise suspicion.Player Default: I understand.A1d
91Player Default: A code phrase? What a joke.{Irritated} No, sir, it is no joke. You had better start taking our work more seriously if you intend to have a future here.Isaac: Now hurry on to Warwick Homestead so we can begin the experiment.B1a
92Player Default: Maybe I should get a secret decoder ring, too.{Puzzled} A secret decoder ring? What a fascinating suggestion. I'll have to look into that.Isaac: Now hurry on to Warwick Homestead so we can begin the experiment.X1a
93Player Default: And if your synth has been compromised?{Condescending / Neutral} Then you'll have to improvise. You seem clever, I'm sure you'll manage.Isaac: Now hurry on to Warwick Homestead so we can begin the experiment.Y1a
94Player Default: No, sir, it is no joke. You had better start taking our work more seriously if you intend to have a future here.{Dismissive / Neutral} Now hurry on to Warwick Homestead so we can begin the experiment.A1a
95NPCMIsaacKarlin: I need your assistance with a simple errand on the surface. Allow me to explain.{Exposition / Neutral} Some time ago, we covertly replaced the family patriarch at Warwick Homestead with a synth.A1a
96{Neutral} He's been field-testing a variety of genetically-modified seeds that I created.Isaac: Take this packet of seeds to the Roger Warwick synth.A1b
97Isaac: He's been field-testing a variety of genetically-modified seeds that I created.Take this packet of seeds to the Roger Warwick synth.A1a
98{Don't screw this up / Irritated} Be careful with these! They represent years of genetic manipulation and enhancement.A1b
99{Snarky / Sarcastic} Hopefully you can manage such a simple task.Player Default: It won't be a problem.A1c
100-Remember, use discretion! We don't want to blow our synth's cover.
101Warwick Homestead is on Nut island. Just look for the old waste treatment plant.
102{Surprised} Bit of a blunt instrument, aren't you? Kellogg was much the same. Very well then, down to brass tacks.
103{Depressed} *Sigh* How unsurprising.
104{Depressed} No doubt Doctor Holdren preferred to boast about the importance of the BioScience division rather than tell you the details of my situation.
105{Irritated} The man is useless, I tell you. Very well, I suppose it falls to me.
106{Irritated} Frankly, I resent Doctor Holdren claiming that I "need help". There's a subtle insinuation there that I don't care for.
107I simply require your services to make a delivery to one of our operatives on the surface.


108-{Excited / Friendly} We're already seeing remarkable results from the new specimen at Warwick.
109{Excited / Friendly} The early results from those new seeds you delivered are remarkable.