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A green glow appears from around a corner. It's an irradiated zombie, seeping neon green fluid.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Irradiated zombies are enemies in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A walking corpse reanimated and strengthened by radiation, irradiated zombies are one of the most horrifying sights to see in the wasteland.

They wear a ratty set of clothing, a reminder of their past life. But nothing can change the fact that the irradiated zombie isn't human anymore. Covered in massive bloated pustules that leak radioactive neon green fluid, these zombies have not only become resurrected by radiation, but have become raw conduits of radioactivity. Their faces are almost skull-like, with bright glowing eyes.

They also possess a sharp row of fangs in place of normal teeth, and large claws on their hands.

They utilize the Choking Radiation special attack, suggesting the ability to emit clouds of radiation at will. This attack can be used to deal large damage to all party members.

Sometimes, they can be found in the horde of zombies encounter, alongside normal zombies, although these can be avoided. The horde of zombies is the easiest encounter in the game.


  • Each zombie variant image uses the same torso and legs as its basis.


Irradiated zombies appear only in Wastelad.
