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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ironsides.


1IronsidesCheerSceneThree cheers for our new Lieutenant!Ironsides: Hip, hip...A1a
2Ironsides: Three cheers for our new Lieutenant!Hip, hip...Ironsides: Hooray!A1a
3MrNavigator: Hooray.Hooray!Ironsides: Hip, hip...A1a
4Ironsides: Hooray!Hip, hip...Ironsides: Hooray!A1a
5MrNavigator: Hooray.Hooray!Ironsides: Hip, hip...A1a
6Ironsides: Hooray!Hip, hip...Ironsides: Hooray!A1a
7MrNavigator: Hooray.Hooray!A1a
8IronsidesPostMS11SceneOur hero returns.Ironsides: What a glorious success. True, the mission is not quite complete. But one cannot deny our progress.A
9RobotIronsides: Our hero returns.What a glorious success. True, the mission is not quite complete. But one cannot deny our progress.Player Default: I'm sure everyone in the Commonwealth could see your maiden voyage.A1a
10Player Default: I'm sure everyone in the Commonwealth could see your maiden voyage.To be certain. And our rockets gave our enemies much to consider.Ironsides: I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.A1a
11Player Default: But now you're stuck in a skyscraper. You're no better off than you were.That is where you are wrong. Now we command the high ground. And once the rockets are rebuilt and refueled...Ironsides: I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.B1a
12Player Default: That was truly something.Of that, there is no denying.Ironsides: I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.X1a
13Player Default: You consider this a success?Wholeheartedly, sir.Ironsides: I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.Y1a
14Player Default: You consider this a success?Wholeheartedly, madame.Ironsides: I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.Y2a
15Player Default: To be certain. And our rockets gave our enemies much to consider.I wager at this rate we should land in the ocean in one, perhaps, two more launches. My circuits tremble with excitement.Player Default: I'm glad I could help out.A1a
16Player Default: I'm glad I could help out.You were instrumental, sir. A veritable godsend.Ironsides: In recognition of your courageous role in this, I hereby promote you to the role of Honorary Lieutenant.A1a
17Player Default: I'm glad I could help out.You were instrumental, madame. A veritable godsend.Ironsides: In recognition of your courageous role in this, I hereby promote you to the role of Honorary Lieutenant.A2a
18Player Default: There's no way this ship will survive another launch.Oh ye of little faith.Ironsides: In recognition of your courageous role in this, I hereby promote you to the role of Honorary Lieutenant.B1a
19Player Default: I guess it all worked out.That it did.Ironsides: In recognition of your courageous role in this, I hereby promote you to the role of Honorary Lieutenant.X1a
20Player Default: You really are going to launch the ship again?With the courage and support of my faithful crew, our eventual triumph is assured.Player Default: I'm glad I could help out.Y1a
21Player Default: You were instrumental, sir. A veritable godsend.In recognition of your courageous role in this, I hereby promote you to the role of Honorary Lieutenant.A1a
22And being that I... well, cannot actually fit below decks, I hereby give you the captain's quarters, as well.A1b
23-From our new vantage, no scavenger would dare assail us.
24Once the lookout's repaired, enemy vessels will be spotted with ease.
25Well done. Well done, indeed.


26MS11_0060_Constitution_Scene_1This is the Captain speaking. We're taking on an allied soldier. Clear the berth. Disable defenses. Make way.A1a
27MS11_0070_Constitution_Scene_2Midshipmen. Stand down. Stand down, I say. This soldier is a guest on our vessel. Please afford him all appropriate courtesies.A1a
28MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3FirstMate: Unidentified intruder. Intruder.Mr. First Mate. This is the Captain. This soldier is no intruder.FirstMate: Requesting permission to use lethal force.A1a
29FirstMate: Unable to comply.Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.FirstMate: Aye. Cap-tain. Standing down.A1a
30MS11_0080a_FirstMateWalkAwayStand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.FirstMate: Aye. Cap-tain. Standing down.A1a
31MS11_0100_Meet_Ironsides{Firm rebuke, implacable} I'll have none of your lip, Mr. Navigator. Have the crow's nest scan two points off the port bow. Jump to it.MrNavigator: Aye, Captain.A
32Player Default: Thanks for calling him off me.The scan shows you have the proper number of appendages still, so all is well.Ironsides: I am Captain Ironsides, commander of the USS Constitution.A1a
33Player Default: Thanks for calling him off me.Indeed!Ironsides: I am Captain Ironsides, commander of the USS Constitution.A2a
34Ironsides: I am Captain Ironsides, commander of the USS Constitution.{A little morose, gets genuinely heated at the end - raises voice} You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Becalmed these long years on her airy perch. Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan! I spit at you!Player Default: A sad state of affairs for such an historic ship.A1a
35Player Default: A sad state of affairs for such an historic ship.{A little sad} On that we are in agreement.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.A1a
36Player Default: You should just abandon the ship.{Pride, Stoic} It is not in my character, sir, to retreat simply because the odds are great. I will persevere.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.B1a
37Player Default: You should just abandon the ship.{Pride, Stoic} It is not in my character, madame, to retreat simply because the odds are great. I will persevere.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.B2a
38Player Default: How did it even get up here?{Starts like he's going to share a yarn, then a sheepish confession} A harrowing tale, of that there can be no doubt. Or I should say, I assume it is.Y1a
39{Morose} I came upon her as she is. Atop this Sargasso Sea of rubble and misfortune.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.Y1b
40Ironsides: On that we are in agreement.{Morose irritation} What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.Ironsides: Enough pleasantries. The Constitution has systems that need repairs to carry out its mission.A1a
41MrNavigator: Aye, Captain.{Switching to address the PC, said with detached pleasantness} Our soldier has arrived. I trust the First Mate didn't give you too hard a time? Been too long since we've seen the Congressional Army.Player Default: Thanks for calling him off me.A1a
42MrNavigator: Aye, Captain.{Switching to address the PC, said with detached pleasantness} Our soldier has arrived. Been too long since we've seen the Congressional Army.Player Default: Thanks for calling him off me.A2a
43MrNavigator: Aye, Captain.{Switching to address the PC, said with detached pleasantness} By the emergency powers vested in me, I hereby conscript you into the Congressional Army. Welcome to the army, soldier.Player Default: Thanks for calling him off me.A3a
44Player Default: The scan shows you have the proper number of appendages still, so all is well.{Respectful introduction, proud} I am Captain Ironsides, commander of the USS Constitution.Ironsides: You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Becalmed these long years on her airy perch. Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan! I spit at you!A1a
45Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.{Changing gears, becoming more military - handing orders to a subordinate} Enough pleasantries. The Constitution has systems that need repairs to carry out its mission.Player Default: Just tell me what you need.A1a
46Player Default: Just tell me what you need.{Pleased} Good man.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.A1a
47Player Default: Just tell me what you need.{Pleased} Excellent.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.A2a
48Player Default: Fix the ship yourself. I don't take orders from you.{Dressing down, a little heated} I insist you do, sir. It's a court martialing offense to disobey the orders of a superior officer.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.B1a
49Player Default: Fix the ship yourself. I don't take orders from you.{Dressing down, a little heated} I insist you do, madame. It's a court martialing offense to disobey the orders of a superior officer.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.B2a
50Player Default: If I help you, I expect part of the payment up front.{Considering, then makes a decision} Hmm. New soldiers typically receive an enlistment bonus. I will authorize this. Consult with the ship's purser.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.X1a
51Player Default: If I help you, I expect part of the payment up front.{A little annoyed, but caves into the player's request} What a singular request. Were you in the navy, I would remind you of your oath. But as a soldier...X2a
52{Crisp, not unfriendly} I will authorize a performance bonus payable immediately. Consult with the ship's purser.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.X2b
53Player Default: If I help you, I expect part of the payment up front.{Considering, honest} I will not deny the mission is a dangerous and arduous one. Very well, then, hazard pay is approved.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.X3a
54Player Default: If I help you, I expect part of the payment up front.{Emphasize "after" (no more pay up front for you, PC). Ends firmly.} After you've fullfilled your duty, I will see to it you receive a full officer's share of the prize money. I consider this matter closed.X4a
55Consult the ship purser for your bonus and the mission requirements.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.X4b
56Player Default: If I help you, I expect part of the payment up front.{Dismissing the player's argument, firm and fair} For your services you will get your fair share of the prize money. At the end of the voyage the same as the rest of the crew. I consider this matter resolved.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.X5a
57Player Default: What war effort?{Some heat about China (they're the enemy!). The second sentence said sincerely but should invite a laugh.} Against Communist China, of course. But if any Red Coats or Canadians sail nearby, I will give them a good thrashing, to be sure.Y1a
58{Savoring the idea, should invite more chuckles (talking about the burning of DC during the War of 1812)} To avenge the burning of our nation's capital would be a sweet victory, indeed.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y1b
59Player Default: What war effort?I beg your indulgence, sir, but it is a matter of great import and requires secrecy. It will help the war effort for America and her allies.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y2a
60Player Default: What war effort?I beg your indulgence, madame, but it is a matter of great import and requires secrecy. It will help the war effort for America and her allies.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y3a
61Player Default: What war effort?I beseech you to exercise caution in talking about... that. The less said the better.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y4a
62Player Default: What war effort?At this juncture, all I can confide is this: the Constitution will do our great nation little service while she's marooned here. This must be rectified.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y5a
63Player Default: What war effort?I respect your commitment and service, sir, but a secret easily divulged is no secret at all.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y6a
64Player Default: What war effort?I respect your commitment and service, madame, but a secret easily divulged is no secret at all.Ironsides: Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.Y7a
65Ironsides: Good man.{Cautioning} Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator. They will relay your instructions. Dismissed.A1a
66MS11_0100a_IronsidesAnswersThe quaint vulgarity of the common soldier. It warms the circuits.Ironsides: This is the pride of our navy. The USS Constitution. As her commander, it is my privilege to enforce a certain measure of decorum amongst my crew.B1a
67Ironsides: The quaint vulgarity of the common soldier. It warms the circuits.This is the pride of our navy. The USS Constitution. As her commander, it is my privilege to enforce a certain measure of decorum amongst my crew.Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?A1a
68Player Default: Are you crazy? Do even know what year it is?Do not mistake my genteel manner for derangement, sir. I am fully aware that it is the Year of Our Lord 2287.Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?B1a
69Player Default: Are you crazy? Do even know what year it is?Do not mistake my genteel manner for derangement, madame. I am fully aware that it is the Year of Our Lord 2287.Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?B2a
70Player Default: You didn't explain why you're talking like that.Look around you. In these times of great unrest, is it not prudent to adopt the manner of a more civilized time?X1a
71If that answer is not to your satisfaction, I'm afraid you must make your peace with it.Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?X1b
72Player Default: Why are you even here? On this ship? It's ancient.This vessel has more than once been the seat of our great nation's naval power. Is it not fitting she don this mantle again?Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?Y1a
73Player Default: Why are you even here? On this ship? It's ancient.As ordained by the chain of command. The links of which start with our most august admirals and plummet to the lowliest of Sentry Bots.Y2a
74After all our brothers in arms perished, I reluctantly assumed command.Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?Y2b
75Player Default: Your lookout told me to come up here. Why?I confess, we need your assistance.Ironsides: You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Becalmed these long years on her airy perch. Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan! I spit at you!A1a
76MS11_0170_AttackIronsides: Fire at will.Man the turrets. Show them what we're made of.A1a
77Ironsides: Fire at will.Keep firing, soldier!A2a
78Ironsides: Fire at will.Blast them with everything we got.A3a
79Ironsides: Fire at will.Broadside them, soldier.A4a
80Ironsides: Fire at will.Is there no end to these god-forsaken ruffians?A5a
81Look lively, lads. Scavengers approach.Ironsides: Soldier, man the cannons. Kill them only as a last resort. A few warning shots usually suffice to scare that rabble off.A1a
82Ironsides: Look lively, lads. Scavengers approach.Soldier, man the cannons. Kill them only as a last resort. A few warning shots usually suffice to scare that rabble off.Ironsides: The cannons are ready!A1a
83Ironsides: The cannons are ready!Fire at will.Ironsides: Man the turrets. Show them what we're made of.A1a
84MS11_0170a_AttackDoneThey've struck their colors.Ironsides: Well done, men.A1a
85Ironsides: They've struck their colors.Well done, men.A1a
86MS11_0300_NavigatorFirstQuestMrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.Lethal force is prohibited unless absolutely necessary.MrNavigator: Aft dinghy unlocked and available for your use. Sir.A1a
87Player Default: Proclamation 1.Defend the Constitution by any means necessary.MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.A1a
88MS11_0700_IronsidesTurbopumpQuest{Pleased, energetic} You've been of service to our noble vessel.Ironsides: I am pleased you recovered the guidance chip without bloodshed. Though the scavengers have caused us grievous injury our goals must be nobler than base revenge.A
89Ironsides: Complete this task, and I will gladly relate our mission. Until then: Silence, vigilance.The ship requires Turbopump Bearings from a nearby factory. It will undoubtedly be a dangerous mission. But I have faith you will succeed.A1a
90Player Default: It is a soldier's hard duty to follow orders with scant context and details. But...Complete this task, and I will gladly relate our mission. Until then: Silence, vigilance.Ironsides: The ship requires Turbopump Bearings from a nearby factory. It will undoubtedly be a dangerous mission. But I have faith you will succeed.Y1a
91RobotIronsides: You've been of service to our noble vessel.I am pleased you recovered the guidance chip without bloodshed. Though the scavengers have caused us grievous injury our goals must be nobler than base revenge.Player Default: I figured a little theft was better than a lot of blood.A1a
92RobotIronsides: You've been of service to our noble vessel.Despite ample provocation, I had hoped the guidance chip could be recovered without violence to the scavengers. Even now they plot their retaliation.Player Default: I figured a little theft was better than a lot of blood.A2a
93Player Default: I figured a little theft was better than a lot of blood.Agreed. Quite commendable.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.A1a
94Player Default: I figured a little theft was better than a lot of blood.They seek to impugn the honor of the military? Truly, there is no depth they will not sink to.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.A2a
95Player Default: I figured a little theft was better than a lot of blood.I have no doubt that they made a peaceful resolution impossible. But you did you duty, and did it well.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.A3a
96Player Default: It would've been a whole lot easier just killing them.An argument I have heard all too often from the First Mate.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.B1a
97Player Default: It would've been a whole lot easier just killing them.And I am, as well.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.B2a
98Player Default: It would've been a whole lot easier just killing them.My comment was not meant to disparage your character, but theirs.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.B3a
99Player Default: I got the job done.Quite commendable.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.X1a
100Player Default: Why did you want me to spare the scavengers?I confess they are a blight upon my existence. Those scallywags killed many of my marines. We're down to a skeleton crew due to that... filth.Y1a
101But they are citizens of the Commonwealth. Citizens we're pledged to protect against foreign incursion. Which is not without its irony.Ironsides: I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.Y1b
102Player Default: Agreed. Quite commendable.I find I must reward your considerable efforts with a final labor. We stand but a hair's breadth away from embarking on our sacred mission.Player Default: I'm always happy to help.A1a
103Player Default: I'm always happy to help.I would expect nothing less.Ironsides: The ship requires Turbopump Bearings from a nearby factory. It will undoubtedly be a dangerous mission. But I have faith you will succeed.A1a
104Player Default: I thought I was finally done with this.We are defined by the caliber of challenges we choose to undertake. So attack adversity with gusto.Ironsides: The ship requires Turbopump Bearings from a nearby factory. It will undoubtedly be a dangerous mission. But I have faith you will succeed.B1a
105Player Default: So now can you tell me what's going on?It is a soldier's hard duty to follow orders with scant context and details. But...Ironsides: Complete this task, and I will gladly relate our mission. Until then: Silence, vigilance.Y1a
106MS11_0750_IronsidesShipRepaired{Pleased, energetic} Trim the power on the starboard bow. Steady as she goes, Mr. Navigator.Ironsides: Luck willing, at long last we'll set sail. And our hero of the hour is to thank. You've earned a double share, sir. Well done.A
107RobotIronsides: Trim the power on the starboard bow. Steady as she goes, Mr. Navigator.{Grateful, impressed} Luck willing, at long last we'll set sail. And our hero of the hour is to thank. You've earned a double share, sir. Well done.Player Default: My pleasure.A1a
108RobotIronsides: Trim the power on the starboard bow. Steady as she goes, Mr. Navigator.{Grateful, impressed} Luck willing, at long last we'll set sail. And our hero of the hour is to thank. You've earned a double share, madame. Well done.Player Default: My pleasure.A2a
109Player Default: My pleasure.{Appretiative} You are truly worthy, sir, of witnessing our maiden voyage.Ironsides: Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.A1a
110Player Default: My pleasure.{Appretiative} You are truly worthy, madame, of witnessing our maiden voyage.Ironsides: Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.A2a
111Player Default: Set sail? You'll need a hell of a lot more than luck to do that.{Considering} Doubt is reasonable. I shall relay my plan to you.Ironsides: Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.B1a
112Player Default: The reward better be worth it.{Pleased} You shall not be disappointed. And you can witness our maiden voyage.Ironsides: Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.X1a
113Player Default: Set sail?{Pleased, excited} On the eve of our voyage, the need for secrecy is long past.Ironsides: Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.Y1a
114Ironsides: You are truly worthy, sir, of witnessing our maiden voyage.{Said almost dreamily - the fruition of a hundred years of work} Our twin NX-42 rockets will alight and unmoor us from this dreaded Savings and Loan.A1a
115{Painting a verbal picture, excited, proud} The Constitution will launch into the heavens and after gently land in the ocean. Then we take our rightful place as defenders of the Atlantic.Player Default: That's ambitious.A1b
116Player Default: That's ambitious.{Excited} As they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".Ironsides: One task remains us, we need to power up the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. Might you do the honors, soldier?A1a
117Player Default: You're going to blow the whole damned ship up.{Poo-pooing that very reasonable fear, should invite a chuckle} Oh ye of little faith. There is a scant 14% chance of that.Ironsides: One task remains us, we need to power up the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. Might you do the honors, soldier?B1a
118Player Default: That's quite a plan.{Admiring his own plan} A thing of brilliance, is it not?Ironsides: One task remains us, we need to power up the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. Might you do the honors, soldier?X1a
119Player Default: You're going to what?{Admiring his own plan} A thing of brilliance, is it not?Ironsides: One task remains us, we need to power up the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. Might you do the honors, soldier?Y1a
120Ironsides: As they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".{Pleased} One task remains us, we need to power up the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. Might you do the honors, soldier?Player Default: I'll make sure you get all the power you need.A1a
121Ironsides: As they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".{Barking an order, stopped midsentence by enemies approaching} Mr. Navigator, put her through her paces. We need to-Ironsides: Those motherless curs. Prepare to broadside. Defend the Constitution until our last breath!A2a
122Ironsides: Mr. Navigator, put her through her paces. We need to-{Barking orders, preparing his troops to be attacked} Those motherless curs. Prepare to broadside. Defend the Constitution until our last breath!A1a
123MS11_0750a_Ironsides_BetrayedPlayer Default: I'll make sure you get all the power you need.{Pleased} Splendid. You are a credit to your regiment.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. Our great voyage awaits.A1a
124Player Default: Do I have to do everything for you?{Being the better man, military} In recognition of your service, I will forgive this slight. However, you are hereby ordered to tend to the auxilliary power.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. Our great voyage awaits.B1a
125Player Default: I suppose I can do that.Splendid.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. Our great voyage awaits.X1a
126Player Default: Where's the generator?{Cautioning} On the top deck of the Royal Arms Apartments. Rebel stragglers may yet remain, so have a care.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. Our great voyage awaits.Y1a
127Player Default: Splendid. You are a credit to your regiment.{Thankful} Here is your amply deserved reward. Our great voyage awaits.A1a
128MS11_0810_WeHaveBoardersScavengers are attempting to board. Blast them back to whence they came.A1a
129MS11_0820_BoardersAreInsideThe scavengers have breeched the ship. Prepare to repel boarders!A1a
130MS11_0850_IronsidesVictory{Victorious, barking orders} Gods be good, the scavenger assault has been broken. Not one of those scallywags stepped foot on our vessel. All hands, prepare ship for launch!Player Default: Congratulations, Captain.A
131{Victorious, barking orders} The boarders are repelled. All hands, prepare ship for launch!Player Default: Congratulations, Captain.A
132Player Default: Congratulations, Captain.There is one thing.Ironsides: We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.A1a
133Player Default: This is a horrible idea.{Resolute} Only if I fail, sir.Ironsides: We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.B1a
134Player Default: This is a horrible idea.{Resolute} Only if I fail, madame.Ironsides: We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.B2a
135Player Default: I'll be going then.There is one thing.Ironsides: We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.X1a
136Player Default: You're still going through with this?{Some urgency} Given time the scavengers will regroup. It may be now or never.Ironsides: We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.Y1a
137Ironsides: There is one thing.{Solemn, appreciative} We need power from the auxiliary generator to commence our voyage. I fear I must call upon you one last time.Player Default: Consider it done.A1a
138Player Default: Consider it done.{Impressed} I admire your pluck.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, sir.A1a
139Player Default: I'm getting tired of doing your errands.{Resolute} There is nothing left to be done. Victory or bitter defeat is all the remains.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, sir.B1a
140Player Default: I've come this far.{Thankful} I recognize that without your considerable efforts, we would not be here.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, sir.X1a
141Player Default: Where's the generator?{Cautioning} On the top deck of the Royal Arms Apartments. Scavengers may yet remain, so have a care.Ironsides: Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, sir.Y1a
142Ironsides: I admire your pluck.{Deeply thankful and goodbye forever} Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, sir.A1a
143Ironsides: I admire your pluck.{Deeply thankful and goodbye forever} Here is your amply deserved reward. God speed to you, madame.A2a
144MS11_0920_IronsidesCountdown{Barking orders} Mr. Navigator, slowly throttle the engines.Ironsides_Intercom: Keep idling those engines.A1a
145Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. Navigator, slowly throttle the engines.{Firm} Keep idling those engines.Ironsides_Intercom: Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.A1a
146Ironsides_Intercom: Keep idling those engines.{Barking an order to the PC} Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.Ironsides_Intercom: Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.A1a
147Ironsides_Intercom: Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.{Pleased, calling out to the whole ship} Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.Ironsides_Intercom: Three.A1a
148Ironsides_Intercom: Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.{A touch impatient} The ship stands ready, soldier. Power up at will.Ironsides_Intercom: Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.A2a
149Ironsides_Intercom: Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.{Impatient} We cannot proceed until we have auxiliary power. Flip the switch. The Atlantic awaits.Ironsides_Intercom: Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.A3a
150Ironsides_Intercom: Ahoy, soldier. We're ready for our auxilliary power.{Insistent} We need more power.Ironsides_Intercom: Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.A4a
151Ironsides_Intercom: Power nominal. Excellent. Commencing final countdown.Three.Ironsides_Intercom: Two.A1a
152Ironsides_Intercom: Three.Two.Ironsides_Intercom: One.A1a
153Ironsides_Intercom: Two.One.Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. Navigator, light the engines.A1a
154Ironsides_Intercom: One.{Excited command} Mr. Navigator, light the engines.Ironsides_Intercom: Thrusters... What has befallen us? Midshipman report. Report.A1a
155Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. Navigator, light the engines.{Startled, the engine has blown up - shocked} Thrusters... What has befallen us? Midshipman report. Report.Ironsides_Intercom: Damn your eyes. Restore power. Now. Until you do we're defenseless.A1a
156Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. Navigator, light the engines.{Extremely pleased and proud as his ship takes off} Dreaded Savings and Loan, we shall be moored no longer.Ironsides_Intercom: We are away!A2a
157Ironsides_Intercom: Dreaded Savings and Loan, we shall be moored no longer.{Cheering} We are away!Ironsides_Intercom: Two points to starboard.A1a
158Ironsides_Intercom: We are away!{Quick order} Two points to starboard.Ironsides_Intercom: Yes, yes.A1a
159Ironsides_Intercom: Two points to starboard.{Things are working!} Yes, yes.Ironsides_Intercom: We did it! Victory at last.A1a
160Ironsides_Intercom: Yes, yes.{Crowing triumphant} We did it! Victory at last.Ironsides_Intercom: Helm reports we are a quarter fathom closer to the Atlantic. By my calculations in a mere century we will take to the ocean. Well done.A1a
161Ironsides_Intercom: We did it! Victory at last.{Extremely pleased, congratulating everyone} Helm reports we are a quarter fathom closer to the Atlantic. By my calculations in a mere century we will take to the ocean. Well done.A1a
162MS11_0920a_IronsidesCountdownSabotaged{Barking urgent orders} Damn your eyes. Restore power. Now. Until you do we're defenseless.Ironsides_Intercom: Why have we been forsaken?A1a
163Ironsides_Intercom: Damn your eyes. Restore power. Now. Until you do we're defenseless.{A grim utterance (maybe make hte PC feel a little bad, he betrayed this robot)} Why have we been forsaken?A1a
164MS11_AttackersOnSecondFloorThey've taken the lower deck. Middle deck prepare yourself.A1a
165MS11_AttackersOnThirdFloorBrace for it, cargo hold. Enemies approach!A1a
166MS11_AttackersOnTopDeckHold the top deck, we will not be defeated!A1a
167MS11_Cannons_ReadyThe cannons are ready!A1a
168Flip the switch to broadside them!A2a
169-I will defend this vessel until my last breath.
170For this treason the punishment is surely death.
171Lookout? Any sign of the intruders? Stand down, men.
172The vessel is secure once more.
173Foul traitor, you hide in vain.
174And the miscreant is found.
175Curses. Our foe eludes us. Lookout, maintain power to perimeter sensors.
176The foe has fled. The Constitution is secure once more.
177You cannot escape your crimes, scoundrel.
178Choose the honorable course and fight me, you curr.
179You cannot evade my keen sensors for long.
180Where the devil are you?
181Who goes there? Identify yourself.
182Unless I mistaken, I am no longer alone.
183With heavy circuit boards, I proclaim this victory.
184This threat is over. Would that I could say the same for Red China.
185Our opponent has struck their colors. Leave this ship, and never return.
186The field is ours. Until the next time.
187There is no honor in this skullduggery, sir.
188This cowardice is contemptable.
189My crew!
190Desist in your vandalism.
191Another loyal sailor meets its end.
192You will pay handsomely for that death, sir.
193This ship is the pride of the Commonwealth. Assaulting it is a crime most foul.
194The Constitution has never been defeated. Nor shall she be today.
195Diagnostics tell a grim tale.
196I die as I lived, in service to this... great... nation.
197Do not think that diminishes my resolve.
198Well struck.
199Together, my soldier friend, we will vanquish these foul scavengers.
200I will defend this vessel until my last breath.
201For this treason the punishment is death.
202I expect a response, soldier.
203It is bad form to keep a superior officer waiting.
204Your service to this hallowed vessel will never be forgot.
205This task, of many years, hinges upon those Turbopump Bearings.
206Consult with the Bosun and Mr. Navigator.
207If the scavengers keep seeking folly and destruction, I will reluctantly oblige them.
208You have your assignment!
209Welcome aboard, soldier.