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The following are conversations between NPCs which may occur only within the Institute concourse in Fallout 4. Some of these conversations may employ randomized prompts and responses, and some may be dependent on certain quest conditions. Unless otherwise specified, assume all conversations below are dynamically-occurring (i.e. may occur at any time).


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute courser "Excuse me, doctor."
2 Institute scientist "Yes, what is it?"
3 Institute courser "Have you noticed any suspicious activity lately? Synths operating outside their protocols? Maybe a citizen expressing any controversial views?"
4 Institute scientist "Why? Is something wrong?"
5 Institute courser "No. We're just taking precautionary measures in light of some recent situations. If you do notice anything, please be sure to report it immediately."
6 Institute scientist "Of course. Thank you."


Note: This conversation has a scripted location; it occurs in the stairwell behind the cafeteria. It is also a "Change Location Event," unlike the other conversations, meaning that it will only occur upon loading into the concourse from a different cell. It will only occur after Institutionalized is completed. The synth is defined to be a female Gen 3 synth.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute courser "Synth unit, you were scheduled for maintenance duty in SRB last night. Anything you'd like to report?"
2 Synth "Nothing to report, sir. I carried out my duties as usual."
3 Institute courser "Dr. Ayo saw you accessing a terminal. You know you are not permitted to access terminals in that section. Is Dr. Ayo mistaken?"
4 Synth "Yes...I mean no he's not, but I was only..."
5 Institute courser "What is it? Were you or weren't you accessing a terminal in SRB?"
6 Synth "I was, but I swear it's not what it sounds like. I was cleaning the terminal and it... it switched on by mistake. I was just shutting it down."
7 Institute courser "Was that a stutter? Have you developed a defect, unit? Maybe you need to be reset."
8 Synth "Sir, I assure you that won't be necessary. It won't happen again."
9 Institute courser "See that it doesn't. You don't want me to tell you twice. Now get back to your duties."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute courser "Hold it right there."
2 Synth "Is there a problem?"
3 Institute courser "Routine security check. See anything suspicious lately?"
4 Synth "Suspicious? What do you mean by suspicious?"
5 Institute courser "I mean like dodging my questions."
6 Synth "No. Nothing to report sir. If I see something I'll be sure to come right to you."
7 Institute courser "You do that. I'd hate to find your name on a repurpose list."


Note: This conversation has a scripted location; it occurs at the entrance to Institute Robotics. It is also a "Change Location Event," unlike the other conversations, meaning that it will only occur upon loading into the concourse from a different cell. It will only occur after The Battle of Bunker Hill is completed. The first speaker is defined to be a female gen 3 synth, while the second is defined to be a male gen 3.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Synth (1) "Have you seen J5-22 around? He didn't show up for duty today and I can't seem to find him."
2 Synth (2) "Did you check Robotics? He was probably scheduled for routine maintenance. I wouldn't worry about it."
3 Synth (1) "I thought so, too, but he wasn't in the log and everyone I've asked hasn't seen him. He's never just missed his shift like that."
4 Synth (2) "What are you saying?"
5 Synth (1) "I'm worried something might have happened to him. No one knows where he is. It's like he just...disappeared. It doesn't feel right."
6 Synth (2) "Shhh! Keep your voice down. You know what happens if they hear you talking like this? They'll wipe you. I suggest you keep this to you yourself."
7 Synth (1) "But what if something's wrong? Look around, Courser patrols have doubled. Synths are being wiped more frequently. Something is going on."
8 Synth (2) "I don't want to hear anymore. Do whatever you want, just leave me out of it."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation between two Institute scientists which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. It also uses a set of randomized responses. The first Institute scientist is defined to be male, while the second one is defined to be female.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist (1) "Doctor, I left a copy of the lab report on your desk. Did you get a chance to read it?"
2 Institute scientist (2) "I did. Remarkable work. I think we should proceed to the next round of testing immediately."
"Yes, I read it. Those results are useless to me. Go back and develop a more efficient prototype. And test it properly this time."
"I haven't, there was a situation last night I had to deal with. I'll come and find you as soon as I've had a chance to look it over."
3 Institute scientist (1) "Of course. I'll inform the team."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation between two Institute scientists which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. It also uses a set of randomized responses. The first Institute scientist is defined to be female, while the second one is defined to be male.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist (1) "Doctor, you've requested another synth memory reset. May I ask for what reason?"
2 Institute scientist (2) "You want a reason? Ineptitude, aggression, disorderly behavior, overall insubordination...I could go on, but we'd be here for hours."
"Because I said so. Isn't that reason enough, doctor?"
"It's pre-emptive. I want to avoid a potential...high risk situation."
3 Institute scientist (1) "Very well, I'll schedule it in."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation between two Institute scientists which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. The first Institute scientist is defined to be male, while the second one is defined to be female.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist (1) "Have you noticed the recent increase in security? I wonder what's going on..."
2 Institute scientist (2) "Something about disappearing synths, I think."
3 Institute scientist (1) "Disappearing? Must be something to do with the salvage teams."
4 Institute scientist (2) "I believe so, yeah. Apparently, the SRB can't figure it out. Doctor's Ayo been on a tear lately trying to get to the bottom of it."
5 Institute scientist (1) "What do you think?"
6 Institute scientist (2) "It's got to be someone on the inside, and when Ayo finds out who, there'll be hell to pay."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation between two Institute scientists which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. It also uses a set of randomized responses. The first Institute scientist is defined to be male, while the second one is defined to be female.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist (1) "Doctor, what are you doing here? Isn't today your day off?"
2 Institute scientist (2) "It is, but honestly, what am I going to do with a day off?"
3 Institute scientist (1) "I don't know, what do you usually do in your spare time?"
4 Institute scientist (2) "Read test reports, compare data...work. What do you do?"
5 Institute scientist (1) "Pretty much the same thing, I guess. Well, enjoy your day off."


Note: This conversation has a scripted location; it occurs in the stairwell behind the lounge (the stairwell between the Robotics and Synth Retention wings). It is also a "Change Location Event," unlike the other conversations, meaning that it will only occur upon loading into the concourse from a different cell. It will only occur before The Battle of Bunker Hill is completed.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute courser "Sir, we've had another situation. A code red."
2 Lawrence Higgs "What? This is the third time in two weeks. This is unacceptable. How could this happen?"
3 Institute courser "We think there was a system glitch. We're looking into it."
4 Lawrence Higgs "Damn it! You're all useless. I'll figure out what happened, but in the meantime, tell the others to be on high alert. I want more patrols, and more rounds."
5 Institute courser "Right away sir."
6 Lawrence Higgs "If you see anything even remotely suspicious, report it immediately. This absolutely cannot happen again. Got it?"
7 Institute courser "Yes sir, understood."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day in the evening.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Alan Binet "What did you do with your day, Liam?"[Note 1]
2 Liam Binet "You know, kept busy. Hey, what's with the sudden security increase? I noticed a few more Coursers than usual walking around. Is everything okay?"
3 Alan Binet "Oh it's nothing to worry about."
4 Liam Binet "In other words, it's definitely something to worry about and you can't talk about it. How bad is it?"[Note 2]
5 Alan Binet "You're too smart Liam, but I assure you, it has nothing to do with anything that would concern you."
6 Liam Binet "I think that's even more concerning."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Liam Binet "Hey Eve, have you seen my notebook book laying around?"
2 Eve "No. Did you leave it somewhere else?"
3 Liam Binet "I can't remember. Oh well, I don't need it right now."
4 Eve "For such a smart kid, you're a bit unorganized."
5 Liam Binet "I prefer to call it organized chaos."[Note 3]


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Eve "Liam, I forgot to tell you, your friend Brendan came by looking for you."
2 Liam Binet "Thanks. Did he say why?"
3 Eve "He mentioned something about studying and then said a lot of scientific words...but I don't think he knew what they meant."
4 Liam Binet "Yeah, that sounds about right. I'll go find him later. Thanks Eve."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Eve "Welcome home, Alan. How was your day?"
2 Alan Binet "Oh, you know... prying open closed minds one at a time..."[Note 4]
3 Eve "Well, you're home now, and you should relax. I got a little sidetracked helping Liam with his work, but things are under control."
4 Liam Binet "Hey, wait a minute. I had that completely under control, thank you very much."
5 Eve "If you say so..."
6 Eve "Alan, why don't you relax a little. I'll take care of everything."
7 Alan Binet "Wonderful, Eve. I swear, I don't know what I'd do without you..."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. It also employs two sets of randomized responses.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Allie Filmore "I got a call at work today about Quentin."
2 Nathan Filmore "What did he do this time?"[Note 5]
3 Allie Filmore "Apparently, he thought it would be a novel idea to steal high grade stimulants from Doctor Volkert's lab and then give them to the Gorillas."
"Ask your son. A Courser saw him push Alice and Julia into the concourse water display. Then he helped them out, just to push them back in again."
4 Quentin Filmore "It was an accident. I swear."
5 Nathan Filmore "*sigh* Quentin, what are we going to do with you?"
6 Allie Filmore "I think a three week grounding and a hand-written apology to everyone involved is suitable."
"I can find him some things to do around the Institute, picking up trash, polishing...how does a month of maintenance duty sound?"
"No dessert, no seeing friends, no nothing. I'll be giving you double the homework to make sure you're fully occupied during the day."
7 Quentin Filmore "No. Please. I promise I'll be good."
8 Nathan Filmore "Sorry Quentin, maybe you'll learn your lesson this time."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Quentin Filmore "Hey dad, are you ready?"
2 Nathan Filmore "Ready for what?"
3 Quentin Filmore "To work on my project...you told me you would help me work on my project tonight."
4 Nathan Filmore "Oh shoot, that's right. It must have slipped my mind, I'm afraid I can't tonight. I have too much work to do. I'm sorry."[Note 6]
5 Quentin Filmore "Oh. It's okay."
6 Nathan Filmore "I'll make it up to you, I promise. Next week."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. The responding character can be either Alice or Julia Thompson, with the same lines. However, Janet Thompson has a single line that depends on which one of the two she is talking to.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Janet Thompson "Have you finished all your work?"
2 Alice or Julia Thompson "Yup. Can I go play now?"
3 Janet Thompson "You're done studying? You have nothing left?"
4 Alice or Julia Thompson "Yes..."
5 Janet Thompson "Julia, tell me the truth."
"Alice, tell me the truth."
6 Alice or Julia Thompson "Well it's almost all done..."
7 Janet Thompson "All right, well if you are so confident then why don't I quiz you right now."
8 Alice or Julia Thompson "Uh...wait. Actually there might be something else I missed. I think I should read it again to be safe."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Enrico Thompson "What's wrong? You look upset."
2 Janet Thompson "Nothing... I saw the synth Shaun today. There's something about him that just makes me sad."
3 Enrico Thompson "Why? He's not perfect, but he's a remarkable step forward for the program. You all did an amazing job."
4 Janet Thompson "No I know, but I can't stop thinking about him. He's supposed to be an exact replica of a child but that's all he'll ever be. It feels wrong."
5 Enrico Thompson "I don't understand what the issue is. He is as real as any child I've ever seen."
6 Janet Thompson "That! We gave him every capability of a real child, except a future. He'll never age, he'll never be allowed to grow up or have a family of his own."
7 Enrico Thompson "So you're worried about what will happen to him?"
8 Janet Thompson "He'll be a child forever...Sometimes I feel we have no right to do the things we do, just because we can is not a reason. I think we made a mistake."
9 Enrico Thompson "Janet, don't say things like that. Someone might not understand, and take it the wrong way."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Julia Thompson "Can we have another bed time story tonight?"
2 Alice Thompson "Oh yeah, can we? Like a really exciting surface story... maybe about Super Mutants shooting people?"
3 Julia Thompson "No. Not a scary one. I don't want a surface story."
4 Alice Thompson "Oh, come on. It's just a story."
5 Enrico Thompson "Girls, enough, Daddy spent all day fixing a generator, and isn't doing stories tonight. Maybe tomorrow."
6 Julia Thompson "Awww."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM. It also uses a single randomized response.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Brendan Volkert "How was your day?"
2 Dean Volkert "Complicated...and long."
3 Brendan Volkert "What did you work on?"
4 Dean Volkert "Extremely theoretical bioscience, I'd bore you."
5 Brendan Volkert "No, I'm really interested in this stuff. Try me."
6 Dean Volkert "Just a lot of headaches over antigens and immunogens."
"Just a little theoretical gene and virotherapy in relation to hypothetical biotechnological treatments."
"Just examining fauna and it'sIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar potential to produce oncolytic viruses through genetic modification."
7 Brendan Volkert "Yeah, that's...my...favorite subject."
8 Dean Volkert "I'm glad you're finally taking an interest in science, son. Keep up the good work."


Note: This is a dynamic conversation which may occur only once per day between 6 AM and 10 PM.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Dean Volkert "Brendan, were you hanging around [[Institute Advanced Systems|AdvanceIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Systems]] today?"
2 Brendan Volkert "Yeah...but only for like five minutes...why? Wait, let me guess, Doctor Watson complained about me again."
3 Dean Volkert "Yes, exactly. Doctor Watson said you were disturbing members of his lab today and he had to ask you to leave."
4 Brendan Volkert "I wasn't disturbing anyone. I said hello to Rosalind and he kicked me out for no reason. The guy hates me."
5 Dean Volkert "He doesn't hate you. He just hates that you distract people while they have important work to do."
6 Dean Volkert "Brendan, just stop going over there and this won't be a problem anymore."
7 Brendan Volkert "I'm not making any promises."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene at the entrance to Institute Robotics which is triggered by walking to that area for the first time.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Enrico Thompson "Remember to keep unnecessary power consumption to a minimum. Don't recharge unless your primary levels are below two percent."
2 "Also, if you haven't patched your navigation software, do so after this meeting."
3 "The last thing we need is more synths bumping into walls."
4 "Alright, that's all for now. You can resume your duties."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene between two specific scientists standing at the railing near the water in the Advanced Systems quadrant of the concourse.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute worker "When are you going to tell me about this mysterious Phase 3?"
2 Institute scientist "You know I can't talk about that."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene outside the Directorate boardroom between Lawrence Higgs and a Gen 1 synth which can be triggered by walking to that area for the first time.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Lawrence Higgs "You call this a clean floor? Are your visual receptors malfunctioning? Can you not see the grime and dust?"
2 Synth "My apologies, sir. I was issued a defective cleansing unit."
3 Lawrence Higgs "Don't make excuses. You're clearly defective, and I intend to report this. Perhaps after you've been disassembled, we can use your components to make something that's actually useful."
4 Synth "Yes, sir."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene outside the synth requisition officer's stall which can be triggered by walking to that area for the first time. The Institute scientist in this scene is defined to be female, while the synth is defined to be a gen-1.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Almost done. Just need to tighten up this primary drive servo."
2 Allie Filmore "That's the third primary drive breakdown this month. As far as I'm concerned, the phase-out on these older models can't come soon enough."
3 Institute scientist "Oh, I don't know. Most of them have lasted long past their projected lifespans. If you ask me, they were built pretty well."
4 Allie Filmore "I can't argue with that. Even so, I'm ready to see the full gen-3 rollout."
5 Institute scientist "There we go. All set. Unit, you can return to duty."
6 "Thank you, ma'am."
7 Allie Filmore "Thanks again."
8 Institute scientist "Of course."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene at the entrance to Synth Retention which can be triggered by walking to that area for the first time.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute courser "You know the protocol, sir. Authorized personnel only."
2 Newton Oberly "So, Doctor Ayo thinks he can hide in his office, does he? Well, you can tell him that I intend to speak to Father about these unannounced security sweeps of yours. Ransacking my quarters in the middle of the night is totally unacceptable."
3 Institute courser "I'll pass along your message, doctor."
4 Newton Oberly "See that you do."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene inside the clinic which can be triggered by walking to that area for the first time.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Dean Volkert "No visible reaction to the K-14 compound. We'll start the next trial, then. The dosage will be much larger this time, and the side effects will likely be more pronounced."
2 Synth "Will there be any pain?"
3 Dean Volkert "I honestly don't know. I suppose it's your job to find out. Now hold still."
4 Dean Volkert "There, all done. You can return to your duties, and remember to record every symptom you experience in detail."
5 Synth "I hope I'll prove a useful test subject for you, doctor."
6 Dean Volkert "Mm hm."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene at the synth cafeteria worker's counter which can be triggered by walking into the cafeteria for the first time. The scientist in this scene is defined to be male.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Is it true food supplement 77 has been discontinued?"
2 Synth cafeteria worker "That is correct."
3 Institute scientist "That was my favorite one. Can't we keep it a little longer?"
4 Synth cafeteria worker "I will be happy to forward your request to the BioScience division. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy one of our other nutritious and flavorful food supplements."
5 Institute scientist "I want supplement 77."
6 Synth cafeteria worker "I am sorry, sir, but that supplement is no longer available."
7 Institute scientist "Useless machine."


  1. The voice line and the subtitles do not match. In the voice line, Alan Binet says, approximately "Liam, what did you do all day?"
  2. The voice line and the subtitles do not match. In the voice line, Liam Binet says, approximately, "That sounds like code for 'it's definitely something to worry about and I can't talk about it.' How bad is it?"
  3. Liam says "Well" before the rest of the subtitled line.
  4. In the voice line, Alan only says "Prying open closed minds one at a time."
  5. In the voiceline, Nathan says "oh no" before speaking the rest of the subtitled line.
  6. In the voiceline, Nathan adds "Quentin, I..." before saying "It must have slipped my mind."