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The following are conversations between NPCs which may occur only within Institute SRB in Fallout 4. Some of these conversations may employ randomized prompts and responses, and some may be dependent on certain quest conditions. Unless otherwise specified, assume all conversations below are dynamically-occurring (i.e. may occur at any time).


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene which is initiated by entering Institute SRB for the first time. The speakers will stand in the room to the left from the entrance hallway.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Justin Ayo "I'm seriously thinking of heading over to Robotics to knock some heads together."
2 Alana Secord "What now?"
3 Justin Ayo "They're dragging their feet on the targeting package upgrades I asked for. Maybe I should take some Coursers with me. You know, send a message."
4 Alana Secord "Please don't. There's enough friction as it is between us and pretty much all the other departments."
5 Justin Ayo "You going soft on me, Alana? My methods get results, and they will this time. You'll see."[Note 1]


Note: This conversation uses randomized prompts and responses.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Justin Ayo "Has X5-76 checked in yet?"
"Any new data from the northwest sector? It's been quiet up there."
"Any new leads on that sighting in Quincy?"
2 Alana Secord "Not that I'm aware of."
"Not since the last report."
"I don't think so, no."
3 Justin Ayo "Hm, better keep an eye on that."
"Let's hope we hear something soon."


Note: This conversation uses randomized prompts and responses.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Alana Secord "Just heard from robotics. Sounds like the Courser upgrades have been rescheduled for next month."
"Advanced Systems just sent a message. They denied that request you put in for sub-dermal armor."
"Just got an update on the repairs to X1-91. It's going to take a few more weeks."
2 Justin Ayo "Bastards are dragging their feet just to make a point."
"Great. That's just great."
"This is such bullshit. They're doing this just to piss me off."


Note: This conversation uses randomized prompts and responses.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Alana Secord "Just had a sighting near Poseidon Energy."
"Got a fresh hit just north of the ironworks."
"New report from up near Abernathy Farm. Looks legit."
2 Justin Ayo "Who's in that sector?"
"Tell me we've got a unit out that way."
"Remind who's covering that area."[Note 2]
3 Alana Secord "Right now, just X2-71"In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
"Let me think... it's, uh... X3-37"In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
"Pretty sure it's X7-55"In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
4 Justin Ayo "Set him loose, then."
"Let's start a track."
"Send orders to investigate and pursue."


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Secord, I've just been informed that a Courser in grid J-twelve has stumbled across a rogue synth completely by accident."
2 Alana Secord "What model?"
3 Institute scientist "A gen-3, designation S1-14. The report indicates that it has no memory of the Institute or that it is a synth."
4 Alana Secord "That unit's been missing for months."
5 Institute scientist "Seeing as how this was not the initial target, how should we proceed?"
6 Alana Secord "Bring it back here for reset. We'll send the Courser back out immediately after."


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Ayo, we've had a...uh...situation in the field."
2 Justin Ayo "What is it this time?"
3 Institute scientist "One of our Courser teams was ambushed by raiders. They survived, but suffered severe damage and can't relay back."
4 Justin Ayo "Damnit! It's not like I have a limitless number of Coursers to put in the field.[Note 3] Alright, send two Coursers for the extraction. Tell them to proceed with caution, those raiders might still be around."
5 Institute scientist "If we do that, we'll be down to the minimum number of on-site units."
6 Justin Ayo "We don't have a choice. Let's hope those geniuses in Robotics get off their asses and provide us with some new units."[Note 4]


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor, we've located a group of abandoned gen-1 synths on the surface. How should we proceed?"
2 Justin Ayo or Alana Secord "Interesting...Engage with extreme aggression, these gen-ones are likely to be hostile."
3 Institute scientist "The Coursers will destroy them, shouldn't we try to reclaim them in an operational state?"
4 Justin Ayo or Alana Secord "Then we'll strip them for parts once they get back here. Find me when they've returned."
5 Institute scientist "Yes, of course."


  1. The subtitles are missing two words in the second sentence. In the voiceline, Justin says "My methods get results, and they will this time as well. You'll see."
  2. The subtitles are missing a word; Justin's full voiceline is "Remind me who's covering that area."
  3. The first sentence's voiceline does not match its subtitles. In the voiceline, Justin says, approximately, "Damnit! It's not like we have numerous retrieval teams at our disposal! What does the current field team need to complete the mission?"
  4. The voiceline does not match the subtitles at all. In the voiceline, Justin says, approximately, "Alright, retrieve them and prep another team! And tell them to be careful. I can't afford to lose any more coursers."