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This is a transcript for dialogue with Institute worker.


1-{Angry} You traitor!
2{Angry} I knew you'd turn on us!
3{Angry} We trusted you!
4{Impressed, friend} You're here! Glad you made it.
5{Polite, but a bit concerned} All this must be a little overwhelming for you.
6{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} Power armor, huh? You take down a Brotherhood soldier?
7{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} Seeing you in that power armor makes me think we should design some of our own.
8{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} I bet Doctor Thompson would love to take that power armor apart and get a look at the inner workings.
9{Distracted, almost rhetorical} Feels like this project has been going on for months...
10{Disapproving} Please don't get any germs on me.
11{Rhetorical, a bit irritated} Do we really need all these Coursers roaming the halls?
12{Friendly, upbeat} Rumor is, Advanced Systems will be starting a new Dark Matter initiative soon.
13{Somber} So you were there the day the bombs fell? That must have been terrifying.
14{Friendly, upbeat} Mankind - redefined. It's catchy, isn't it?
15{Disdain} I can't imagine living on the surface. It sounds like a nightmare.
16{Exasperated} Three levels of approval. Do you believe that? Three!
17{Impressed} Father was a great leader. I'm glad you're here to succeed him.
18{Impressed} Father's a great man. You must be very proud.
19{Polite, but a bit concerned} You wouldn't happen to have a spare polarizer on you, would you?
20{A little hero worship / Friendly} Father's work has been a real inspiration for me.
21{A little hero worship / Friendly} I think more clearly while I'm walking.
22{Cheerful, friendly / Friendly} Theoretical limits are made to be broken.
23{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Good day.
24{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Good day, director.
25{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Hi there.
26{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Excuse me.
27{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Excuse me, director.